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Don't let your girlfriend DISRESPECT you or you will LOSE your girlfriend


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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Would you like to retract this statement?

You have just made a slanderous statement against me on a public forum and you will be held liable. I will contact my lawyer regarding this statement and for someone named "Shark" infringing on copyrighted material. I take all my writings and work very seriously. Most of my writings have been published and I don't appreciate people using my unpublished works on various sites claiming it as theirs. If you or anybody else continue to slander me, my lawyer will contact you through this site.
Oh my wonder you are on this site. Lol You are a lame. If you are teaching...I'm about to be out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Would you like to retract this statement?

You have just made a slanderous statement against me on a public forum and you will be held liable. I will contact my lawyer regarding this statement and for someone named "Shark" infringing on copyrighted material. I take all my writings and work very seriously. Most of my writings have been published and I don't appreciate people using my unpublished works on various sites claiming it as theirs. If you or anybody else continue to slander me, my lawyer will contact you through this site.
You're a loser Elmer. And that's not slander...thats my opinion.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Would you like to retract this statement?

You have just made a slanderous statement against me on a public forum and you will be held liable. I will contact my lawyer regarding this statement and for someone named "Shark" infringing on copyrighted material. I take all my writings and work very seriously. Most of my writings have been published and I don't appreciate people using my unpublished works on various sites claiming it as theirs. If you or anybody else continue to slander me, my lawyer will contact you through this site.
This is one of the most fvcktarded things I've ever read.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
The beginning of disrespect might not come solely from your girlfriend, it could come another person. Maybe you were out somewhere and somebody else disrespected you in front of your girlfriend, that will get the gears going through her mind. If you appeared weak, scared, or frightened during that encounter she will look at you as not a very strong man. She won't feel like you can protect her and she won't feel safe with you around. You will feel emasculated and won't have much confidence. If she sees another person who is able to disrespect you, then she will be able to do it as well. This is another point where the trouble will start if something like this happens.

Similar situations happened to people I knew, and right after that, the chick started dissing the guy. She saw him in a negative fashion and started looking for a better man. He lost control of the relationship while he spent his time trying to please her doing what she wanted. As usual, she got tired of him and left him in a cloud of dust as she headed off into the sunset with her new man.

Some fat women who are "large and in charge" like to bully their men.and are completely happy disrespecting him. They know that they won't be able to get away with this with another man, so they abuse their little beta man. But after a while, even they get tired of the dominant role and look for something better.

So, don't ever be in a situation where you can be disrespected or allow the woman to fully disrespect you. Sooner or later you won't have a relationship anymore.


New Member
Apr 9, 2013
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down by the border
yeah my gf constantly talks crap to her mom about me even though there just alike nagging talking **** about everyone then when i confront her in the manner i know (yelling and calling names as she does im the bad one)? what the hell i'm gonna remember this crap man the writing above is dead nuts correct.


New Member
Jan 29, 2014
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Hi guys! Thank you for such an enlightening thread. I found the forum from a google search about disrespecting girlfriends and I need some feedback

The thing is my gf has started showing some classic signs of disrespect/disinterest - (also found in Google). Whenever I feel disinterest I automatically do the same and stop texting, calling and everything. I virtually disappear. Every time I have done that she calls me that same day on the evening and she always asks what's wrong and why I'm not paying attention to her.

So...I thinks she notices and she doesn't like it which I feel like it is good. Or at least better than no reaction at all. Anyway, it's really annoying and I just wanted some opinions: is she genuinely interested or just plain crazy??

PS. I'm becoming less available in general as of today to try and regain some lost terrain but I'm not yet sure of her level of craziness.


New Member
Jan 29, 2014
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Now... This thread is enlightening. Thank you!

My gf has recently started showing the classic signs of disrespect/disinterest: Assumes I'll be there no matter what, doesn't return calls the same day...

The thing is... When I notice she does one of those things I automatically "disappear". No calls, no texts... She always ends up calling that same evening asking what's wrong and saying I'm not paying attention to her. It's annoying because it's clearly the opposite but still, she notices and doesn't like it, which I feel like is a good thing, or at least better than no reaction at all.

Anyway: do you think she is genuinely interested or just plain crazy?

My plan is to become much less available to regain some lost terrain. Anything else I should be doing as of now. (Besides from running away)

Thanks you!!


New Member
Oct 17, 2014
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Poor behavior hits it right on the head

Danger said:
True. However, one must know that disrespect is not always a test. Often times, especially in today's world, you will have a girl who is just not capable of respect at all.

There are tests and there is just poor behavior. A man who knows his own value has an easier time distinguishing between the two.

Case in point. You may win in the short term, but in the long run, it is best to just cut these miserable beasts loose.
I totally agree, when their poor judgement clouds your head and they repeatedly stomp on your heart its time to get the ef out.


New Member
Oct 17, 2014
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Ground hog day over and over

quentinio said:
Now... This thread is enlightening. Thank you!

My gf has recently started showing the classic signs of disrespect/disinterest: Assumes I'll be there no matter what, doesn't return calls the same day...

The thing is... When I notice she does one of those things I automatically "disappear". No calls, no texts... She always ends up calling that same evening asking what's wrong and saying I'm not paying attention to her. It's annoying because it's clearly the opposite but still, she notices and doesn't like it, which I feel like is a good thing, or at least better than no reaction at all.

Anyway: do you think she is genuinely interested or just plain crazy?

My plan is to become much less available to regain some lost terrain. Anything else I should be doing as of now. (Besides from running away)

Thanks you!!
Sure it works in the short time, but as soon as she feels a compelled she'll be back it again and again. Its a no win when it gets to this point.
I swear my GF likes me better when Im not available,blowing her off and being a **** to her, but all that is her being challenged to see if she can get me back. My opinion a lot of it comes from immaturity and not fully developed as a woman. My girl acts like a spoiled teenager and theres no winning.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Great thread that is still relevant today.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
she has no children and lives alone. I pay for her car and her car insurance and her rent after i pay on it she ignores me . she drinks and hangs out at the club all hours of the night . I have not met any of her friends or family. She embarrasses me in public all the time. I always pay for everything and she does nothing for me
... i like this girl but when i ask her to officially announce that we are girlfriend and boyfriend ...she says we are just friends but keeps sleeping with me in the car and taking all my money ...she says she loves me don't want to lose my friendship but i have no car she won't even pick me up from work my girl cheating on me?
is YOUR GIRL cheating on you?
1. she is not your girl.
2. she is a prostitute.

you do know the difference between your girl, and a prostitute... dont you?

if you STOP GIVING HER MONEY, she wont keep taking it.
She will also stop fvcking you.

hint: When a woman stops fvcking you because you wont give her money, she is what is commonly known as "a prostitute"
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 25, 2017
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Great thread which has clearly lasted the test of time.

I am new to this forum so it's a pleasure to be in the company of men working to better themselves day by day.

My recent experience; been on a few dates now with one chick who is in her early 30. Dating for about 6 weeks. Sex on 5th date at my place and then met again 2 days later at her place for round 2.

In the timeframe between first romp and second she has added me on Facebook. I explained I have not used it in quite a while but I will add her. Anyway, I log into fbook and realise I have not spring cleaned photos, notifications, comments for years. So I get to work and edit a few things. (What can I say had some time on my hands). I accept this new friend request.

Next day..I get message saying 'I don't think we should see each other anymore.' This screams of **** test to me. I just agree and say 'gave it some thought and probably for the best.' Then it triggers the madness...

Her 'I'd love to know your reasons...'

you (one hr later) 'well let you tell me my reasons, not that you care, why would you edit your fbook before accepting my friend request.. You.are hiding something and must think little of me. That some of the things I told her in person were different to what she has now seen on fbook.

Now she has lost respect for me bla bla bla.

Obviously she was fbook stalking me and this information must have been available publicly.

Anyway I told her I lost respect for her for believing digital world over what comes out of mouth. We agreed to leave it at that.

I sense this was a correct course of action and my way of setting a firm boundary.

Any of you have other ways you may have handled the situation?

Thanks for your replies..


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
Great thread which has clearly lasted the test of time.

I am new to this forum so it's a pleasure to be in the company of men working to better themselves day by day.

My recent experience; been on a few dates now with one chick who is in her early 30. Dating for about 6 weeks. Sex on 5th date at my place and then met again 2 days later at her place for round 2.

In the timeframe between first romp and second she has added me on Facebook. I explained I have not used it in quite a while but I will add her. Anyway, I log into fbook and realise I have not spring cleaned photos, notifications, comments for years. So I get to work and edit a few things. (What can I say had some time on my hands). I accept this new friend request.

Next day..I get message saying 'I don't think we should see each other anymore.' This screams of **** test to me. I just agree and say 'gave it some thought and probably for the best.' Then it triggers the madness...

Her 'I'd love to know your reasons...'

you (one hr later) 'well let you tell me my reasons, not that you care, why would you edit your fbook before accepting my friend request.. You.are hiding something and must think little of me. That some of the things I told her in person were different to what she has now seen on fbook.

Now she has lost respect for me bla bla bla.

Obviously she was fbook stalking me and this information must have been available publicly.

Anyway I told her I lost respect for her for believing digital world over what comes out of mouth. We agreed to leave it at that.

I sense this was a correct course of action and my way of setting a firm boundary.

Any of you have other ways you may have handled the situation?

Thanks for your replies..
I would have first replied to her "breakup": "LOL. Ok."

Then ignored her for two weeks, followed by an invite to come over.

That is if you wanted to deal with her nonsense. She appears a handful.


New Member
Jan 25, 2017
Reaction score
Appreciate the input guys.

Confirms my initial thoughts. I am thankful she has shown me the BPD traits sooner rather than later. Before I got in any further than balls deep....


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
A woman's biggest fear is a guy who is willing to walk away...
This is true but I found it was backfiring. I always had one foot out the door and was always willing to walk instead of trying to resolve things. This was hurting her because her father had abandoned her. Then she started detaching. You can only walk away once or twice before she calls your bluff. You can bet they will try to flip the script if they like you and you are willing to walk away. In the end, HB9's tend to win out over men having game.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
This is true but I found it was backfiring. I always had one foot out the door and was always willing to walk instead of trying to resolve things. This was hurting her because her father had abandoned her. Then she started detaching. You can only walk away once or twice before she calls your bluff. You can bet they will try to flip the script if they like you and you are willing to walk away. In the end, HB9's tend to win out over men having game.
Celebrity man is > 9 hb female, he is the "hotgirl". One can be a local celebrity... Suave handsome local business man with money who gets around would be a local celebrity...


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
You need to be the local celebrity to get the HB9 to begin with. I didn't pick up my latest HB9 until she saw me make out with another HB9, and that I had an entourage of HB8's at my disposal. At the time, I would have taken either HB9, but months later, the one I took seems 10 times hotter. Still, 4 months later she has the power because she is the most beautiful girl I know. I'm dating four other women (three initiated yesterday, two telling me they love me and one asking me out. I didn't reply to any of them) but she is the only one I think about. I still got oneitis even though I had a harem of young women. Love is the illusion that one c*nt is different than another.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
You need to be the local celebrity to get the HB9 to begin with. I didn't pick up my latest HB9 until she saw me make out with another HB9, and that I had an entourage of HB8's at my disposal. At the time, I would have taken either HB9, but months later, the one I took seems 10 times hotter. Still, 4 months later she has the power because she is the most beautiful girl I know. I'm dating four other women (three initiated yesterday, two telling me they love me and one asking me out. I didn't reply to any of them) but she is the only one I think about. I still got oneitis even though I had a harem of young women. Love is the illusion that one c*nt is different than another.
Well the c*nt are slightly different. There are different labia configurations ( at least a dozen basic types ), different ****oral structures, different size ****orals, different internals, different lube qualities and different scents. Oh and INTERNAL TEXTURE. I know a few with this royal velvet internal texture that's incredible.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
This is the unwinnable game. If they have daddy issues, dont waste your time. You can only ever be too much like dad or not enough like dad. If they are in therapy then you can consider it.
She is in therapy. Because she is naturally sweet and very smart, only 21, not on meds and because she confided in me her story, I have to try to support her. She is extremely loving and we bonded almost immediately (so I don't think she has had that many partners), but she is easily triggered and often for odd things like the color white or innocence. She does love her dad and is in touch with him, but he left the family when she was young, didn't protect her from a family member who hurt her (possibly him, she wouldn't specify who) and he blew her off on Thanksgiving (a day I spent with her). That really upset her.