My job makes me feel like a Roman from ancient past. I know the Romans killed Jesus. We did too, I guess, but my job is a very commie job too. I love it. No one is really greater than the other, like the military, just ranks and the TEAM effect. The job makes me feel manly. We have only one woman out of 70+ doing our job.
This, in turn, sets me up, or "prepares" me for the opportunities with women who come down the pike.
Sure, there are "suits" who can be manly, but they are out of practice of real world physical violence, and would take more to become adept and fluid like me. A gun is a great equalizer, but I like the physicality of my job. It makes my movements with women, anticipation (such as bringing a lighter to her face if she smokes - I don't smoke, but if I did, I would be quick to light her cig). I can anticipate and answer peoples' questions before they even get a word out, because of my perception, so acute, and THIS impresses both men and women.
That's what working hard will do for you. If I had an easy desk job, I fear, I'd lose that innate sense ability.
People sense when someone different enters the room.