There's a lot of advise on this website about touching girls (a.k.a Kino) All u guys think that touching the girl will raise her interest level in u. But the opposite is true. If u touch her, u are not being a Chaqllenge with her. Touching is anti-challenge. Remember she doesn't care about how we feel, she only cares about how she feels toward us. Touching her also attacks her comfort level, which attacks her interest level. When u touch u are showing her that u like her, let her wonder if u like her. Touching also makes u seem desperate, like all the other guys that a beautiful girl encounters. dont be desperate, play it cool and in her eyes u will be different from the other guys, and she will only fall for the guys who are different (ie: challenge/ mysterious)
Dont touch her, we want to guage her interest level in u, this is what all u guys are missing. If u touch her, it inhibits her desire to touch u. U may touch her 10 minutes before she was about to touch u. Her touching u is a buying signal, so when she starts touching u dont touch her back. we want her coming at us hard, and shew'll start going crazy because ur not touching her back. She'll say to herselg "Is this guy getting it or what?" That's what we want guys, we want her to wonder why we aren't coming on to her when she can have any guy she want. When u touch her, u come on too heavy and turn her off, so dont touch!
Guys; KINO is absolutely USELESS. forget about what u have heard. dont believe me, then just ask doc love.
Remember guys; touching is anti-challenge
Dont touch her, we want to guage her interest level in u, this is what all u guys are missing. If u touch her, it inhibits her desire to touch u. U may touch her 10 minutes before she was about to touch u. Her touching u is a buying signal, so when she starts touching u dont touch her back. we want her coming at us hard, and shew'll start going crazy because ur not touching her back. She'll say to herselg "Is this guy getting it or what?" That's what we want guys, we want her to wonder why we aren't coming on to her when she can have any guy she want. When u touch her, u come on too heavy and turn her off, so dont touch!
Guys; KINO is absolutely USELESS. forget about what u have heard. dont believe me, then just ask doc love.
Remember guys; touching is anti-challenge
"The beautiful woman is the most dangerous creature on the face of the earth" -Doc Love