Dont know what to do


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
The Forms said:
"Listen man, everyone knows your mom sucked me off in the parking lot last week. So let's cut out with the goomba jokes, because she could barely get her mouth around my head."

If he's ****ing with you bad in front of people, you have every right to say something like this. **** that guy.

or why dont you Do what this guy suggested and videotape it(with the mom thing)... AHAHAHAHA man i would kill to see his face when u show him the vid, its gonna be a 90% chance of failure.. but hey. nothings impossible.. hahaha


Don Juan
May 27, 2006
Reaction score
Dude everyone gets ''amoged'' from time to time.
But this is quite a case you've got there, you don't seem to be able to command respect, otherwise this **** wouldn't go THAT far.
You're just not strong enough, with your mind.

Still, there are 2 ways to make him stop:
1. Killer instinct= stop OR I WILL beat the **** out of you.
But I don't think that it will work for you, people who are capable of doing it don't start a thread in a forum asking for advice on this subject.
You seem to lack this killer instinct, obtaining it will take alot of time and a big change, it's up to you.
When you have it, chances are people will ALMOST NEVER try to **** with you, only when you **** up and give them a reason, even then not as extrem as your case.

Here's is waht you do, but it will ONLY WORK when you have 100% confidence and what I call killer instinct, I don't mean looking ''mean'', rather the look you gain by going through alot of ****.

Doesn't matter when, even while having class (did that ****, earns respect, not that important to me, but probaly to you).
Stand in front of him and tell him that you WILL beat him up, if he makes fun of you again do NOT lose your focus, keep cool and proceed.
If you react or feel intimitated, then you've allready lost.
Man you're a big guy, use your friggin body it has other uses then working and ****ing ya know?

2.Being more witty then him, tourning the table around in YOUR favor, making the class laugh about him instead of you.
I just freestyle **** out of my head instantly and I am very good at it, I can top most of the **** that comes at me.

All this your mother blablabla **** is for KIDS, NO REAL MAN says this bull****, stop it.

This guy has probaly things that make him weird too, a weakness.
Find it.
Know your enemy and know yourself, then you'll never lose.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Don't say any momma jokes. That s**t is just plain CORNY. Say a real diss and if you cant think of one knock his @$$ out!

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Why are you guys telling him to beat the guy up? It's just a little amoging. Talk about over-reacting. Learn how to play the game. This guy is probably just a little jealous that you're built. He's insecure, so he amogs you.

Beating the guy up would just make you look like a douche. A guy makes a joke on you, you make a joke on him. That's how this works. Anyhow, if this guy was the type to beat people up he would have already.

The guy's verbally abusing you, you got to throw it right back at him. Pick out his weakness and joke on him for that.

"You look like a goomba."
"Listen man, everyone here can tell that you're insecure for being such a fat ass, but c'mon man, calling me goomba? can't you think of a reference that dates after 1987?"


"Everyone in the room understands that you're gay and you're attracted to me, but I gotta tell you man, this 'let's get him hot and bothered' approach just ain't working. Why don't you do what you did with (insert his best friend's name) and get me drunk and ask if I get 'confused' sometimes."

I know those are a bit long winded, but that's how I personally insult people. See if it works for you.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
The Forms-
If he beats the kid up he'll get respect and respect is important. I also agree with what your saying and say something back, but sometimes that just isn't enough

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
I understand if it gets bad enough where it comes to the point where he has no other options, yea, it might come to that. But all that's happened so far is there's some dude that likes to call him a name that isn't even funny.


Who here hasn't been through that? He'd be a hothead idiot to jump from a guy calling him a name to beating his ass. And luckily this guy isn't like that.

It won't make him look cool or get him respect; everyone will just think he has some serious issues. Civilized people don't go around beating the crap out of people because they've been called a stupid name.

Can you imagine being in high school and having to explain that to your father? "well, this kid called me a name, so I broke his nose."

People like to throw the word "man" around here a lot. They say a "man" would do this, or a "man" would do that. But they have a real crap idea of what a man is (IMO). They're telling this kid he'll be a MAN if he beats the crap out of the dude. Here's where I'm coming from with this; I consider my father to be a real man. And if I did this I would be ashamed to explain that behavior to him. You look like a real immature ***** explaing this to a grown man when things come to blows because your wits aren't quick enough to come back to a dumb joke, so you resort to violence.

Good god why does everyone takes themselves so seriously? Somebody called him a name. Big deal. Either he can be witty and come back, or let it go. Who here (who has graduated) cares about the "respect" they got when they were in high school? Two weeks after high school graduation the whole high school experience becomes a big joke to everyone. Don't take it that serious.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
What the fvck?
The ONLY WAY to get out of this kind of situation is to find out EXACTLY why they are teasing you, and FIX IT. And believe me it's not because you just look a little bit funny because I know plenty of funny looking guys who are not only not picked on but run sh1t. It's because they view you as weak, and as an easy target. You need to completely rebuild yourself personally and socially. You need to become "cool" or at least "normal" in their eyes and be assertive. You have to show them that you won't take their ****, through your body language and tonality. Not just by saying one lame line and returning to being a quiet nerd, but by projecting confidence consistently and rising up socially.
Why try to be something your not? Or try to gain approval from a$$holes who dont respect you? I still believe he should whoop his monkey a$$ all over the place. You must demand respect not seek it.

Man Man

Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
"Whatever buddy, I'm sure you're just acting out against me because your father beats you."


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
you can always do one of those amogs that go like

hey goombacaller

wait til he responds(usually a "what")

then just "... shut up!" and start laughing

do this out of nowhere, remember to laugh, it is important, do an ahahahah laugh, not a hahahaha laugh, get the difference?


May 30, 2007
Reaction score
what i would do:

- get your friends/classmates to bash on him
- make him insecure by countering the jokes, its not hard..
him:you have a big head
you:at least i don't have a small peni5
you:just because your dad beats you doesn't mean you have to make fun of me

-challenge him to something such as a game or a question of some sort and prove him wrong to the class

all in all, your going to graduate soon, chances are you wont see these guys again, don't worry about it too much, i know its hard when people make fun of you but you have to look beyond that, this kid has nothing better to do than bash on you, your the better man obviously, remember that. You say your big, so use it dude, GL


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
I'm all up for giving him a fight but theres just one thing. Make him throw the first punch. This will get you out of a lot of sticky situations such as people thinking you hit him unreasonably, trouble with school, and possibly law. If your gonna fight him, do something to make him throw the first punch. In my opinion that leaves his face yours to maim.