Don't drink the entitled FEMALE kool-aid

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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I believe one of the main reasons so many men today are such wimps when it comes to dealing with women (outside of screwed up laws) is because they are too willing to do what women tell them instead of doing what they want.

They also listen to the stupid, entitled, gibberish women spew such as this:

One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.

I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"

So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.

We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:

HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"

Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.

After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.

The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup:


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
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Poon King said:
that all beta fags
Poon King said:
like so many faggots on this site do.

ur one of the biggest betas on this site play her man. u payin high tips for women's drinks n sh@t is beta man. get ur head out of ur @ss man. aint nobody is wantin to b joinin this site or stayin here when u callin dudes beta f@ggots all the damn time. u sound like a damn idiot sayin beta faggot sh@t all the time hollerin insults at posters who r tryin to get women n learn wut to do. jus wut this site is for to learn how to seduce women not to hate them like u makin ppl feel like sh@t for learnin wut is rite. aint nobody gots time for wut ur doin. start helpin men out instead of tryin to ruin their confidence n bringin them down for wantin to b with a woman. pathetic to hate on dudes for wantin women to b with now thats sum faggot sh@t rite there man discourgin dudes for wut a man is suppose to be doin.
Apr 23, 2015
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Poon King said:
I believe one of the main reasons so many men today are such wimps when it comes to dealing with women (outside of screwed up laws) is because they are too willing to do what women tell them instead of doing what they want.

They also listen to the stupid, entitled, gibberish women spew such as this:

One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.

I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"

So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.

We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:

HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"

Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.

After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.

The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup:
Your response "but I'm a feminist" had no come back to it... That is a great one.

I personally think a guy should pay a lot of time times but not all nor necessarily most.

I like how you called her on inviting herself on your movie trip, but it wasn't like you invited her. Kinda like a guy friend inviting himself to a bar trip and assuming you where picking up the tab when you never said you would.

I will be more mindful.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
One of your posts I agree with Poon. This is excellent, grade fūcking A advice. No joke. To many men are afraid to do and say whatever they want and are too concerned with what they think everyone else thinks they should do. I would've told that bítch the same thing and 79% of the time I'm willing to bet she still fūcks me too.

Too bad others see you as toxic and immediately dismiss this piece as more women hate. I have to admit, a lot of what you say does = the cooch, even if its a lil misogynistic or extreme at times.


El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Poon King said:
HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"
Not gonna lie, that's a funny conversation.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
I'm so tire of being expected to pay on dates...because it makes you look cheap to everyone in the establishment when you have to go out of your way to go dutch...

Its a bunch of bs...abd I always get white knights giving me a dirty look when I point out to the girl she needs to pay her half....screw paying for the know you hit a good one when she always insists on.paying for you or at least herself....

This have to pay for the girl thing is ridiculous and makes having a good drinking date potentially expensive...

I even got the...,"well I didn't bring any money" line before...

I simply excused myself to the restroom and disappear ed


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Great example of how the female mind works. She tested you a few times and you never caved, thus she wanted to come back and have sex with you. Plus, after her night of seeing what kind of guy you are, from now on, there's a good chance she will be offering to pay for stuff(yours to) and-or bring you food or presents. She has found someone who she gets to do things for, and who she gets to please.

The only thing I question is this statement:
Poon King said:
That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup:
I understand completely where you are coming from but there are times where men aren't necessarily worried about losing the girl, but feel in this type of situation it's just easier and less hassle to pay, or they want to be the "gentleman" and pay. Either way, in that scenario, I'd still make sure in one way or another that she knew she owed me somehow for those tickets - that I'm not in the business of just paying for her **** whenever she wants to invite herself along. Examples of ways she could pay me back: Buy us food at the theatre, shoulder rub in the theatre, back or foot rub back home, make me dinner when we get back, etc. Just as long as she realizes they're not free tickets, and no - sex does not count. Sex is just as beneficial for her as it is for me. :up:


May 6, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
I believe one of the main reasons so many men today are such wimps when it comes to dealing with women (outside of screwed up laws) is because they are too willing to do what women tell them instead of doing what they want.

They also listen to the stupid, entitled, gibberish women spew such as this:

One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.

I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"

So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.

We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:

HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"

Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.

After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.

The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup:
I hope you beta fags enjoyed my player themed creative writing story above in hopes you forget all about and dismiss my previous beta bucks advice post with me paying for women's drinks. I needed a "got laid" story the following day to cover my previous self-embarrassment. :crackup:

What really happened was I gave all my beta bucks as tips to the bartender I know in my local urban bar to get this entitled feminist drunk. She took my free drinks then excused herself to the restroom and I never saw or heard from her again.

Since I was broke I made it up to myself by using my birthday gift certificate to get ONE ticket to my favorite Disney movie and cried my eyes out alone in the theater. It's ok for us alphas to cry. Don't listen to those beta fags. :up:


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
Poon King said:
I believe one of the main reasons so many men today are such wimps when it comes to dealing with women (outside of screwed up laws) is because they are too willing to do what women tell them instead of doing what they want.

They also listen to the stupid, entitled, gibberish women spew such as this:

One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.

I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"

So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.

We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:

HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"

Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.

After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.

The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup:
Outstanding... +1

I've actually read similar articles (posted by others) on entitled feminists/women and they go through their "male bashing" babble and so forth. What these "authors" fail to realize that these privellaged "hot" women only represent like what, less than 25% (correct me if i'm wrong) the women out there...what about the average or non attractive ones?? She becomes her own hypocrite because she is trying to preach "yes its great to be hot" but I don't care about the other women who are "beneath me" in the looks category. I started reading the comments left by others and she was being ripped by males AND FEMALES alike.... :crackup: IF YOU EVER WANT TO GUAGE THE CREDIBILITY/TONE IN SOME OF THESE "FEM" ARTICLES, READ THE COMMENTRARY, EVEN REGULAR WOMEN TURN ON THEM.. :cuss: :crackup:

And that dialogue you had with that chick, throwing feminist logic in her face but most importantly NOT BACKING DOWN/CAVING IN regardless of how she felt and still f**king her afterwards? PRICELESS... Most men would've caved in and purchase her that ticket, YOU DIDN'T...YOU MADE HER RESPECT YOU. Sir, I owe you a beer.

Poon King...
On a side note, I know you get criticized a lot from others on this site.. Some either don't want to admit your right, haven't swallowed the pill, can't practice what they preach in the real world, keyboard jockeys, etc.
Also to be honest you do drop the beta f**s phrase a lot that turns people off and I don't always agree with the "all women" generalization (at least for now)

YOUR COMMON SENSE, LOGIC AND REALISM IS SECOND TO NONE AND AS A MAN I HAVE GREAT RESPECT FOR. A lot of people can't handle the truth because you take a wrecking ball to everything preconceived ideal they learned thru modern media and it frightens them.... they can't defend themselves (i.e. Blindly attacking the messenger BUT NEVER "TRULY" DEBATING THE MESSAGE) Some members who hate haven't even experienced what seniors here have actually gone thru...:crazy:

Dude, keep up the good work :up: And If I didn't mention it before, rep +1


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
Poon King said:
HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

That's a brilliant line.

The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them.

True, the chicks love to break men's frame.That's their main thing to do.Test, test, test ... bend and see if it breaks.Women never respect the weak.(actually nobody respects the weak) and if you bend under pressure - like social beta pressure - OMFG I should pay for your ticket you show weakness.By 'risking' and showing, I dont give a fvck, my rules, if you dont like it go away - you show strong frame.Its not about being stubborn its about not letting females take advantage of you.

Notice - she tried to break his frame multiple times - and even calling him dck - most guys would BACK OFF and say 'Im so sorry' and their frame would be broken, because thet did back off under pressure.


Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
I believe one of the main reasons so many men today are such wimps when it comes to dealing with women (outside of screwed up laws) is because they are too willing to do what women tell them instead of doing what they want.

They also listen to the stupid, entitled, gibberish women spew such as this:

One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.

I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"

So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.

We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:

HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"

ME: "Why would I?"

HER: "Because you invited me"

ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."

HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"

ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"

Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.

After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.

The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup:
The other day you were giving advice on using your beta bucks to give big tips to bartenders to get entitled females drunk to try and sleep with them or they aren't DTF in your own words and now you aren't buying a movie ticket for one of your plates and getting sex out of it.

Why didn't you just tell the poster who asked your method to not buy a female a movie ticket or anything, tell entitled females he meets he's a feminist and then he stands a better chance of getting sex?

Let's see your convenient new themed story.

You have plates. check.

One of your plates calls you up instead of you asking her. check

she's jealous asking who's going with you because she suspects you have plates. check

she the entitled female invites herself and expects you to pay and you don't. check

You neg her. check.

You mention feminist to a female who anyone else never hears mention in real life unless they date females who call themselves feminists. check

the entitled female gets mad and you don't care. check.

your rebelliousness turns her on. check.

she kinos you and pushes your arm because you're a bad boy. check

she goes back to your place and you get sex without buying entitled females drinks. check.

This story seems a little too much like a made up MGTOW keyboard feel good "success" novel to get back in good graces from your bad advice to posters to spend their beta bucks buying entitled females drinks. :kick:

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Dirtbagz said:
The other day you were giving advice on using your beta bucks to give big tips to bartenders to get entitled females drunk to try and sleep with them or they aren't DTF in your own words and now you aren't buying a movie ticket for one of your plates and getting sex out of it.

Why didn't you just tell the poster who asked your method to not buy a female a movie ticket or anything, tell entitled females he meets he's a feminist and then he stands a better chance of getting sex?

Let's see your convenient new themed story.

You have plates. check.

One of your plates calls you up instead of you asking her. check

she's jealous asking who's going with you because she suspects you have plates. check

she the entitled female invites herself and expects you to pay and you don't. check

You neg her. check.

You mention feminist to a female who anyone else never hears mention in real life unless they date females who call themselves feminists. check

the entitled female gets mad and you don't care. check.

your rebelliousness turns her on. check.

she kinos you and pushes your arm because you're a bad boy. check

she goes back to your place and you get sex without buying entitled females drinks. check.

This story seems a little too much like a made up MGTOW keyboard feel good "success" novel to get back in good graces from your bad advice to posters to spend their beta bucks buying entitled females drinks. :kick:
I'm sure you WANT it to be made up because it doesn't go along with your blue pill Disney dream world. Too bad though.

Yep.. I give tips to bartenders. They are working men and they hook me up with good drinks. Also, that thread was about meeting new women.

And finally... you're an idiot. In my last thread I said there are no concrete rules to getting laid. I do whatever the f*ck I want. Sometimes I spend money and other times I don't. It all depends on my assessment of the situation and what I feel like doing at the time. Same goes with friends and family. Sometimes I pay for them and sometimes I don't. Why would women be any different?

I spend money when it benefits me. Its a little thing called "common sense". Try it. :up:


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
Poon King said:
I'm sure you WANT it to be made up because it doesn't go along with your blue pill Disney dream world. Too bad though.

Yep.. I give tips to bartenders. They are working men and they hook me up with good drinks. Also, that thread was about meeting new women.

And finally... you're an idiot. In my last thread I said there are no concrete rules to getting laid. I do whatever the f*ck I want. Sometimes I spend money and other times I don't. It all depends on my assessment of the situation and what I feel like doing at the time. Same goes with friends and family. Sometimes I pay for them and sometimes I don't. Why would women be any different?

I spend money when it benefits me. Its a little thing called "common sense". Try it. :up:

Interesting...Basically you are doing the same thing that other guys do, but are calling them betas...spending money sometimes on women. Don't you see that as being hypocritical when you always call guys betas? You are being a "beta" too spending money on women just like everyone else. Every guy is going to spend money on women "sometimes". How is that being a beta? Good convo by the way. Don't let women gain control over you.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Pardner said:
Interesting...Basically you are doing the same thing that other guys do, but are calling them betas...spending money sometimes on women. Don't you see that as being hypocritical when you always call guys betas? You are being a "beta" too spending money on women just like everyone else. Every guy is going to spend money on women "sometimes". How is that being a beta? Good convo by the way. Don't let women gain control over you.
Letting what women want dictate your behavior is "beta". I can get what I want from women without spending money. However, I can get even more out of women by occasionally spending money.

Basically.. if you offer as little as possible from the start.. then you throw women a bone on occasion.. it gives them hope and thus.. you can get more out of them than you ever give them. They are all competing to be top plate. The occasional "treat" makes them think they're getting close. Spending money can be a bargain in certain situations. Only seasoned players will understand this.

The less you offer people in general.. the bigger a deal it is when you finally DO offer something. For instance.. take an entitled female who treats her man like dirt. One day she decides to be nice to him and cook him breakfast in bed. To him.. this is a "big deal" because she is usually a c*nt. At the same time.. if she was ALWAYS nice to him and cooked all the time.. then breakfast in bed would be expected and not a "big deal". Get my point?


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
Poon King said:
Letting what women want dictate your behavior is "beta". I can get what I want from women without spending money. However, I can get even more out of women by occasionally spending money.

Basically.. if you offer as little as possible from the start.. then you throw women a bone on occasion.. it gives them hope and thus.. you can get more out of them than you ever give them. They are all competing to be top plate. The occasional "treat" makes them think they're getting close. Spending money can be a bargain in certain situations. Only seasoned players will understand this.

The less you offer people in general.. the bigger a deal it is when you finally DO offer something. For instance.. take an entitled female who treats her man like dirt. One day she decides to be nice to him and cook him breakfast in bed. To him.. this is a "big deal" because she is usually a c*nt. At the same time.. if she was ALWAYS nice to him and cooked all the time.. then breakfast in bed would be expected and not a "big deal". Get my point?
The point is you're stilll spending money sometimes on women like the rest of us do. And for some reason you're still calling that beta. Women want free drinks and you're still giving them free drinks. Women are dictating your behavior, you're giving them free drinks for sex after. And you call that beta? When I'm basically not paying sh1t for drinks I call that a good deal getting good pvssy in return. Who gives a sh1t if they want a free drink when I'm fvcking them. You're calling yourself a beta in your own definiton and I disagree.


Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
I'm sure you WANT it to be made up because it doesn't go along with your blue pill Disney dream world. Too bad though.

Yep.. I give tips to bartenders. They are working men and they hook me up with good drinks. Also, that thread was about meeting new women.

And finally... you're an idiot. In my last thread I said there are no concrete rules to getting laid. I do whatever the f*ck I want. Sometimes I spend money and other times I don't. It all depends on my assessment of the situation and what I feel like doing at the time. Same goes with friends and family. Sometimes I pay for them and sometimes I don't. Why would women be any different?

I spend money when it benefits me. Its a little thing called "common sense". Try it. :up:
Cool story bro. You flip flop like a fish out of water.

Make sure you log into your Peasantplayer and Johnnythearrow alt accounts to "agree" with you.

Perhaps you can invite your invisible friends / alt accounts to sarge with when you beta buck buying entitled females drinks. :crackup:

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Pardner said:
The point is you're stilll spending money sometimes on women like the rest of us do. And for some reason you're still calling that beta. Women want free drinks and you're still giving them free drinks. Women are dictating your behavior, you're giving them free drinks for sex after. And you call that beta? When I'm basically not paying sh1t for drinks I call that a good deal getting good pvssy in return. Who gives a sh1t if they want a free drink when I'm fvcking them. You're calling yourself a beta in your own definiton and I disagree.
Getting women tipsy is for my benefit/entertainment, not to pander to the woman. The reason behind the action matters.

Time is money. If I can bed a woman faster by dropping a few bucks.. I'm not going to avoid doing it because of some need to be/look/act "alpha".

old married dude

Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2009
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Poon King said:
Getting women tipsy is for my benefit/entertainment, not to pander to the woman. The reason behind the action matters.

Time is money. If I can bed a woman faster by dropping a few bucks.. I'm not going to avoid doing it because of some need to be/look/act "alpha".
So what you're saying is that you're a little bit beta sometimes?:crackup:

It's OK if you are...just a little bit...I found that going full alpha, totally ****y & such can be too over the top & when I did that a had a few girls just straight up tell me "You're a real a$$!" and just never talk to me anymore.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
Poon King said:
Getting women tipsy is for my benefit/entertainment, not to pander to the woman. The reason behind the action matters.
Getting women tipsy is for every guy's entertainment. Women want free drinks and you are giving them what they want in return for sex. You call that being a beta pandering to women. Why is not pandering for you and for other guys it is?

Poon King said:
Time is money. If I can bed a woman faster by dropping a few bucks.. I'm not going to avoid doing it because of some need to be/look/act "alpha".
Neither is every other guy, but you still call them betas for what you're doing with women. Don't you see the problem here?Basically you're contradicting everything you've been saying. You're dropping the bucks just like other men do, in which you call other men betas for doing. It seems that you looks for ways to justify "the reason" for yourself not to be a beta, but call other guys who do the same thing a beta. How is that not being a hypocrite?


Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Danger said:
I love how butthurt feminists like dirtbag attack the poster and ignore the discussion or points.


Did you forget Pay Her Man's thread? His top secret method that any shlub has been trying since God knows when.

Pay Her Man finds female attractive and flirts with her.

Pay Her Man meets attractive female at bar to buy her drinks offering big tips to bartenders in his local urban bar in an effort to get her drunk so her can sleep with her. Or if she doesn't agree to drinks she isn't DTF him.

Average beta bucking fag flirts with attractive female in bar. Female reciprocates to get free drinks. Average beta fag tries to get her drunk to sleep with him or she isn't DTF.

Same difference. Pay Her Man is using AFC beta bucks game.

What if an entitled attractive female flirts and wants a teddy bear instead and she finds it romantic and wants to have sex? Or just a movie? Why not pay then if she finds Pay Her Man attractive enough? Why need drinks and make sure she doesn't have food so she gets nice and drunk? Should everybody after something need to use drinks to get the other inebriated in order for us to get our way? What if they don't drink? Will Pay Her Man only sleep with drunk females? Or buy them something else inexpensive instead? A nice perfume to smell nice for him?

Why didn't Pay Her Man tell the poster to advise females he finds attractive he's going to the movies. Entitled female will automatically (since she's an entitled female and they're all like that) invite herself. Then tell entitled female he isn't paying for their ticket. Let entitled female get mad and then turned on by his rebel attitude and go back to his place to relax and have sex for FREE instead of beta bucking like an AFC?