I'm a junior and will be a senior next year and I've known this girl all of my HS days. Well I have never had a class with her until this semester and I have never had any feelings for her until I suddenly thought "Damn, I like her". I was going crazy inside and dropped the freaking deuce, the "i think I like you" bomb. It sort of came out unconsciously in a text. Well I have been told my whole life to be a sweet guy and that some day the one will come blah blah bull shyster. Well now I am stuck in the friend zone. I read the escaping the friend zone article and I am gonna stick to that. I didn't talk to her from Saturday until today because there is a guy she's talking to who lives out of state and he is here for the summer. Tomorrow there is a Citizen Cope concert and she really likes them and I told her I was going and she was like cool we'll hang out then. This girl IS interested because she wants to "hang" during the summer but I want to start on a new slate with her. I can make her laugh on command and I really love her laugh (soft & big smile). So any tips on tomorrow night would be awesome. It should be a great time unless the loser alcoholic from out of state is there.
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