Why do men, boys, guys, AFCS, pimps, symps, and macks come here?
To read thousands of pages of mostly useless drivel? [Mine included].
To hang on shoulders, which is no different than what we would do in the real world?
To find guys who are in similiar circumstances and improve?
To get results!!!
Don't Enable!
Some might say, "well, each person has their own needs, desires, and wants, and must improve at their own pace."
Duely noted.
However...I've been 'there'. Every guy has been there once. One suggestion I will add...
Keep a Microsoft word journal. If you feel a post where you're upset requires response, after a few days, cute, paste, and post it. But at your first gut reaction, DON'T post on the boards. This isn't to say what you feel isn't important, BUT...I'm trying to get 2 things across...
1. It does not behoove your progress to mentally and emotionally dump on these boards. A critical lesson is learned by patiently and logically thinking a situation out. If you come right here after a date, whether good or bad, your thoughts are muddled with emotions and you will lose the lesson.
2. Particularly negative posts, create an atmosphere of negativity, leading some to believe people are overly sympish, AND, you're overreacting in most cases. You're a prisoner of the mental mind. Your emotions swing in whatever balance your brains feels like feeding you and you'll never graduate out of it.
Enabling allows those 'dependent' on certain things to continue their ways.
How many guys say...
"I've reverted to my AFC ways."
"I can't break the cycle."
"This is what an AFC does."
An AFC in a nutshell is a guy trapped by his bad beliefs in a mental prison, and every now and then succumbs to his 'thoughts' as if they're real. THAT'S the problem with intellectuals...they feel b/c they're right about textbook shyt, that they're right about ALL else in life. One can NEVER EVER be right about emotions, opinions and beliefs, because they're not based on ANYTHING real, THEREFORE, they can never be proven factually or otherwise.
The newest disease of our generation is "enabling". Parents have given, to most, and we've been fortunate to receive, some of the best times in human existence. Cell phones, computers, XBOX, TIVO, BMW's @ 18, or 17, LV's, Oaks, things our parents and grandparents NEVER had, or had later on in life. Now, that's all well and good...and I'm not saying 'don't indulge'...but a disease of a LACK of SELF RELIANCE has crept into the GENERATION Y system and must be pulled out.
NOT hearing the hard truth is WHAT keeps you trapped. Many want it slow and soft, not straight and hard, they want answers, not THINKING PROCESSES. See...as an example...
A pair of parents can give $10,000,000, and you might THINK you're set for life, but odds are, your not wealth minded, so you'd blow it.
On the other hand, you can make $10,000,000 blow it, and make another 10 mil. Unless it was pure luck you did, you know how you did it, and can do it again.
The difference here?
The person.
It's no different on SoSuave, or any site. I say this because I see the 'infection.' You don't cure the symptons, you go right for the SOURCE, and kill it. Sure, you might be online, and part of a community of supposed dj's and sosuavers, but just being part of it, and having high posts, doesn't make one effective. Coming here is great...or anywhere for that matter.
But on both sides of the ball, stop enabling newbies to continue their ways, and stop enabling yourself to continue unadulterated in your own ways.
This isn't to say 'don't help,' but help 'in the right way.' Immediate success takes immediate change in thinking and action. Yes at times when you slow down the transition, you get weak, don't care, fine, don't go out that night. Or if you do, who cares if you don't meet a chick or do, at least go IF YOU WANT TO GO.
See help is a few things. What alot of guys do here is, instead of HELPING the bum learn to earn, you GIVE him the money, enabling his poverty stricken habits. Many members come on, ask for s/t advice to get this ONE CHICK, which is akin to BEGGING for money, and then leave, or repeat post. Or they post on how a date went, still, more oneitis. Or tidbits about what women want, think or do, more oneitis. Stop giving the money to the bums, so to speak, and start giving them direction.
You can't motivate everyone, and until they realize the problem ISN'T out there, it's INSIDE them, they'll continue to believe there's 1 stop shopping dating advice. Dating skills are like army tactical skills. You learn, train, practice, acquire, never knowing precisely which one you will use, and when you do, it's only for a brief moment that you do use it. Only until you're trained, reserved, and patient will you get it. A guy who tries to learn it all like a happy horny dog ready to hump your leg will gain alot of knowledge, but for what purpose?
Alot of times I'll reference books, courses, posts, and the like, because these guys are paid authors who can atriculate much better than I, and sometimes you do need to go at your own pace, IN YOUR OWN PLACE. There's no pressure here. It's said that...
"Time will end when time no longer factiliates the use of learning."
To read thousands of pages of mostly useless drivel? [Mine included].
To hang on shoulders, which is no different than what we would do in the real world?
To find guys who are in similiar circumstances and improve?
To get results!!!
Don't Enable!
Some might say, "well, each person has their own needs, desires, and wants, and must improve at their own pace."
Duely noted.
However...I've been 'there'. Every guy has been there once. One suggestion I will add...
Keep a Microsoft word journal. If you feel a post where you're upset requires response, after a few days, cute, paste, and post it. But at your first gut reaction, DON'T post on the boards. This isn't to say what you feel isn't important, BUT...I'm trying to get 2 things across...
1. It does not behoove your progress to mentally and emotionally dump on these boards. A critical lesson is learned by patiently and logically thinking a situation out. If you come right here after a date, whether good or bad, your thoughts are muddled with emotions and you will lose the lesson.
2. Particularly negative posts, create an atmosphere of negativity, leading some to believe people are overly sympish, AND, you're overreacting in most cases. You're a prisoner of the mental mind. Your emotions swing in whatever balance your brains feels like feeding you and you'll never graduate out of it.
Enabling allows those 'dependent' on certain things to continue their ways.
How many guys say...
"I've reverted to my AFC ways."
"I can't break the cycle."
"This is what an AFC does."
An AFC in a nutshell is a guy trapped by his bad beliefs in a mental prison, and every now and then succumbs to his 'thoughts' as if they're real. THAT'S the problem with intellectuals...they feel b/c they're right about textbook shyt, that they're right about ALL else in life. One can NEVER EVER be right about emotions, opinions and beliefs, because they're not based on ANYTHING real, THEREFORE, they can never be proven factually or otherwise.
The newest disease of our generation is "enabling". Parents have given, to most, and we've been fortunate to receive, some of the best times in human existence. Cell phones, computers, XBOX, TIVO, BMW's @ 18, or 17, LV's, Oaks, things our parents and grandparents NEVER had, or had later on in life. Now, that's all well and good...and I'm not saying 'don't indulge'...but a disease of a LACK of SELF RELIANCE has crept into the GENERATION Y system and must be pulled out.
NOT hearing the hard truth is WHAT keeps you trapped. Many want it slow and soft, not straight and hard, they want answers, not THINKING PROCESSES. See...as an example...
A pair of parents can give $10,000,000, and you might THINK you're set for life, but odds are, your not wealth minded, so you'd blow it.
On the other hand, you can make $10,000,000 blow it, and make another 10 mil. Unless it was pure luck you did, you know how you did it, and can do it again.
The difference here?
The person.
It's no different on SoSuave, or any site. I say this because I see the 'infection.' You don't cure the symptons, you go right for the SOURCE, and kill it. Sure, you might be online, and part of a community of supposed dj's and sosuavers, but just being part of it, and having high posts, doesn't make one effective. Coming here is great...or anywhere for that matter.
But on both sides of the ball, stop enabling newbies to continue their ways, and stop enabling yourself to continue unadulterated in your own ways.
This isn't to say 'don't help,' but help 'in the right way.' Immediate success takes immediate change in thinking and action. Yes at times when you slow down the transition, you get weak, don't care, fine, don't go out that night. Or if you do, who cares if you don't meet a chick or do, at least go IF YOU WANT TO GO.
See help is a few things. What alot of guys do here is, instead of HELPING the bum learn to earn, you GIVE him the money, enabling his poverty stricken habits. Many members come on, ask for s/t advice to get this ONE CHICK, which is akin to BEGGING for money, and then leave, or repeat post. Or they post on how a date went, still, more oneitis. Or tidbits about what women want, think or do, more oneitis. Stop giving the money to the bums, so to speak, and start giving them direction.
You can't motivate everyone, and until they realize the problem ISN'T out there, it's INSIDE them, they'll continue to believe there's 1 stop shopping dating advice. Dating skills are like army tactical skills. You learn, train, practice, acquire, never knowing precisely which one you will use, and when you do, it's only for a brief moment that you do use it. Only until you're trained, reserved, and patient will you get it. A guy who tries to learn it all like a happy horny dog ready to hump your leg will gain alot of knowledge, but for what purpose?
Alot of times I'll reference books, courses, posts, and the like, because these guys are paid authors who can atriculate much better than I, and sometimes you do need to go at your own pace, IN YOUR OWN PLACE. There's no pressure here. It's said that...
"Time will end when time no longer factiliates the use of learning."