Don't Treat All Women The Same


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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There’s a post in the DJ Bible by Anti-Dump that’s titled “Treat All Women the Same.” Anti-Dump’s post was only meant for the initial stages of dating, the first two months, but some have taken this to mean all of the time.

This is, however, a completely incorrect approach because all women are not the same and do not always want the same thing. Is the 9.0 Biker-Chick the same as the 7.0 Shy Girl Social-Worker. Obviously not.

This also means that different DJ tactics will work differently on different women. Sometimes, a DJ tactic will not work at all on a particular girl and may even backfire. In other cases, however, one tactic will be particularly effective.

You have to adjust your game to what your woman really deep down wants. My DJ philosophy is that all we are really trying to do is give women what they really want, what they really respond to and what they really need. If you’re giving them what they really want, then you are getting yours.

This is similar to demonstrating value to a potential prospect, but it is more like demonstrating the ultimate value in the longer-term. And it is different than supplicating. Do you think your target really wants a boot-licker?

If you ask a woman what she really wants, you will almost always get some politically-correct answer such as “a nice guy who is open with me, makes me laugh and treats me really good.”

But the simple fact is that this girl has probably always fallen for the bad boy, the class clown, the alpha male guy who drives the hopped-up camaro or the guy who treats her really bad.

But this is not one of those “women only go for jerks” arguments because I don’t believe in that argument. Some girls really do want a nice guy and to be treated right. You just need to find out what her definition of “right” really is.

Just to warn you first, there will be a lot of generalizations in this post. Obviously, not every situation you come across will fit into the same box all the time. These types of generalizations, however, will really improve your odds of being successful in the long-run but will not always be the right move in every situation. The post is also designed to fit real life a little closer than most DJ discussion topics land on. I expect there to be lots of criticism.

So how do you adjust your game to what the object of your desire really wants.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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1. Find out what she really responds to.

Elicit Values

You need to elicit her end-values and you need to get past her initial politically-correct answers. You need to dig deeper. This link from fast.seduction explains it pretty well. Please read it before you go farther. Later, I will take this post in a little different direction.

Past Relationships

I’ve found that the best predictor of what a woman really wants is the guys that she has chosen in the past and the way those boyfriends have treated her. If she has only gone out with bad boys in the past, then chances are this is what she really wants no matter how much she complains about them. If she has only dated rich guys then she values what money, wealth and possessions bring her. If she has only dated nice preppy guys then she probably wants a nice stylish guy.

If her relationships have always been filled with lots of fights and arguments, then she probably feels most comfortable in a nasty conflict-filled relationship. If she brings up how her last boyfriend was into really wild kinky sex, no matter how much she says she hated it, she’s really into it. She wouldn’t have brought it up otherwise. The last guy she was with wanted to get serious right away and that turned her off . You get the picture.

Sometimes we are told to not let her talk about her past relationships. This is wrong. Find out all you can about her by what happened with her past boyfriends. If anything, you will learn a lot about what she will be like in a potential relationship with you. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. If she’s cheated on boyfriends before, chances are, she will do it again. This means that she’ll cheat on her boyfriend with you or on you if you get into a relationship with her.

A good discussion topic is one-night-stands. The topic always comes up eventually. If she’s had any ONSs, obviously find out what happened. Maybe the guy was a real smooth-talker. If that’s the case, then patterns and fantasies and romantic discussions will work on her. Maybe the guys were really bold and really sexual with her. She then likes guys who are confident and really go for what they want. Maybe she was really drunk. Sh1t, buy her a double shooter then.

After most of my ONSs and my frequent first-date sex nights, the explanation I have heard from the girl most often was “You just wanted me so much.” These types of chicks really respond to sexual aggression and your passion. If that’s what she responds to, then keep giving that to her stupid. (This is also one of the most effective tactics to get around the anti-slut-defence btw, your “I really want you” passion.)

If possible, absolutely find out what her sexual relationship was like with her past boyfriends. In my experience, chicks come with two different sexual flavours with two different types each. They are either High Drive or Low Drive and then prefer Run-of- the-Mill Sex or Wild Adventurous Sex. Find out what types they are and then deliver what she wants. (of course, low drive women should be discarded.)

What Emotional Triggers Does She Respond To

Early in your interactions with her, you should experiment with different emotional triggers for her. I normally put Challenge, Excitement, Romance, Argument, Social Proof / Jealousy, Fantasy, Humor, Anger, Confidence, Entertainment and even Boredom into this category even though most are not emotions. But they do “trigger” an emotional response in her.

Chances are you will never figure out the emotion she feels as a result of these triggers and that doesn’t really matter. If she’s feeling anything, negative or positive, you’re better off than if she’s feeling nothing. Positive emotions are better than negative ones but negative emotions are better than no emotions. Experiment to find out which things you can do that evoke an emotional response in her.

If she steps out of line a little on one of your initial dates, for example, try getting a little angry with her and see what happens. While you are expending some rapport with her in the short-term, you will have learned something very valuable for your success with her in the long-term.

And note that her emotional reaction will not always be immediate. Most girls take a day or two to process and talk to their friends before they respond to a trigger. This is particularly true for the negative triggers such as Anger. With positive triggers such as Excitement, you can usually see the reaction right away but it will still take her some time to begin associating that excitement positively with your presence. Take a few days to make a final assessment of what her response really is to any particular trigger.

Her Self-Esteem Level

Some women just generally have low self esteem (LSE). They think they are less pretty than they really are. They think they don’t deserve to be treated well (this one is quite common.) They don’t want to face the pressure of being better than they think they are. Deep down, they don’t feel good about who they are even though they may put on passable façade. You can pick up on this rather easily.

If she ever says “you’re too good to me” or “I don’t deserve you”, stop what you doing on the spot. You need to be a lot less nice. If she ever says “I’m never ever going to be anything” or “I’m nothing compared to …” or “I just want to be a stewardess”, you have a woman with LSE.

LSE women do not want everything to be perfect. They like a rough edge. They don’t want to be called beautiful because it goes against their inner belief system. They just think you’re lying to get into their pants. Play it cool with these type of women. An occasional complement is okay but most of the time they respond to a little reinforcement of their LSE and possibly even a lot of rough treatment. These women play a lot of games and test you a lot. They are also sometimes outrageous attention wh0res because their self-esteem is directly related to the attention they get from men.

HSE girls come in two flavours: Conceited or Mature / Like-the-Person-They-Are girls.

HSE-Conceited chicks respond most favorably to Challenge, Neg-Hits, Social Proof, Patterns, Excitement and Lack of Attention from you. We’ve seen it all before. In a way, this is the most common girl discussed on this site. These chicks are often the attention wh0res, the gold-diggers and the professional daters.

HSE-Mature women respond most favorably to being treated well, classic dates and you being a Real Man. They are often looking for more of a complete package in a guy and the traditional approach is the one to take. These are the quality chicks.

A girl’s looks will often play into her self-esteem level but I think its better to look at this in relative terms. A 6.0 HSE-Mature woman will have to settle for less quality in a guy than a 9.0 HSE-Mature woman but they will often respond the same way to the approach you take.

Important Issues that are Repeated

Another good way to assess what she really wants is defining moments from her past and things that are important to her. Is there something she continually brings up on your dates? It can be something from her past, something about pop culture, things her friends do that bother her or even how hard it is for her to do her make-up in the morning. The key is that there has to be repetition of the issue. If she mentions something more than a few times, listen up, this is really important to her. Sometimes these things are very innocuous and we miss them.

Dig a little deeper and find out why this is important to her. “I’ve noticed you talk a lot about guys hitting on you. You actually get a little kick out of that don’t you? (with sly grin on your face to keep her defences down.) Chances are she’s an Attention Wh0re. If she is, then encourage her to dress sexier, put her in the spot-light and never let your jealous side show (and of course write her off as LTR material but have some fun in the meantime.)

Family Background and Friends

Her childhood and her relationship with family members is also a good indictor. A lot of women are really looking for a man who is just like their father or someone who is the man their father never was. Pay particular attention to this and if you ever meet her father, spend some time gauging what kind of guy he is and what kind of traits he has. The same goes for mothers.

Listen to how she talks about him and whether she respects him or not. “Dad never stood up to mom”, means she is looking for the guy to take charge and not take any of her sh1t. “Dad was so good to my mom and she didn’t really appreciate it” means she’s looking for a good guy just like her father. This is the same dad doing the same things, but the girl’s reaction to it is completely opposite.
If her family has a lot of fights or interact with each other through lots of insults etc., then she probably likes a guy who can verbally jest with her, not take her insults personally as well give back as good as she is giving. I’ve seen this a lot. Its not that she thinks this way is better, it is just that this is the way she has learned to and feels most comfortable in interacting. If the family is close and loving, she will think cuddling with you on the couch is great and will get turned-on by it.

Of course, chicks from dysfunctional and broken families are damaged goods. Most often, they want you to keep your distance and will be turned-off if you are touchy feely. These chicks often thrive on emotional highs and lows such as extreme excitement and thrills, over the top romance interspersed with fights and arguments and coldness. They are often the Drama Queens.

Chicks will hang out with a peer group of girl friends which are most like them. A girl’s friends will have more influence on her than any one else. Never say “Well, she hangs out with a pretty wild crowd but she is not like them at all.” Wrong, she is exactly like them. Maybe her wild days are five years behind her. But more than likely, she will still respond to the wild, take chances, bad boy guy.

I personally ignore any comments about the traits of her guy friends. Most of the time, this is poor indicator of what she really responds to and you can be misled. Sometimes she will actually respond positively to certain traits of her guy friends while at other times, she will be sexually turned-off by them. Use other indicators instead.

Where and how she grew up is often an indicator of how to treat her. An old saying goes “My uncle Sam always told me to marry a farm girl who likes to fvck?” (I’ve had a few of those and I can verify that its true). Did she grow up poor, in a small town, in the projects. A poor chick, for example, will either value savings and frugalness or will only want a rich guy. Farm girls like you to be straight up with them.

Her Sociability

Does your girl like to go out and socialize a lot. Well, she ain’t going to be happy staying home most of the time. Clearly, if you want her to hang around, you’re going to have to take her out more. There is no more clear example of how you can not treat all women the same than this.

However, do not think that this means you should become her entertainer. Do you think that is what she really wants and really responds to? No, she just wants to go out a little more than the average girl. Everything else still applies.

Dig Deeper

She says “I’m really looking for a romantic guy.” You should ask her about the most romantic thing a guy has ever done for her and then keep prodding to find out what was the real end result of that romantic act. Did she fvck him that night? Did she break up with him soon after? Did she say I would have married him but he broke up with me?

Politically correct type values can sometimes be true but you need to dig deeper to find out if that value is really something she responds to.

I had one girlfriend who kept talking about all these trips her past boyfriends took her on. Of course, she was a gold-digger but she was hot and I really needed a vacation. But the more we discussed these trips, all she could talk about was how they were disasters and the boyfriend fvcked up on the hotel reservations etc. It became clear that she viewed these trips as a form of supplication and I went on a golf trip with my buds instead. She really upped her affection level after this, not surprisingly.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
2. Can You Deliver.

If she just wants to fight and you’re not into that, then move on. If she only dates rich guys and your career prospects are not that great, then move on.

However, if you don’t mind the occasional fight (and make-up sex of course), by all means, go to it. You would really be surprised how many women want a man who will argue with them a little. Drama Queens love the drama and if you are not giving it to them, they will find a way to invent it for you.

Some girls want to spend a lot of time with their guy. If she says “my old boy-friend was always out partying with his friends”, then she is more needy than average. If you don’t mind freeing up some extra time for her, then do it. On the other hand, she still wants a guy who is not all that into her.

If she is an attention wh0re and you’re not prepared to encourage her in this behavior, then you should move on. On the other hand, if you get her to go up and dance on the speakers, she will be so hot when you get home and will love you more for supporting this need.

If you can’t deliver what she really wants, she will not be happy and your relationship will be doomed to failure.

On the other hand, very few guys will have this perspective of delivering what she really wants (they will think on superficial terms only.) She says “I want to go on a trip” and most guys will take her on that trip. With this new toolbox and a little questioning, you will know that what she really wants is for you to say No. So chances are, you are going to be “better” to her than any guy she has ever met.

There are, however, are few male characteristics that chicks universally respond to. Those are Good Looks, Confidence, Dominance/Leading, Challenge, Playfulness, Emotional Control and Good Sex.

You simply have to pass her physical attraction test first. She will have a preferred look and a basic minimum qualification. Maybe you only barely pass this test, but this is where having a quality skill set puts you above all the other guys who also pass her physical attraction test.

A Confident guy is demonstrating value to her on so many important levels. First, Confidence says, based on my past experience, I can handle anything. I’m Confident because I know who I am and who knows me better than myself. It is the ultimate form of social proof.

Confident guys are also more successful in life (good interpersonal skills) and more successful in business (will be good providers). Confident guys also take the steps to keep the relationship moving and on-track (the approach, the connection, the close, the relationship, the first argument, the baby etc.) Chicks instinctively seek out guys who are good relationship material and the first test of that is Confidence. Notice how the above qualities are different than conceit which some people think is the same as confidence.

No matter how much a women says she wants a 50/50 relationship, they all want the Man to lead the relationship and take the dominant male position. This means being a man, saying no, passing her sh1t tests and being in control (not the same as a “controlling” guy.) A LSE Shy girl, for example, is particularly looking for this. To her, a dominant guy is a saviour because he takes away the need for her to do the thing that she hates doing the most, taking the initiative. The only women who don’t “respond” to you taking the dominant role are the chicks that you don’t want anyway (the Control-Freak B1tches.)

Challenge has been discussed many times before on this board. I think of it more in terms of her having a fear of potentially losing you (a huge motivational factor for all people.) The other side is that it stimulates her need to win you over (another huge motivation for men and women.) HSE-Conceited chicks respond to the latter factor while many LSE women respond to both or the first motivation only. HSE-Mature women respond slightly to both factors but you can carry this too far with them.

I have never met a woman that did not respond to Playfulness. Playfulness as in when third-grade Johnny teased her, pulled her hair, kissed her right after and then ran away laughing. Playfulness as in Deangelo’s ****y and Funny. Playfulness demonstrates that you will not be “too” serious and boring. Initially, I think women respond to this because you are demonstrating that you are “safe”. This is a primal need of women and remember, even the weakest guy can beat up the strongest girl. They have the right and the need to avoid serious, uptight guys who can be problems down the road if not be dangerous to her. The Scared-of-Men chick always seeks out a playful guy.

Playfulness is also interpreted by women as Flirting. And chicks love to flirt. Later on in the relationship, she sees that the “playful you” is better than the “boring serious you” simply because its more fun.

Playful guys also take the pressure off the girl. A lot of women hate pressure and stress and would rather flake on you than face that pressure. The huge serious lead-up to you asking her for her number created a stressful situation for her and she just excuses herself instead. Later she thinks “I really wanted to go out with him, why did I run away? Oh well, too late now. I will have to avoid him in the future because I will be so embarrassed.” These women are Flakers and Stress-Avoiders and they really respond to playfulness.

Women do not want you to cry, no matter how many times you might hear “I want a guy who can just be himself and even cry if front of me”. Sorry, bullsh1t. They also do not want a guy who will lose his temper inappropriately (remember the danger aspect) or a guy who will let life’s little set-backs get him down. They don’t want you to ever complain about anything. “Men are such babies when they are sick”. Bullsh1t, most men suffer in silence when they are sick and it is women who complain more about being sick.

Lack of control over your emotions, especially including anger, sorrow, and depression, is interpreted by women as weakness and no sane woman wants a weak man.

Finally, women don’t want sex, they want good sex.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
3. She is Going to Test You to See if You Can Deliver

We sometimes mistake chicks for being a B1tch or having some particular Nextable characteristic when all she is really doing is testing you. She needs to test you to see if you are the guy she is looking for, to see if you have the qualities that she responds to.

Women mostly do this subconsciously and will even feel guilty after it happens. “I don’t know, I guess it was just PMS”. And they will not apologize for these tests.

Tests come out of nowhere and it is your job to pass these tests. She wants you to pass these tests because she will then have found the guy that she is really looking for.

The LSE Broken-Family Girl needs a guy who can argue with her, insult her right back, keep his cool and then find a way around the problem. This is what she responds to so she will create situations for that to happen.

The LSE Shy Girl wants a dominant man so she will create problems that are designed for you to put her in her place, b1tch her out and then get over it. She might fake that she is really pissed at you afterward, but secretly she will be thrilled by it.

The Attention Wh0re will flirt outrageously with other guys right in front of you on your second date with her just to test your level of jealousy. Attention Wh0res can not be with a jealous guy. Control yourself, tell her later that it was disrespectful and you won’t put up with it and then wait to see what happens the next time.

The Drama Queen needs highs and lows and will create problems designed to see if you can deliver those highs and lows. If you’re with Drama Queen, you have to play along or move on.

HB Social Chick will just shut down if you’re not taking her out enough. She often says absolutely nothing, you are just supposed to know. You pass this test by first recognizing this is the case and then letting her know that you understand what she wants and that more social things are coming up.

HB 9.0 Wild Child wants excitement and crazy situations. She wants to see how far you will push the envelope and will set up situations to check it out. You only pass these tests by keeping cool under the pressure and going as far as you think she really wants you to go.

HSE Mature chick wants a stable Real Man. She will completely flake out on you during your sixth date just to see if you will handle it like a Real Man and just take her home, calmly b1tch her out and tell her exactly what you expect of her.

Most women will pretend to want you to be open with them, ie, “The Do You Love Me Yet Test, we’ve been dating for two months already”. They are just testing your self-control and the level of Challenge that you can deliver. I think you should say these words, a couple of times a year at best. There are lots of variations of this test, the “Have I won you over yet test” You pass this test by never showing her that she has won. The LSE Dysfunctional Family Girl really needs for you to not fall for her and keep your distance.

Needy chick will keep showing up at your place unexpectedly. She just wants to spend more time with you and is testing out your boundaries. With Needy chick, you need to give her a little more slack on this or she will slowly lose her lovin’ feelings. With every other type of girl, you need to b1tch them out and tell them to phone first. Showing up unexpectedly is a common test that you must pass.

Low Drive Girl will start a fight just when it seems like the perfect time for you two to be going at it. Low Drive Girl is testing to see how many different ways she can use to get out of having sex. This test can only be passed by telling her than you understand that she is Low Drive but you are High Drive and it can’t work out without a compromise. Two-Times-a-Week Low Drive needs to turn into Four-times-a-week Low/Medium Drive or you are gone. To her passing the test means giving in to her Drive. To me, that’s failure.

Most women will suddenly announce “Tell me a story” just to see if you can handle yourself on the spot in stressful situations, to test your Confidence and Emotional Control. Your response depends on the type of girl that you have. HSE Mature chick really wants you to say right away “One time, I was with my grandfather and the craziest thing happened … “. Most other chicks need to be told “Look, I am not your entertainer …”

“Relationship tests” are designed to see if you can solve problems in a relationship without sacrificing the good qualities that she has come to respect and respond to, ie. without supplicating or apologizing. There will be lots of these tests and they will get more problematic the more she considers you for the long-term. Pass these tests by being a Real Man, not losing your Emotional Control and finding a way around the problem without losing face.

The Stress-Avoider will flake on your third date or try to change the plan just to test your ability to recognize that she hates the pressure. You fail this test by getting really angry and yelling at her to quit wasting your time. While most other women will respond to this, the Flaker needs you to say “Uhh, so you’re scared of going out then and would rather just sit at home playing with your pussi, I mean cat. I know your type. You probably like knitting too. I do too. No problem, lets just go to lunch on Thursday then.”

The Scared-of-Men chick will purposely piss you off in the most extreme ways imaginable. This is often a Nextable offence for a DJ, but she is just testing your Emotional Control. She needs to know that you can control your temper. Just give her back the type of anger that she wants (not much) and don’t let it get to you.

If you pass this test, the Scared-of-Men chick will then make it up to you, also in the most extreme ways imaginable. This is a common result for passing any of the above-mentioned tests.

By far, the most common test is the “sh1t test”, where they see how much sh1t you will put up with. They are testing to see if you are a Man or a supplicator. Your answer in all of these cases is “I don’t put up with any level of sh1t. I expect any woman that I put an effort into to … “

Chicks will always be testing you to see if you have what they want. The difference between knowing that it is test and writing the chick off as a complete b1tch is knowing what she wants. The circle is completed.

4. Why Not Just Find the Stable HSE-Mature Chick and Skip all this Crap.

Its pretty clear that we should all just want the nice stable HB 9.0 HSE-Mature chick. Sh1t, this is what I want too. Why bother with the all the other types, just move on.

The simple fact is that you can never be sure what you are getting into until you’ve known the chick for a while. I’ve always thought I was getting HB 9.0 with HSE-Mature. Sometimes it takes a while to find out she is really HB 8.0 with LSE and a Drama Queen. But, after putting in six dates with her and finding out she is also High Drive and into Wild Adventurous Sex, I’d like to give her more of a chance. Maybe, a few complements and the occasional fight will keep her on an even keel and make her a really great girlfriend.

Every one of us has faced similar issues many times with different girls. This tip is about making the best of it and potentially turning a “Next” into “I’ve got a really great girl (except for this one thing that I know how to deal with)”. No chick is perfect.

Its also designed to allow you to make that “Next” decision easier. After finding out what type of chick she really is and what she really wants, it’s ten times easier to answer the question of “Is she good enough for me”. Her values and what she responds to will not change much as long as she lives. Is that what you want?

I personally am done with Low Drive Girls, chicks who are Takers rather than Givers and women who more than just low-level Attention Wh0res. In two weeks, I will have found out if that’s case through digging deeper in our conversations. If it is the case, I will give her one more chance and explain to her that I will have to move on if it doesn’t change.

Everything else, I know how to deal with.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.



I'm not gonna read all that stuff up there, but it is essential to treat chicks differently. For extremely hot chicks, I treat them like sh*t. This works like a charm. Neg-hit them hard and rip on them every chance you get. If she says something stupid, let her know about it, but in a "joking way". Don't show HBs any respect. Treat them like they are 5 out of 10s.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2001
Reaction score
Incorrect stuffs here. I mean some of them.


I have to disagree with you respectfully here. I just don't agree that you said guys should give women what they want. The truth is, we shouldn't give them what they want or do as they want cause they will only see us as AFCS who are doormats supplicating to them.

If I am wrong here, pls tell me how do you tell the difference between giving what women want and supplicating to them.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2002
Reaction score
I have a really bad headache so I was not able to read the entire post. The things I read, I agree to. this post deserves to be in the Bible.


You should give the woman what she want in a emotional way. You should give her a ultimate experience, of incredible connection so she sticks with you to be able to feel this. Only good things come from this! Buying her pizza is wrong, very wrong!


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Awkward:


You should give the woman what she want in a emotional way. You should give her a ultimate experience, of incredible connection so she sticks with you to be able to feel this. Only good things come from this! Buying her pizza is wrong, very wrong!
Giving women what they want in an emotional way?? Give her ultimate experience, of incredible connection so she sticks with you to be able to feel this?

What do you mean by that? I just couldn't get it. I'll appreciate it if you explain a bit detail of what you have written earlier and preferably include some examples.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Justdoitalways is refering to giving women what they respond to. You don't tell them, you don't hand them anything, you just act in a certain way. It's no more supplicating than being confident because women like confidence.

If a girl is attracted to power then display power to her. You want inside the panties?

Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent stuff here!!!!

Great Post JustDoIt.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2002
Reaction score
I've read the post. It's good. You are not really changing yourself for the girl. By aknowledging that all girls are different, you should treat them differently, and that involves changing your approach. It is not supplicating. You are still the same, you just TREAT her differently.

Props, JustDoItAlways


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Miami, FL, USA




Don Juan
May 25, 2002
Reaction score
Poland, Lodz
Good post! Especially the part about listening to what she repeats several times.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Sorry, fvck up. Not bumping. I was trying to copy something from here and accidently re-posted it in this thread.

[This message has been edited by JustDoItAlways (edited 11-23-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
JustDoItAlways said:
This is, however, a completely incorrect approach because all women are not the same and do not always want the same thing.
Spoken like someone who knows nothing about women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, I gotta agree with squirrle's post.

You only know this after experiencing a lot of different things with girls and seeing em in actions hundreds of times.

The poster of the orginal post sounds pretty niave, once you've talked to or observed a ton of girls and situations and learn about people from real life and not movies you start to realize and notice the patterns.

Everybody's exactly the same, especially women because they have even less character.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Screw all of this, how be we just be men, strive to improve ourselves all the time, have balls, pride, ambition, and be well grounded guys nice guys but wont take crap from anybody. Chicks will dig us. Am i right? Screw all of these games, i dont wanna live my life playig games, and using tactics.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
