Dont make the same mistakes i made fellas


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
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wouldnt you like to know?
Aight so check this out.
Member the girl in my earlier post i made about the ****y funny thing goin to far?
Well we went on another date ...and had a GREAT time..we laffed hugged kissed i teased her a bit..She wanted to go to the movies i wanted to do go karts so we came to a comprimise...we later went to see the movie and things were really good. At the end of the night we kissed again. So heres the problem...the day after we talk for a second through text messages and all she says is something about how she gets a new ipod and shes excited blah blah blah. But heres where it goes wrong.. later on that night. Were on aim (which i hate talking on by the way) we talk a little and i notice shes not iming me right away. I said TYPE FASTER making fun of her but she told me she was in video chat with her friend from china . I had no problem with that becuase i have chickcs i talk to all over the world and since the times differnt its hard to talk to them except at certain times. so i told her just hit me up when shes done. ....She never called or texted me....

Next day-no call or text so i call her and leave a message...she still doesn't call me back..We talk on aim again later that night and i made the stupidest mistakes ever and im really dissapointed in my self becuase i been in the game for a while ...heres how the convo went. Note: i edited out all the "hi" how are you" stuff lol

Me:Yo u didnt text me or call me back yet punk :p
Her: Yea sorry i was really busy
Me:Its ok u can make up for it later
Me: I dunno ill think bout it today or tomarrow since i aint got no life and i sit at home everyday aha note :sarcasm
Her: Yea right lol brb

She comes back
Me:So u miss me
ME: i asked you first
Her: I asked u for your answer
ME:yes i missed you
(i shoulda just said guess will never find out)

Me: so u gonna kick it wit me wednesday right?
Her: i dunt know i think im doing something
Me: cuz im not convinced u want to hang out wit me
Her: No i do its just im busy
(NOTE: SHE was busy at the movies thats all she did that day how could she not have time to text me when she didnt do much before she went to the movies)

Her:Hey ill brb
Me aight
At this point i just know in my gut she aint gonna sign back on so i sign off.
She used to text me or call me whenever she got a chance.
We have been in a relationship for 2 weeks and at first i thought maybe it was just cuz she is settling into a relationship...But now i think its becuz she is losing attraction. Usually even when you are in a relationship the girl makes time for you or you both make time for each other. u feel me?

I should be the one whos to busy for her..I feel an LJBF coming on ..I already deleted her number out my fone...I already deleted her off of all my sh!t..All i can do now is learn from my mistakes...Im still waiting today for that pathetic text on the fone from her that says LJBF ..then im going to say "I have enough friends bye" (credit goes to pook for that)

One of 2 things can still happen..either she says she misses talking and spending time with me...or the LJBF....after weve dated for 2 weeks so far wont be a loss to me i still have other girls who are worth my time...I just want you fellas to see wat i do wrong...still waiting on what this girl is gonna say so ill keep u updated if we break up or not but so far dis sh!t is goin down..but yea im pretty mush gonna be to busy to talk to her or ignore her for a couple days and see wat happens


New Member
Jul 8, 2007
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man yah I made the same mistake when I was first learning this ****, I did the same **** what you were doing was being annoying not c&f lol its pretty embarrasing eh? anyways good taht youv learnd from it


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
yousermayn said:
man yah I made the same mistake when I was first learning this ****, I did the same **** what you were doing was being annoying not c&f lol its pretty embarrasing eh? anyways good taht youv learnd from it
Annoying? ..well i dunno man cuz i did turn the C&f down but i DO know what you mean man...
Anywase i had my away message on aim today and it says how im hanging out wit my home girl deanna today and i got a text from the other chick talkin bout "So whos deanna"?


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
dude..just focus on something else right now.

it is tough...but, if nothing else, this is a test of your strength as a man.

women can become uninterested for 10000000000 different reasons..and it's not your job to decipher those or follow some chick around like a little puppy, like you've been doing..whether you see it or not, that's exactly what you've been doing.

We've all (most of us) been in the same place as you are..and the only thing i can tell you to stop talking to her...even if she tries a convo with you, don't look at what your relationship was, or how she once was...face reality and see what it is now.

she obviously has other things going on in her life..and, since you follow pook...follow this advice: Be a man..don't think twice about it, grab your balls, and don't let her into your incredible life.

Because if you allow it to be, it will be incredible, and..if it's truly important to you...many, if not all, women will notice and beg to be a part of it.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
BadAssMoFo said:
dude..just focus on something else right now.

it is tough...but, if nothing else, this is a test of your strength as a man.

women can become uninterested for 10000000000 different reasons..and it's not your job to decipher those or follow some chick around like a little puppy, like you've been doing..whether you see it or not, that's exactly what you've been doing.

We've all (most of us) been in the same place as you are..and the only thing i can tell you to stop talking to her...even if she tries a convo with you, don't look at what your relationship was, or how she once was...face reality and see what it is now.

she obviously has other things going on in her life..and, since you follow pook...follow this advice: Be a man..don't think twice about it, grab your balls, and don't let her into your incredible life.

Because if you allow it to be, it will be incredible, and..if it's truly important to you...many, if not all, women will notice and beg to be a part of it.

Yea well today...I turned my away message on aim...and i hung out wit my FWB frome new zealand...her names deanna..anywase my girl text me an says "whos deanna?" so i tell her my friend from new zealand" and she says "K just wondering" and i tell her "Aight well i can talk right now im busy bye" So the whole day ive been kicking it wit deanna and approaching other chicks..Havent even thought once of vanessa...i think im doing pretty good so far...and vanessa still hasnt called or text me yet other then what she said earlier...which i thought was disrespectfull by the way..she didnt say "hi " or anything and im going to call her on that if she calls me on the fone again

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
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Something I learned is never use aim when you are trying to game a chick. Myabe it's just me but everytime I use it the girl loses interest. Plus when you are trying the whole ****y humor or sarcastic humor on aim it doesn't turn out well. For the fact that she can't really tell if you are joking or not. Thats why you do that in person so they can obviously tell if you are trying to be funny or not.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
yeah, aim is for women. Use it only for very short convos, and even then at your own peril! Use electronic communication (including phones) primarily to set up in-person encounters.

Your main problem here isn't your poor C&F skillz, it's the fact that you're smothering this lady. Are you a man or are you a little girl? Come on, dude; you called her the very next day? Have you actually read a single article from this site?

Well, if you change your attitude and decide you want to actually LEARN something from this community, check out the following thread. What you need to do is GANJI this girl. And then don't once you've won her back, stop smothering her! (you just started dating her, for crying out loud)

thread here ----->


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Obsidian said:
yeah, aim is for women. Use it only for very short convos, and even then at your own peril! Use electronic communication (including phones) primarily to set up in-person encounters.

Your main problem here isn't your poor C&F skillz, it's the fact that you're smothering this lady. Are you a man or are you a little girl? Come on, dude; you called her the very next day? Have you actually read a single article from this site?

Well, if you change your attitude and decide you want to actually LEARN something from this community, check out the following thread. What you need to do is GANJI this girl. And then don't once you've won her back, stop smothering her! (you just started dating her, for crying out loud)

thread here ----->

Oh trust me man i been in the game for 4 years...i already knew it was to late to win her back...but smothering her? i dunno bout that i gave her plenty of space..she was the one who imed me first and called me first..all the time...
and besides i broke up wit her last night...she found out i was kicking it with other girls and instead of texting me to find out how i was doing she sent me this
Her: So whos deanna?
Me: one of my friends from new zealand

So my now ex girlfriend does know i have alife with other women trust me...i just think she was to imature to break up with me herself so she distanced herself so i would do it...herees how that convo went

Me: hey
Me:yo i gotta talk to u and i dont want to talk to u on aim
Her:why not?
Me:eek:k nvm ill tell u on here since ure being so picky bout the fone
Me: Im done with you
Her: ok...
Me: yea that means I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU in case you dunt understand and **** this aim sh!t
her: ok..
ME: that was easy ! peace...

So she didnt care..dont matter to me...she was the one ignoring me after i gave her PLENTY of space..i only called her once out of the whole relationship becuz she called me all the time


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Mobster727 said:
Me: hey
Me:yo i gotta talk to u and i dont want to talk to u on aim
Her:why not?
Me:eek:k nvm ill tell u on here since ure being so picky bout the fone
Me: Im done with you
Her: ok...
Me: yea that means I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU in case you dunt understand and **** this aim sh!t
her: ok..
ME: that was easy ! peace...
You talk like a douche.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Well, it looks like you edited your post, because I could've sworn you said you called her the very day after your date.

You also said she wouldn't return your phone calls but would (half-heartedly) respond to your aim msgs. First of all, GET OFF AIM; second, stop calling her so often! Calling even two days after a good date is pushing it, especially if she's being half-hearted on aim (which you shouldn't have been on in the first place!). Now you're trying to tell me she always called you or aimed you first? Get your story straight, man.

You have to LEAD things. Even if she's the one who starts the AIM convo, you have to keep it short and sweet, and then END it before she starts losing attraction. Men don't sit around doing idle chit-chat like women.

If you think you're better off without her, good. But I'm telling you, if you smother every girl you meet this same way, you're never going to get anywhere with women. Even if she aims you first (which means nothing, especially if she's really chatting with someone else at the same time), that doesn't mean you need to keep chatting her away the very day after you spent all night with her.

YOU are at least part of the problem here.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Obsidian said:
Well, it looks like you edited your post, because I could've sworn you said you called her the very day after your date.

You also said she wouldn't return your phone calls but would (half-heartedly) respond to your aim msgs. First of all, GET OFF AIM; second, stop calling her so often! Calling even two days after a good date is pushing it, especially if she's being half-hearted on aim (which you shouldn't have been on in the first place!). Now you're trying to tell me she always called you or aimed you first? Get your story straight, man.

You have to LEAD things. Even if she's the one who starts the AIM convo, you have to keep it short and sweet, and then END it before she starts losing attraction. Men don't sit around doing idle chit-chat like women.

If you think you're better off without her, good. But I'm telling you, if you smother every girl you meet this same way, you're never going to get anywhere with women. Even if she aims you first (which means nothing, especially if she's really chatting with someone else at the same time), that doesn't mean you need to keep chatting her away the very day after you spent all night with her.

YOU are at least part of the problem here.

Yea UGH i hate aim lol
Yea she was the one who usuall y called me and aimed me first...becuz im right there with you when i say not to smother i never really called her except when there was a missed call on my phone and even then i waited like 4 hours before i called her back..You again are absolutley right bout tha thing with Aim that men dont sit around having idle chit chat with women...thats why when she was talking to her friend from china i kept it short and said juss call or text me later....but yea i think i was part of the problem i think i should have left it alone more...but when ure in a relationship sometimes it gets confusing as to when to talk


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
This girl's interest was never high enough in you, that's why you lost her as quickly as you got her. As some of the others have already said, you should NOT have been spending time talking to her on messenger. You went from playing it smooth and confident, to getting your panties twisted in a bunch. Furthermore, it should take MUCH LONGER than 2 weeks for a girl to go from date to gf status.

Its also almost laughable to me how guys think just because they're talking to more than one girl that it somehow exempts them from chump status, clearly it doesn't and never will. Your interest in this girl was sky high from the get go compared to her's, while your interest in the other girls your talking to isn't/wasn't nearly as high. That will ALWAYS lead to one-itis or chumpin' it.

However its great that you dropped her, (didn't seem like she cared anyway) and moved on to other girls. Remember be a little bit more elusive and stop the messenger bs.



Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
I'll translate this little tragedy for you:

Mobster727 said:
Me:Yo u didnt text me or call me back yet punk :p
I'm calling you because I'm bored and have no other options. Are you as desperate as I am?
Mobster727 said:
Her: Yea sorry i was really busy
No, I'm not.
Mobster727 said:
Me:Its ok u can make up for it later
So, wanna make out or something?
Mobster727 said:
Maybe, but I'm starting to think you're a suck-azz.
Mobster727 said:
Me: I dunno ill think bout it today or tomarrow since i aint got no life and i sit at home everyday aha note :sarcasm
Ah, yeah, well just to confirm it I'll tell you straight out I have no life and then instead of cutting my losses I'll just pretend I was kidding AND HIT SEND.
Mobster727 said:
Her: Yea right lol brb
I wonder if I still have that cyanide pill around here ....
Mobster727 said:
She comes back
Me:So u miss me
You left and my life (such as it is) disintegrated, are you as pathetic as I am?
Mobster727 said:
Maybe I can get SOME validation out of this.
Mobster727 said:
ME: i asked you first
Yes, I missed you.
Mobster727 said:
Her: I asked u for your answer
Where is my nail polish?
Mobster727 said:
ME:yes i missed you
I'm not very interesting, but I hope you are.
Mobster727 said:
Me: so u gonna kick it wit me wednesday right?
Please give my life meaning.
Mobster727 said:
Her: i dunt know i think im doing something
Mobster727 said:
Me: cuz im not convinced u want to hang out wit me
The more you talk the more I'm sure you're right.
Mobster727 said:
Her: No i do its just im busy
But even then I'm gonna keep you spinning in case I need dinner someday.

I'm trying to be constructive here - you NEED to stick around this place.