Joe Stud said:
I'm with Chromeo, I pay if I asked her. We are NOT equal. For example: most HB8's & up usually wont call the man. Men are the persuers, the hunters, and yes... sometimes the caretakers. The cavemen went out for food and provided for their families. We still evolve from them.
there seems to be a popular fallacy on this board that HB8+ don't really pursue men or initiate any form of contact. The only reason this might seem true on this forum is because most of you guys treat beautiful women differently than the way you treat the average/ugly/fat ones. If you only treated all women the same regardless whether she's beautiful or not, only then would you realise that its a complete false notion.
The cavemen may have taken care & provided for their families but this is a stranger you barely even know.
Joe Stud said:
Chivalry doesn't necessarily make you an AFC.
Chilvary is dead & should stay that way......
all that helping her put her coat on, paying for dinner and what not is retarded to say the least. Now don't get me wrong, sure opening doors once in a while (and i really mean once in whillllllllllleeeeee) for your wife/LTR is somewhat
romantic but don't go on doing that to a woman you've just met. The part of chivalry that dictated that men pay for all dates is outdated. It began in a time when women either didn’t work or worked in jobs that paid very little.
Joe Stud said:
I also would like to think that MOST HB8's would rather eat a bologna sandwich & stay home... rather than get all dressed up/made up & go out with a guy she has no sexual interest in, just for a free meal. Most, not all.
you would be suprised...
Joe Stud said:
Dont forget they can make one phone call and get laid in 20 minutes, by any amount of guys. Most of us can't do it quite that easy.
this goes both ways, male or female.
im pretty sure nearly everyone here got girls they could call right now but don't because they know they can do better.
Joe Stud said:
LOOK AT IT THIS WAY: HER MEAL IS MAYBE $30. NOW TO ME, FOR $30, SHE IS GOING TO APPRECIATE ME. MAYBE JUST A WEE BIT OF OBLIGATION (Like when a salesman takes a client golfing). I choose to opt for that, and hold my head up high.
I mean if a guy is going to spend his time here on this forum to learn more about getting laid, why not further a $30 investment, when you have the "client" sitting across from you, ready to "buy"?
investment you say and what's the return? sex? that sounds like a rip-off to me, i mean why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
this is the major problem with most guys on this forum, they think if a woman has sex with him that she's doing him a favor. If you feel like you have to make some kind of monetary investment in a woman to get laid then it means you are doing something seriously wrong. For $30 she's not going TO APPRECIATE YOU, SHE IS GONNA APPRECIATE YOUR MONEY.
Joe Stud said:
But IMPORTANT note: I agree with Chromeo's "d" sentence: If shes a digger, I will weed her a$$ out but quick!
real gold-diggers are so cunning with their manipulative tactics, they can bleed you dry & by the time you know about it, it will be too late.