.don Juans, I Need Your Help With This Girl...!!!.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Hey DJ's, can you please help me with this...?

Background- I was with this greek chick from college about 3 months ago at a party. got her number, seemed like she liked me and we met up once for a date... the date went ok, kissed her a couple of times but nothing else happened. she seemed distant but at the same time happy to catch up with me...
Then I met up with her at college a couple of times- she seemed distant and at the second time she sends me an sms saying- " sorry if im being a bit distant lately, its just i got a lot of things on my head atm.. dont worry, its not you, its me.." I replied with some afc sms saying- "no, your fine, if you eva need anything from me, dont hesitate, ask."
After that ive bumped into her a coupl eof times at uni but we were distant from eachother... and then last week, she woke me up with the following sms- "hi swish, hope your results were good even though im sure they were. hope u have enjoyed your hols until now. just thought I should say hi." :confused: dont worry guys, im as confused as you! and stupidly enough, I rushed into it and messaged her the followign day without consoling you guys and wrote the following- "Hey, good hearing from ya, yeh, my hols are great so far and my results were ace.. how bout you? tell me if you wanna catch up..."

Now, I really wanna see this girl asap, shes incredibly hot...
two questions-
1)did her message mean shes kinda interested?
2)was my reply appropriate?
3)what should I sms her in order to catch up.. i want it to seem non-desperate yet C+f at the same time... PLEASE GUYS, HELP ME!

Kind regards,


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by SwiSH
Then I met up with her at college a couple of times- she seemed distant and at the second time she sends me an sms saying- " sorry if im being a bit distant lately, its just i got a lot of things on my head atm.. dont worry, its not you, its me.."
This means she's banging someone else, or she's more interested in other things in her life than she is on spending time with you. She feels guilty for not wanting to hook up with you.

I replied with some afc sms saying- "no, your fine, if you eva need anything from me, dont hesitate, ask."

You essentially said, "Don't worry about not liking me. We can still be 'just friends'". Was that the message you wanted to deliver?

After that ive bumped into her a coupl eof times at uni but we were distant from eachother... and then last week, she woke me up with the following sms- "hi swish, hope your results were good even though im sure they were. hope u have enjoyed your hols until now. just thought I should say hi." :confused:
There may be some interest here, since she's curious as to what you're doing. I doubt it though. I think she just took you up on your "let's be friends" offer. If anything, she's wondering if she might've made the wrong decision discounting you as a romantic prospect...

dont worry guys, im as confused as you! and stupidly enough, I rushed into it and messaged her the followign day without consoling you guys and wrote the following- "Hey, good hearing from ya, yeh, my hols are great so far and my results were ace.. how bout you? tell me if you wanna catch up..."

But you successfully eliminated all doubt. Also, you're asking her PERMISSION to "catch up" with her, which, I'm not gonna lie to you, kind of nauseates me. You should tell her, "Let's hang out tomorrow/friday/etc, how's xxxx at yy:yy?" Instead you're asking her, "Is it OK if I spend time with you?"

Now, I really wanna see this girl asap, shes incredibly hot...
two questions-
1)did her message mean shes kinda interested?
2)was my reply appropriate?
3)what should I sms her in order to catch up.. i want it to seem non-desperate yet C+f at the same time... PLEASE GUYS, HELP ME!
1) No.
2) No.
3) Nothing. If you want to see this girl, stop with the SMS BS, CALL her up and tell her what you wanna do. Give her a specific date/time/place (or a choice of a few). Make it clear that you are interested in her as a woman and not as a buddy. And if she rejects that opportunity, move on.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
only talk to her on the phone or in person to set up a function / date not to 'ketchup 'as you say -- what the heck is all this high tech 'TXT' and 'IM' - y do u want to communicate this way when u r a phone call way - phone is much more effective - u get answers and natural responses right away.

I notice when people want to evade you they use the least personal messaging device -hence ...txt....im...

If she has 'other things' on her mind then you know it's not you that she is referring to and it's some 'other guy'

let her phone you - dont initiiate the call or txt or im anymore - tell her to use phone -- she may be on the verge of breaking up with this dude shortly and your a phone call away --- but u should be looking elsewhere as well


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: .don Juans, I Need Your Help With This Girl...!!!.

Originally posted by squirrels
This means she's banging someone else, or she's more interested in other things in her life than she is on spending time with you. She feels guilty for not wanting to hook up with you.

You essentially said, "Don't worry about not liking me. We can still be 'just friends'". Was that the message you wanted to deliver?
Interesting.. You really reckon that her sms indicates shes banging some1 else from the side..? I didnt think so at the time.. I just thought she's busy with exams and stuff.. and i just wanted her to know that I'm there if she needs my help.. but what U said makes MUCH more sense...

Originally posted by squirrels There may be some interest here, since she's curious as to what you're doing. I doubt it though. I think she just took you up on your "let's be friends" offer. If anything, she's wondering if she might've made the wrong decision discounting you as a romantic prospect...
interesting... very smart way of looking at it...

Originally posted by squirrels But you successfully eliminated all doubt. Also, you're asking her PERMISSION to "catch up" with her, which, I'm not gonna lie to you, kind of nauseates me. You should tell her, "Let's hang out tomorrow/friday/etc, how's xxxx at yy:yy?" Instead you're asking her, "Is it OK if I spend time with you?"
DAMN! If we could only just swap brains!!!! what the heck was I thinking! ah man...

Originally posted by squirrels
1) No.
2) No.
3) Nothing. If you want to see this girl, stop with the SMS BS, CALL her up and tell her what you wanna do. Give her a specific date/time/place (or a choice of a few). Make it clear that you are interested in her as a woman and not as a buddy. And if she rejects that opportunity, move on.
Yeh, I'll call her up tomorrow and confirm her real feelings... Its just that on the fone im TWICE as shy as in person.. dunno, maybe this is due to the fact that I dont sound that good on the fone..

Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover let her phone you - dont initiiate the call or txt or im anymore - tell her to use phone -- she may be on the verge of breaking up with this dude shortly and your a phone call away --- but u should be looking elsewhere as well
I will try, but I dont think she'll have the guts to call ME.. I think that, in essence, i'll be the one who'lle have to initiate the call.. but your right, I should just get over her... although its hard coz shes got the face of a 9 and the ass of a 10... :p