Don't drink the entitled FEMALE kool-aid


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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you're a wise man poon king.

I agree completely, your principles are more important than pvssy. also the less you have to give a girl the more she actually likes you, so this even makes sense from a pragmatic standpoint


May 7, 2015
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devilkingx2 said:
you're a wise man poon king.

I agree completely, your principles are more important than pvssy. also the less you have to give a girl the more she actually likes you, so this even makes sense from a pragmatic standpoint
Truth. The homeless and broke get all the high quality females. We see this happening everywhere. We should all stop showering as well or doing anything that might make a female think we're doing to pander to her.

Or be pretend rich to try to get females and then pretend we aren't doing that to get the entitled females we despise who only want us for our pretend wealth. We're seduction scientists.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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Billiards said:
Truth. The homeless and broke get all the high quality females. We see this happening everywhere. We should all stop showering as well or doing anything that might make a female think we're doing to pander to her.

Or be pretend rich to try to get females and then pretend we aren't doing that to get the entitled females we despise who only want us for our pretend wealth. We're seduction scientists.
I know you're strawmanning, but I'd like to point out that I've seen many episodes of the maury povitch show where the guy is broke and jobless, living in his gf's house and while she works to pay for his entire lifestyle he's out banging every girl who lets him get it in all day everyday.

and a lot of the women stay with the man or reconcile with him once his philandering ways come out too, so yeah, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal for the guy.


May 7, 2015
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Poon King said:
I believe one of the main reasons so many men today are such wimps when it comes to dealing with women (outside of screwed up laws) is because they are too willing to do what women tell them instead of doing what they want.

They also listen to the stupid, entitled, gibberish women spew such as this:

One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.

I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"

So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.

We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:

HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"

Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.

After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.

The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup:
That's amateur game. A PRO would have stolen money from her purse to reimburse himself for his ticket when she wasn't paying attention in the dark theater.

P.S: Did you get misty eyed at the love scene between the Hulk and Black Widow? Did your date tame your Hulk like rage like a Black Widow?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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What many of the antagonists fail to realize is that the act itself has no relevance, but the intent/motivation behind the act is everything.

Paying for a drink because you want to as opposed to a sycophant acquiescing to the girl's good graces is the same act, but completely different motivation. Intent--not the act--distinguishes alpha from beta.


Mar 12, 2011
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Poon King said:
One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.

I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"

So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.

We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:

HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"

Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.

After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.
Nice bro. Personally I would have had the conversation on the phone rather the ticket line in the theater. Feminist line is beautiful.


May 7, 2015
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devilkingx2 said:
I know you're strawmanning, but I'd like to point out that I've seen many episodes of the maury povitch show where the guy is broke and jobless, living in his gf's house and while she works to pay for his entire lifestyle he's out banging every girl who lets him get it in all day everyday.

and a lot of the women stay with the man or reconcile with him once his philandering ways come out too, so yeah, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal for the guy.
Maury show. Shoot for the stars.


May 7, 2015
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guru1000 said:
What many of the antagonists fail to realize is that the act itself has no relevance, but the intent/motivation behind the act is everything.

Paying for a drink because you want to as opposed to a sycophant acquiescing to the girl's good graces is the same act, but completely different motivation. Intent--not the act--distinguishes alpha from beta.
Why buy drinks because you want to for entitled females if one generalizes them as such? If one sees every female as entitled yet buys them drinks or pays bartenders big tips to get them drinks then that's pandering to entitled females with beta bucks. No way around it. One cannot generalize all females as being entitled and then buy them drinks because he wants to, then claim he isn't pandering and beta bucking but "others" are.

Or are there "special exceptions" of females? And if there are that's putting them on a pedestal and beta bucking for those "special" types.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Can one buy a drink for his buddy without the intent to pander?


New Member
May 9, 2015
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wait so you went to a movie with a girl and ends up getting into an useless argument with them and don't even sit next to her because its not even a date... so basically you went to the movie theaters and watched a movie by yourself to prove to yourself you are an alpha (and i guess people on the internet land) and have one girl who probably won't want to really see you again or sleep with you. huh. ok. alpha you are. cheers.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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guru1000 said:
Can one buy a drink for his buddy without the intent to pander?

This is what these morons don't understand. Everything a man does with/to a woman doesn't need to be over-analyzed and nitpicked to death. As long as a man is following his own rules rather than a woman's rules he is in a good place.

Back in my 20's when I was broke I avoided spending any money at all one women. But now I do pretty well so I really don't give a sh!t. At the end of the day I won't be getting married (the ultimate beta act) where I'm putting a woman in a place where she has any control over my finances. Throwing a woman the occasional bone brings ME value in the end. Otherwise I wouldn't do it.


May 8, 2015
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Poon King said:

This is what these morons don't understand. Everything a man does with/to a woman doesn't need to be over-analyzed and nitpicked to death. As long as a man is following his own rules rather than a woman's rules he is in a good place.

Back in my 20's when I was broke I avoided spending any money at all one women. But now I do pretty well so I really don't give a sh!t. At the end of the day I won't be getting married (the ultimate beta act) where I'm putting a woman in a place where she has any control over my finances. Throwing a woman the occasional bone brings ME value in the end. Otherwise I wouldn't do it.

Stop lying. You answered as your method was being to pay big tips to bartenders to buy entitled females drinks after you found them attractive and flirted with them to get them drunk.

That's AFC beta bucks pandering and putting ***** on a pedestal game. You laughably try to then claim its just because you want to do it so its now "ok.

Then no matter what other males do to get entitled females to sleep with them you can't say SH1T about because THEY are doing what they want.

Like it or not. You cannot do the same stuff you call everyone else doing beta and then do it yourself and say its not because you want to do it.


May 8, 2015
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guru1000 said:
Can one buy a drink for his buddy without the intent to pander?
These aren't buddies. These are in his own generalizations entitled females PK meets in urban bars after finding them attractive flirting with them to pay big tips to bartenders to buy them drinks.

These aren't male buddies. No excuse to now beta buck and buy entitled females drinks when a lot of men don't have to spend money on drinks for entitled females in bars to get them drunk. That's average afc game and entitled females in bars clubs and online look for chumps to get free drinks off of.

been long known as pandering chump game. One cannot now claim its ok for him to do but beta for everyone else. Ridiculous.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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The post count of the guys attacking you is...interesting.

Great post as usual.:up:


May 8, 2015
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G_Govan said:
The post count of the guys attacking you is...interesting.

Great post as usual.:up:
Do you need to check post counts to see hypocrisy? Does hypocrisy even exist in your vocabulary?

Great Post as usual about what? MGTOW hypocrisy?


New Member
May 9, 2015
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I date great looking ones but not damaged ones.


May 8, 2015
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An angry MGTOW gave me a neg rep. My life is ruined. Truth hurts these MGTOW "men". :crackup:

Don't drink the... 05-09-2015 03:57 PM Burroughs


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
i aint' go lie lol i used to do that too lol. i've always been an extremely, extremely, extremely good tipper. first becuase i'm black and i like to try to break the black people don't tip stereotype but secondly it draws attention. unless the service is noticeably horrible i am a really good tipper.

when i really got some money i used to visit this sports bar down the street from my house 3-4 nights a week and I'd ring up a 40 dollar tab and leave 100 and tell them to keep the change. one of the best plates, and by best i mean total freak lol, i've ever had i got her to notice me by doing this. i left her a good 30-40 dollar tip as I had been staying and playing pool for a few hours and she was cute / sweet and the next time she asked me what do I do for a living to be able to tip like that. i mean she was a true skank lol but i mean we're sport ****ing we don't care lol. if sport****ing is fishing, money is one of the best baits you could have.

with that said, i think you are missing the forest in the trees. OP is what 30 years old, if at the age of 30 springing 12 dollars for a chick who invites herself to the movies with you is a big deal then you really aren't worth dating. I mean, I understand the principle behind the matter. But I mean, this one really wasn't worth the fight. I mean dude it's ****ing 12 dollars. I give my son that when the ice cream truck is outside lol. That's like a combo meal at mc donalds with a sundae added. That's basically 2 packs of cigarettes.

I mean, I promise you that I understand the principle at hand. I'm just saying, shouldn't the line in the sand be drawn a little further down the road? I mean, i don't like it when my wife goes and ****s up my monthy budget by buying shoes and **** without telling me, then i got to go to the bank and move money around and ****, but i'm not gonna get mad at her for buying subway using my amex card or some ****. you are telling me your line in the sand point is 12 dollars lol?

I mean, i could undestand like you are hungry and you are going out to eat and she invites herself and orders up lobster and steak and **** and rings up a 50 dollar tab. even now i would be like look here ***** lol, you ate that ****, i didn't order that ****, i didn't invite you, you need to figure that **** out. I mean, i can even undrestand like if you said hey i'm going to bowling and she's like hey i am coming! and she wants to get bowling shoes and bowl like extra games and **** lol, starts ordering beers and ****. bowling can get expensive lol

but 12 ****ing dollars lol? i can't get over that. in her mind you are either

1. so broke that 12 dollars is a lot of money to you or

2. such a prude, you're no fun and you make everything os serious you aren't fun to chill with

the only thing you really accomplished was getting rid of a plate who now sees you as uptight.

i'm not saying there are not moments when you have to stand your ground, i'm just saying the stand your ground point should not be 12 ****ing dollars

while I will admit that I'm a feminist line was ****ing money, it didn't accomplish anything. You might have won the battle (getting her to pay) but you defiantly lost the war (her seeing you as a fun person to be around who isn't a prude)


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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backbreaker said:
with that said, i think you are missing the forest in the trees. OP is what 30 years old, if at the age of 30 springing 12 dollars for a chick who invites herself to the movies with you is a big deal then you really aren't worth dating. I mean, I understand the principle behind the matter. But I mean, this one really wasn't worth the fight. I mean dude it's ****ing 12 dollars. I give my son that when the ice cream truck is outside lol. That's like a combo meal at mc donalds with a sundae added. That's basically 2 packs of cigarettes.

but 12 ****ing dollars lol? i can't get over that. in her mind you are either

1. so broke that 12 dollars is a lot of money to you or

2. such a prude, you're no fun and you make everything os serious you aren't fun to chill with

I think the point is drilling it into your woman's head that she's entitled to approximately $0 and 0 cents of your money, any and everything she gets from you is a gift and a privelege and to be earned and deserved, not required and expected. it's been said around here that you have to set boundaries early, you can't set them in the middle of things when things have gotten out of hand(slippery slopes and all that), so establish early that your money is yours.

it's kinda rude and disrespectful to first invite yourself to someone's plans and then on top of that expect them to accommodate a guest who invited themselves. something similar happened to me with my birthday plans recently, a girl apparently wanted to both invite herself to the restaurant I was going to with my friends and implied that she wanted me to treat her to food so she wouldn't have to spend so much(everyone keeps telling me chipotle is expensive), the difference is that I think that girl was just joking and wasn't serious... I hope she is cuz I ain't paying for her **** lol.

a girl's like for you should be 100% independent of your money, you don't want any girl whose opinion of you has anything to do with how much you have or spend on her. you'll want a girl who'd be okay with you taking her to a mcdonalds if you're nearly broke cuz it's the day before you get paid or something. else you'll either end up with a girl who'll dump you if you go broke, or whine if you spend less than $100 on her in any given date/night