Don't understand Girl.


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Jun 16, 2005
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Hello All,

I just wanted a few tips from you guys as to what I’ve done as of now is right and what should I do further.

Well, there is this girl I liked in school. And she was in a relationship, she knew I liked her too. Finally, when she broke up, I dunno why but I tried to help a little in repatching them up, but it didn’t work out. This was about a month back

I’ve spoken with her quite a few times and she knows me pretty well. She used to ask me for hints as to who I liked, and she understood them to be her. .. but she never told me so.

Now , there were a few rumours going around. And I went and asked her, besides the rumours … by any chance do I mean anything more than a friend to you? She’s like … I know what you mean but I ….
I immediately, told her to take some time before answering.

When I got home, her best friend adds me on MSN. And she’s like … you know she’s gone through a lot after the break up and there’s one guy in class who’s been bad mouthing us about you … but I know I can’t trust him and I believe you are pretty different.
Her friend told me, there’s no doubt she likes you too. Infact, she knew it from ages you liked her … she was just waiting for you to come out and admit it.
She told me , that the girl was going to tell me a no in school as she didn’t want to go through this again. I was like oh I understand. But the friend tells me that, I told her to reconsider and tell only after she actually thought it off. I’m like, yeah that’s fine. Thanks for it.

Later, we spoke for some time and she’s like, her friend would absolutely enjoy my company. Then after a day, she tells me I asked her about her decision and she went quiet. So I said, its okay … I understand if it’s a no. She said, no … she hasn’t said anything yet. But she said I was really sweet and she really liked the talks we had.

Then today, the girl I like calls me and tells me , listen “its not a no, and its not a yes”. I’m like, wow, thats like the NAM movement, your neither with the USSR powerblock nor the US. She’s like yeah lol, but you see … I’ve gone through a lot and I don’t want to just say yes without meaning it. Could we just go on like this for a little bit more time?
I said okay. But how long would be some more time … she’s like I really don’t know.

Then later, we small talk about some stuff, school and all. She tells me you’re a really nice guy, but I just need some time. I told her, yeah I know I’m pretty nice … but don’t think I’m going to say the same to you :p . She told me I knew about you since long. Then she’s like why didn’t you tell me before? I told her … that I thought 2 people just understood there was no reason to say it out. But , my friends told me that’s not the way it works … so I went ahead and told you. She’s like yea lol, I understood all the hints you gave me … but I just wanted to be sure. Her mom is our librarian .... and she tells me, my mom actually likes you. I'm like wow, there a yes from the mom then :p.

.... So basically, I just wanted your views at where I messed up and secondly from the above , what do I expect? When she told me about the .. I've gone through a lot I and your really sweet ... I thought it was no.
But then she tells me about her Mom, and like she was just waiting for me to tell her ... I think it might be a yes.

PS: I really like the girl and she’s no one that I can just “next”. So any ideas?

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
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in front of my computer
talk to her a little bit less, see other girls.

in my experience, girls very rarely say they want more time if they really like the guy, they usually just say yes. BUT if you play a little on her jealousies, like hang out with other girls, then she will beg you to come back


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Jun 16, 2005
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Well, actually what happened was that her previous just left her , without telling her why. He just all of a sudden started acting like a ****head and left her.
So , she's like I don't know if you'd do the same to me.

I told her there's no use telling what I'd do. Because if it comes out of me ... it doesn't sound right. But, I told her, I would never ever think of doing that really.

Also, summer is approaching so there' barely a week left. Do I tell her towards the end of the week. That I want an answer atleast now? ... or would it sound desperate?

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
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in front of my computer
ya, and like i said, the reason she said no doesn't usually matter. if she REALLY liked you that much, she would just date you anyways.

think about it, if you were dating a girl that left you, and then afterwards you meet a hot girl that wants to date you, do you say no? probably not. but if the girl is not someone that you would want to date, then you could use the last girl leaving you as an excuse to get out of it.

sorry buddy, not trying to be harsh but its a cold reality. Like with anything, I could be wrong but i very highly doubt it.

stay in contact with her over the summer, see her occasionally, and see other girls. then when you do see her, make sure she knows how much fun your having with these other girls. she will start wanting you again. Dont try to force anything on her, just hang out as friends, things will happen for you. then, when the time is right, kiss her. right on the lips

nathan has spoken :cool:


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Jun 16, 2005
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Umm, Nathan.

The place where I live is pretty small and we are not very broad minded about girl to boy relationships. And sex before marriage is literally seen as a crime :p.

The only reason, she's taking time I believe is that cause she wants to stick to her decision. You know, she's so loyal ... that when she was in a relationship with the other guy. People were telling stuff about him, that was actually true. But she didn't believe it. And , the day he broke up ... she was like so depressed, silently sobbing the whole day in school.
So for her, having a relationship isn't just fun. She actually understands that we need to be through thick and thin.

Also, she told me. I could say yes now .. but I wouldn't mean it. But she could have just said, I could give a decision now ... but I wouldn't mean it.
Maybe I'm overanalysing too much, but I guess there could be a slight possiblity, no?

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
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in front of my computer
like i said, i could be wrong. no offence meant, but maybe this isn't the kind of girl you want. girls that are dependant on relationships are not alot of fun to be around.

i gave you my advice on what you should do, take it or leave it.


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Jun 16, 2005
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You were right, I guess.

This guy who badmouths them about me, told her ex. And then the ex went and told her he wants to be one again. And she's agreed in a heartbeat. She's just looking for a way to tell me **** off you piece ****, politely.

I suck man. I'm a looser


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
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when she broke up, I dunno why but I tried to help a little in repatching them up

You ended any possiblity with this girl before it even had a chance to start. You put yourself in her 'friend zone'. It doesn't surprise me that she tried to keep you hanging around to make herself feel good.

But she said I was really sweet and she really liked the talks we had

Oh yeah, she's definitely into you as a 'friend'. Girls don't talk like this about guys they find sexy.

Then today, the girl I like calls me and tells me , listen “its not a no, and its not a yes”.

Translation: 'You make a great emotional tampon, I think I'll keep you around a little longer'.

And then the ex went and told her he wants to be one again. And she's agreed in a heartbeat

Of course she did. She was 'attracted' to him, not you. She probably felt affection for you, not attraction, big difference.


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Jun 16, 2005
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I would like to kick myself so ****ing hard too ... but really despite doing such things, she didn't like me as a friend there was something else ... the way she acted towards me. Keeping on turning in class and looking at what I am doing. And some times, I used to not tell her Hi for a few days ... so she's like what happened are you angry or someting? No greetings now?
And when I used to tell her best friends hi ... they were like, you've forgotten the main one you want to say Hi too and then she would start blushing. There are quite a few other mundane things ... that point towards showing attraction, but I guess I got it all wrong.

Anyways, there's no use of all that . I'm a jerk, period. But , now if she comes to school and tells me she wants to still remain friends and hopes this doesn't affect it and crap. Is there something that I can say so that she feels that what she did was wrong?
And just if , her bf leaves her again and she comes to me ... should I accept her? or tell her to get lost as she screwed my feelings?


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
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I'm a jerk, period.

You're not a Jerk bro, you just handled the situation wrong. No biggie, it happens to everyone. Learn from your mistakes.

if she comes to school and tells me she wants to still remain friends and hopes this doesn't affect it and crap. Is there something that I can say so that she feels that what she did was wrong?

No, because she didn't do anything wrong. Maybe at one point she did feel some sort of attraction to you, but for whatever reason (and i think we know what that is), those feelings went away. Know what I'm saying? You got your feelings hurt, so you're thinking she did something wrong.

And just if , her bf leaves her again and she comes to me ... should I accept her?

Sure you can accept her, but ONLY after you've made her work for it. She has to qualify herself to you bro. If this happens, don't make it easy for her. She'll respect you more this way, believe me.

However, that being said, DO NOT waist anymore time with this girl. Get out there and find someone else and try not to make the same mistakes twice.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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DAMN, can this post get any longer, dont feeling like reading the whole thing. But before you start asking questions like this, come prepared. You should have been reading the BIBLE, the DJ bible that is. If you did that then you wouldn't have to ask that question.


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Jun 16, 2005
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Hello Again,

Well, I met her in school and we tried to be normal but I just couldn't ... her friends were talking with me only today.

She'd called me and told me she hoped if we could remain friends .... I told her maybe I'll try but I guess there's bound to be some difference. So she heard this as 'distance' and her friend tell me she started crying a lot .... the friend tells her if you don't like him, why the heck are you crying? .... She said ... she's doing so due to the loss of a friend.
Then , her friend tells me to come online and I'm like why? She says just simply ... I said fine, I'll see.

Then I go around 15 min later then the time she says ... and the girl I like signs in too ... she messages me and tries to be normal .. but I guess I couldn't just be the same. So there were like one line messages after every 7ish minutes. Finally she tells me this

ok listen i jus ahv to say it....listen im really sorry.....i dont ever mean to hurt u .....never....but imnot sure if this will work out....i even look at u school...i feel lik the worst person int he world.......4 hurting sum1 so sweet as u.....i dunno y im saying this ow.....i wanted to tell u all this on the phone but i really sorry...mayb if its destined 4 us....well see later.

I don't understand why she cares so much, if she never looked at me with attraction.

And I know it sounds weird but how can I make her work it out if she wants to come back to me .... I dunno why but even after she did all this to me, I can't think of hurting her. I mean if she comes back to me and tell me she wants to be together ... how do I respond? Please could someone give me a hand here? I'm really confused now ... And She never went back to her boyfriend ... that piece of **** tells her ... I really love you and crap ... but I just want to remain best friends ....

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
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in front of my computer
Originally posted by The_Shezzler
One word


She dosnt care about you - she is an AW - ive experienced girls just like this - NEXT her

Its hard i know - but you cant go around trying to please HER!

THink about yourself - you and you only.

There are plenty of fish in the sea - you just gotta put out the right bait.

Remember - if she dosnt say yes - then NEXT

good luck my friend
motion seconded