Don't be a p ussy like me. Also, a few words on killing desperation


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Going after what you want

So I'm taking this dance class, and have been seeing one of the girls in the class. Which is nice, but difficult to game the other hotties in there.

Anyway, my girl didn't show up today, so I had my chance. Flirted with this cute chick that can't be more than 4'11", and after class turns out we were headed the same way. Good conversation blah blah blah all that nonsense. In my head I kept wanting to ask her to grab a drink right then and there, but didn't. Her subway stop came up and she went.

I immediately felt sick. It's often said on here that regret is worse than rejection, but I feel like not enough people have had that truly sink in. If I had offered, at most she would have said she had some plans or something. No big deal. But the fact that I let her go without even trying, that just eats at me.

Don't be desperate. Leads to un-smooth moves.

Somewhat unrelated, there is this awesome girl in one of my classes I have had my eye on. I might have an opening with her, but she was all I was thinking about. I have been over-analyzing every single thing, and trying to plan out every moment of when we next meet up, thinking that I HAVE to to this otherwise I'll miss my chance, etc. It really messes with your game. The magic word is OPTIONS.

I realized, while talking to the dance chick from today, that while interacting with other girls, I was not even thinking about the girl from class. The past few days while I haven't been talking/gaming other girls, she's ALL I've been thinking about. You have to put yourself out there and constantly be meeting people/doing cool stuff. Beyond women, it just makes you a happier person, and that helps in all facets of life.

As for the girl I should have asked out...I MIGHT get to rectify this tomorrow. We'll see.