Don't be alone on a Friday


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hey All,

Don't post here on the DJ boards much because most of my time is spent on my own website, but I really like this message board, so I thought I'd post a few things that have helped me to increase my success with women, so to speak. Hopefully, it'll help others as it helped me as well.

The first thing I want to talk about is Forcing Yourself to get out of the house and get your life going!

We’ve all been there before. It’s Friday, you get home and eat a little dinner. The sky is slowly darkening and you feel the urge to go out somewhere and unwind after a long week. So you call up a few friends, leave a few messages, and watch a little TV. It gets later in the evening, and no one has called back yet. You’re getting antsy. You want to go out and have a good time and meet some girls.

Eventually, it gets late, and you’re still at home. No one has called back for some reason, and you’re worried that your night is a bust. You end up shrugging it off and deciding to just stay in and hope there’s some good quasi-porn on Cinemax. Then you spend the rest of the night feeling like a loser, and that everyone else is living a better and more exciting life than you.

In short: You’re alone on a Friday Night. And it SUCKS!!!!

Speaking as a guy who used to spend every Friday night by himself, I can say unequivocally that nothing will depress you more than staying in on a night where everyone else is going to have fun. By doing so, you will begin to develop insecurities that will only depress you more, and as we all know, beating yourself up is not a good way to live a happy life.

So what’s a guy to do? No one wants to go out without their friends. Especially on a night that’s meant to be fun and social. But the thing is, you can’t rely on others for fun.

I’ll say it again: You can’t rely on others for fun.

This is a CORE concept in overcoming "Nice Guy" syndrome. Nice Guys rely on others for happiness in their lives. That's why they are "nice" to begin with. They want people to like them, so they will do things to get others to like them so those people can bring hope, fun, and validation into their lives. Part of overcoming that and becoming a cool guy that OTHERS want to have around is becoming self-sufficient for your own entertainment.

For example, I have a friend of mine who is HABITUALLY late. Seriously, it’s not unrealistic to wait for him for 2 hours before he joins you after the scheduled meeting time. But the thing is, I don’t mind it, because I don’t rely on him for my interactions. I’ll take my time getting to where I’m going, I’ll maybe hit up a book store or what have you, then head over to the meeting place and maybe get a bite to eat while I wait for him, taking the time to chat up any woman I may see in the vicinity.

This is something most people won’t do. Instead, they may wait at one place for a long time, sitting there quietly, bored, waiting, wondering when their friend will show up so they can start having fun. But you have to make your own fun. You have to rely on yourself for having a good time.

This means that come Friday, when you’re all alone at your place and you feel like going out and having a good time, do not wait around for your friends! Go do things you enjoy! Go out to dinner and chat up your waitress. Go see a movie. Head to the local bar for a happy hour. Just GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! The simple activity of going out in public, even if it is by yourself, will keep those feelings of “being a loser” at bay, because you are being active. You are opening your life up to possibilities that would not be there if you were by yourself at home.

But what do you do when you’re out by yourself? Well, I’ll probably write about that some other time. I know a lot of guys rely on others so much that the thought of venturing into the world solo can be earth-shaking. But it is vitally important to make yourself be active in life, in having experiences that make you a more well-rounded individual – even if it is by yourself!

Thundercat's Seduction Lair


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
AMEN to that!
I should find it fairly easy to go out myown,though as I'm a bit of Loner in Real Life anyway


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
I had like a 1 month period i didnt have many friends to go out, but i started going out really a lot, like 4 times a week. After a couple of months, ppl are always inviting me to go out, and i have hard time to manage being with all of my friends..


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2002
Reaction score
What if the town you live in doesn't have a social center, and the nearest cities to have fun and meet people are at least an hour away?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Good thread Thundercat. The website is bad ass.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by leoncour
What if the town you live in doesn't have a social center, and the nearest cities to have fun and meet people are at least an hour away?
I live about 45 minutes north of San Francisco and go clubbing there usually once a weekend.

I often take the bus to avoid drinking and driving, and it usually adds another half an hour to the trip each way.

Sometimes, I'll stay at a friends house as well to avoid DUI or even sleep in my car.

The point is, don't make excuses for not going out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Thundercat
This is a CORE concept in overcoming "Nice Guy" syndrome. Nice Guys rely on others for happiness in their lives. That's why they are "nice" to begin with. They want people to like them, so they will do things to get others to like them so those people can bring hope, fun, and validation into their lives. Part of overcoming that and becoming a cool guy that OTHERS want to have around is becoming self-sufficient for your own entertainment.
Gold advice man. Thanks!


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Thundercat
I’ll say it again: You can’t rely on others for fun.

This is a CORE concept in overcoming "Nice Guy" syndrome. Nice Guys rely on others for happiness in their lives. That's why they are "nice" to begin with. They want people to like them, so they will do things to get others to like them so those people can bring hope, fun, and validation into their lives. Part of overcoming that and becoming a cool guy that OTHERS want to have around is becoming self-sufficient for your own entertainment.

Amen, amen, amen.

I just would like to change the third word ("a") for "the".

If you get relationships but you cannot be happy just by yourself, you can bet you got these relationships just by chance. First you have to be absolutely self-sufficient, 100%. Then, you can increase your happiness by interacting with other people.

I have not had this feeling too much, but when you feel that having yourself alone is more than enough it´s a great feeling!!!


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
LOL ****... im exactly the same as the friend you described.. i often procrastinate so much and i dont get dressed till the meeting time so im always at least 1 hour late.. most of the time 2 hours.. its a scary habit and i need to change that..

but the good thing is, they always wait for me so i dont have to worry about going out and not being with anyone :)

Dark Nimbus

Senior Don Juan
Jan 20, 2002
Reaction score
Good advice Thundercat. It's one of the first things I did that changed my life. I put myself in social situations and observed interactions and absorbed the social energy around me, which naturally made me want to be more outgoing.

Now I'm very independant that way, I can go out to eat or watch a movie alone and have no problem with it. Actually I went to watch Hellboy on tuesday since my friends bailed, and a couple people including the girl I'm seeing now thought it was strange that I went alone. It's just not a social norm to be self reliant it seems and independent.

Just look at all those insecure girls/guys with cellphones glued to their ears where ever they are, from shopping malls to school. It's the next generations version of holding on to your mommy's apron strings or needing to have your hand held wherever you go. It's pretty sad really and it only makes me grin when I get a strange look for going out alone. It also shows a girl I don't need her or anyone to make me happy, when I'm capable of doing it myself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
It's sound advice, i'll give you that, but I CHOOSE not to go out on fridays.

I am the type of person that has to have my "me" time.

I usually spend weekday nights at work

I usually spend Friday nights at home by myself

I usually spend saturday nights with my friends

I usually spend Sunday nights with any girl that I am interested in at the time. Sunday just seems like the perfect 'date" day. Even if you don't want to go out, you can just invite over to your house and watch TV because the best shows come on at sunday after 7pm


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dark Nimbus
Good advice Thundercat. It's one of the first things I did that changed my life. I put myself in social situations and observed interactions and absorbed the social energy around me, which naturally made me want to be more outgoing
Interesting "exercise". Did you go to clubs alone and watch what was going on? I´m thinking about doing this.

Online DJ

New Member
Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Thundercat
Hey All,

Don't post here on the DJ boards much because most of my time is spent on my own website, but I really like this message board, so I thought I'd post a few things that have helped me to increase my success with women, so to speak. Hopefully, it'll help others as it helped me as well.

The first thing I want to talk about is Forcing Yourself to get out of the house and get your life going!

We’ve all been there before. It’s Friday, you get home and eat a little dinner. The sky is slowly darkening and you feel the urge to go out somewhere and unwind after a long week. So you call up a few friends, leave a few messages, and watch a little TV. It gets later in the evening, and no one has called back yet. You’re getting antsy. You want to go out and have a good time and meet some girls.

Eventually, it gets late, and you’re still at home. No one has called back for some reason, and you’re worried that your night is a bust. You end up shrugging it off and deciding to just stay in and hope there’s some good quasi-porn on Cinemax. Then you spend the rest of the night feeling like a loser, and that everyone else is living a better and more exciting life than you.

In short: You’re alone on a Friday Night. And it SUCKS!!!!

Speaking as a guy who used to spend every Friday night by himself, I can say unequivocally that nothing will depress you more than staying in on a night where everyone else is going to have fun. By doing so, you will begin to develop insecurities that will only depress you more, and as we all know, beating yourself up is not a good way to live a happy life.

So what’s a guy to do? No one wants to go out without their friends. Especially on a night that’s meant to be fun and social. But the thing is, you can’t rely on others for fun.

I’ll say it again: You can’t rely on others for fun.

This is a CORE concept in overcoming "Nice Guy" syndrome. Nice Guys rely on others for happiness in their lives. That's why they are "nice" to begin with. They want people to like them, so they will do things to get others to like them so those people can bring hope, fun, and validation into their lives. Part of overcoming that and becoming a cool guy that OTHERS want to have around is becoming self-sufficient for your own entertainment.

For example, I have a friend of mine who is HABITUALLY late. Seriously, it’s not unrealistic to wait for him for 2 hours before he joins you after the scheduled meeting time. But the thing is, I don’t mind it, because I don’t rely on him for my interactions. I’ll take my time getting to where I’m going, I’ll maybe hit up a book store or what have you, then head over to the meeting place and maybe get a bite to eat while I wait for him, taking the time to chat up any woman I may see in the vicinity.

This is something most people won’t do. Instead, they may wait at one place for a long time, sitting there quietly, bored, waiting, wondering when their friend will show up so they can start having fun. But you have to make your own fun. You have to rely on yourself for having a good time.

This means that come Friday, when you’re all alone at your place and you feel like going out and having a good time, do not wait around for your friends! Go do things you enjoy! Go out to dinner and chat up your waitress. Go see a movie. Head to the local bar for a happy hour. Just GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! The simple activity of going out in public, even if it is by yourself, will keep those feelings of “being a loser” at bay, because you are being active. You are opening your life up to possibilities that would not be there if you were by yourself at home.

But what do you do when you’re out by yourself? Well, I’ll probably write about that some other time. I know a lot of guys rely on others so much that the thought of venturing into the world solo can be earth-shaking. But it is vitally important to make yourself be active in life, in having experiences that make you a more well-rounded individual – even if it is by yourself!

Thundercat's Seduction Lair
I've already try going out places by myself. Going out alone isn't fun as going out with your friends, especially on friday night. I have two real good friends, but I stopped hanging out with those fools because all they wanna to do is get drunk every weekend. I don't rely on them to have fun, but going out by yourself is just awkward to me. Seriously, how many people here can approach a group of chicks when they're alone? It'll be intimidating. It would be so much easier when you're with friends.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2004
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
Derek are you the drunk dude I met on the BART?? hahaha just kidding. I love SF.
ANyway, that was a great post. I am going to email it to a friend cuz this guy is serriously needing some help. he will come over to my place (usually on a night I dont want to do anything) and want to go out and do something fun, pick up chick, whatever. but he always wants me to choose what to do, he says things like "hey lets go do something fun" and I will say "ok what?" then he says "I dunno you pick"... this so pisses me off. THis is why I go out alone most of the time cuz sometimes your friends can be such a drag. I dont want that LSM arround me when I am workin some hottie. I am the type that is always having fun no matter where I go, if I have to waite for someone I use that time to MY advantage. SO I say go out alone have fun, see the sights or whatever. sometimes its better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
great post! i ususally have to be a cheerleader to get my friends to do ANYTHING. it is a real drag and sometimes i just give up. i wish that i could just go out alone on a friday night, but it is a lot harder when you are a tiny girl! i am a solitary individual, but it is much different being a girl alone than a guy alone. damn double standards.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by SuperMan_Wuss
Derek are you the drunk dude I met on the BART?? hahaha just kidding. I love SF.
ANyway, that was a great post. I am going to email it to a friend cuz this guy is serriously needing some help. he will come over to my place (usually on a night I dont want to do anything) and want to go out and do something fun, pick up chick, whatever. but he always wants me to choose what to do, he says things like "hey lets go do something fun" and I will say "ok what?" then he says "I dunno you pick"... this so pisses me off. THis is why I go out alone most of the time cuz sometimes your friends can be such a drag. I dont want that LSM arround me when I am workin some hottie. I am the type that is always having fun no matter where I go, if I have to waite for someone I use that time to MY advantage. SO I say go out alone have fun, see the sights or whatever. sometimes its better.
No, wasn't me. I really don't drink all that much, but it's not worth the risk driving 40 miles home at 3:00 AM with alchohol in your system.

And if I can't find friends to go with me or meet me there, I'll go solo as well.

Life's too short to make excuses for not living.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Southern California
What if you have no friends? What if you despise clubs and bars? What if you HATE being in social situations? What if you aren't a fun, social, or out-going person, yet you still felt that having no life is the worst curse on the planet??



Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Then you have serious psychological issues and should seek professional counceling to find the root of your problems and fears and try to work them out.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Here we are by ourselves on a friday night talking about not being alone on a friday night - does anyone see the irony? :rolleyes:

Iqqi, there is no double standard - you may choose to go out by yourself, just be careful of strangers - that means everyone!

Men go out by themselves, because men don't have the fear that women do - that is the law of nature!