Don Juans... I have a problem.

J Bay Bay

Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
I'm a junior and will be a senior next year and I've known this girl all of my HS days. Well I have never had a class with her until this semester and I have never had any feelings for her until I suddenly thought "Damn, I like her". I was going crazy inside and dropped the freaking deuce, the "i think I like you" bomb. It sort of came out unconsciously in a text. Well I have been told my whole life to be a sweet guy and that some day the one will come blah blah bull shyster. Well now I am stuck in the friend zone. I read the escaping the friend zone article and I am gonna stick to that. I didn't talk to her from Saturday until today because there is a guy she's talking to who lives out of state and he is here for the summer. Tomorrow there is a Citizen Cope concert and she really likes them and I told her I was going and she was like cool we'll hang out then. This girl IS interested because she wants to "hang" during the summer but I want to start on a new slate with her. I can make her laugh on command and I really love her laugh (soft & big smile). So any tips on tomorrow night would be awesome. It should be a great time unless the loser alcoholic from out of state is there.
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Don Juan
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
Do NEVER show her too much affection. You are the prize to be won. The girl can be really lucky, if she got the chance to hang out and probably come together with you. Neg her, and make it up with an honest compliment. Every time you pull her, push her away. She should never be to sure about you.
Make your dates FUN. Never bore her. NEVER. Don't talk much about your self, make sure to be the one that listens to her and ask questions, but also not too much. If she aks you, always evade. Remain a mystery to her. The more the mystery you are, the less sure she is about you and the more she has too fight, the more fun you are - the more she wants you.

If you already dropped the bomb of liking her, act the next time as if she was just an ordinary girl, you have no affection for in any way, and the moment she thinks you do not care for her at all, say something that pulls her towards you.

Good luck


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Glacebay Nova Scotia
Use plenty of Kino with her, and use body language more so then words, and if it's just you two there, hit on other girls a little but keep hitting on her the most. That way she will know you like her with out you telling her again, but she will also be aware of competition.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
You should have pulled.

If you start acting too serious, she's gonna wonder if someday you're gonna stalk her or something. (This seems wierd to you? lol).

If you casually dropped the "You're kinda a cool chick sometimes!" after she said something funny or say it in a complement you would have gone better.

And then pull : (Submessage: You're beautiful but that's not enough! You don't have me yet!) "But i'm still gonna annoy you later tonight!"

Improve your game! Understand this: The more you chase something, the more it runs away! You need a flip in your game. I'd advise DJ bible.

You can get another chance when you improve a bit. She'll notice the changes in your atitude and pull her interest again. It only takes a little spark!

Hope this helps. And please don't focus on one chick ever!

J Bay Bay

Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Well I never got to go to the concert because I had just started my new job and my younger boss wouldn't let me off after training. That night I asked her if Justin was at the concert and she said "no", then she had this story she got soaked with all her clothes on so I made some jokes (Humor= MAJOR GAME) and ended the conversation with a push away, intriguing her. I stopped talking to her from Thursday night-early Friday and made her initiate conversation. Well I was at work Saturday and I get a Text from Myspace saying she left me a Pic comment, and she left a compliment in there about my new hair cut. So I got her thinking about me. So she wants to hang out soon. So kino is an awesome tool I used it on a random girl at the mall (arm) and it seemed as if her eyes melted, so I'm going to use that on when we hang out some time next week when I tell her. Also Groovy I took your advice and started talking to a girl that moved schools after we hit it off pretty quick. I never realized this but I used Kino on her IN CLASS.

J Bay Bay

Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Problem solved... almost

So I haven't talked to her in about 2 weeks and I'm still doing fine. No oneism and it's good, so she is still with this out of state guy and no guy in this situation can say IDC because you WOULD be lying. So what should be my next steps?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Durham, NC
Sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles. It sounds to me like she's currently more interested in this other guy than in you. Sometimes there isn't a damn thing you can do to convince a girl that you're the better man. Usually when you're in this position you're fighting a losing battle and expending a lot of energy and time for very small gains (if any).

I'm not totally sure you're completely in the "friends zone" but right now she's more romantically interested in the other dude. It sucks but i just don't really think there's a whole lot you can do in this situation...

Anti-Dump's machine in the bible might be a good read for you (if you haven't checked it out already). You should spend your time on girls that consistently show you interest. Fighting battles like the one you want to fight to win over this girl usually don't end well.

Again, i would try looking at things from a bigger picture. Right now you should be focused on yourself. Make friends, hit the gym, do whatever you want to do. Do your best to slowly stop thinking about and over analyzing girls and your situation with them. If this particular girl comes around and starts showing consistent interest then knock her out! But fighting for a girl in most cases (especially in high school) simply isn't worth it...