Dont make the same Mistake i made fellas


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Aight so check this out.
Member the girl in my earlier post i made about the ****y funny thing goin to far?
Well we went on another date ...and had a GREAT time..we laffed hugged kissed i teased her a bit..She wanted to go to the movies i wanted to do go karts so we came to a comprimise...we later went to see the movie and things were really good. At the end of the night we kissed again. So heres the problem...the day after we talk for a second through text messages and all she says is something about how she gets a new ipod and shes excited blah blah blah. But heres where it goes wrong.. later on that night. Were on aim (which i hate talking on by the way) we talk a little and i notice shes not iming me right away. I said TYPE FASTER making fun of her but she told me she was in video chat with her friend from china . I had no problem with that becuase i have chickcs i talk to all over the world and since the times differnt its hard to talk to them except at certain times. so i told her just hit me up when shes done. ....She never called or texted me....

Next day-no call or text so i call her and leave a message...she still doesn't call me back..We talk on aim again later that night and i made the stupidest mistakes ever and im really dissapointed in my self becuase i been in the game for a while ...heres how the convo went. Note: i edited out all the "hi" how are you" stuff lol

Me:Yo u didnt text me or call me back yet punk :p
Her: Yea sorry i was really busy
Me:Its ok u can make up for it later
Me: I dunno ill think bout it today or tomarrow since i aint got no life and i sit at home everyday aha note :sarcasm
Her: Yea right lol brb

She comes back
Me:So u miss me
ME: i asked you first
Her: I asked u for your answer
ME:yes i missed you
(i shoulda just said guess will never find out)

Me: so u gonna kick it wit me wednesday right?
Her: i dunt know i think im doing something
Me: cuz im not convinced u want to hang out wit me
Her: No i do its just im busy
(NOTE: SHE was busy at the movies thats all she did that day how could she not have time to text me when she didnt do much before she went to the movies)

Her:Hey ill brb
Me aight
At this point i just know in my gut she aint gonna sign back on so i sign off.
She used to text me or call me whenever she got a chance.
We have been in a relationship for 2 weeks and at first i thought maybe it was just cuz she is settling into a relationship...But now i think its becuz she is losing attraction. Usually even when you are in a relationship the girl makes time for you or you both make time for each other. u feel me?

I should be the one whos to busy for her..I feel an LJBF coming on ..I already deleted her number out my fone...I already deleted her off of all my sh!t..All i can do now is learn from my mistakes...Im still waiting today for that pathetic text on the fone from her that says LJBF ..then im going to say "I have enough friends bye" (credit goes to pook for that)

One of 2 things can still happen..either she says she misses talking and spending time with me...or the LJBF....after weve dated for 2 weeks so far wont be a loss to me i still have other girls who are worth my time...I just want you fellas to see wat i do wrong...still waiting on what this girl is gonna say so ill keep u updated if we break up or not but so far dis sh!t is goin down..but yea im pretty mush gonna be to busy to talk to her or ignore her for a couple days and see wat happens


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
I'm no Pook, but in my (limited) experience with attractive girls, the beginning kicks off much better if you relentlessly tease them.

Break them down with a smile. They know you're kidding, but be sure to throw in the smallest seed of truth.

This causes her to feel a sense of inferiority (without truly being aware) while laughing. Then get her number. Call and talk. Tickle. You're in.

So long as you keep with Pook's advice and assert that you are THE MAN in the relationship things will go great. Just remember, you are the prize, and occasionally blow her off (even if you have nothing better to do.)

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Ganji said:
I'm no Pook, but in my (limited) experience with attractive girls, the beginning kicks off much better if you relentlessly tease them.

Break them down with a smile. They know you're kidding, but be sure to throw in the smallest seed of truth.

This causes her to feel a sense of inferiority (without truly being aware) while laughing. Then get her number. Call and talk. Tickle. You're in.

So long as you keep with Pook's advice and assert that you are THE MAN in the relationship things will go great. Just remember, you are the prize, and occasionally blow her off (even if you have nothing better to do.)

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Trust me man ive done all that already thats how we ended up in relationship mode i just toned it down a lil since were in a relationship but at first she was laffin and diggin me all the time


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Waukegan, IL
i think thats the mistake u made, u shudn't hav toned down soo much, but anyways, experience will always help u learn abt the proportions u have to follow thru. the only mistake which was critical according to me was that u sed "yes i missed you". other than that, its normal to make the other mistakes. u shud've sed "not really, actually i was kinda glad ur chinese frend signed on, god bless her heart". anyways, keep us posted man. chao