Don Juanism As A Profession


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
OK, so where exactly in that link do we sign up?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
So these professionals....whats the yearly wage?


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2002
Reaction score
Re: professionals aren't born...

I have disagreed with people before. I've been enemies before also. But this man is a complete and total idiot who makes a mockary of Don Juans. Let me clarify.

Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix
"Don Juans" are.

If you want to get techincal...EVERYTHING is a profession. I'm a professional urinater! whooptidooo
If you would have read my definition of Profession or Professional you would realize that everything is not a profession you ****ing moran. Pick up a websters. Their aren't even 20 professions. There's Law, Medicine, Military, Polotics, Police, Fire Figthting, etc...

Professional urinater? Very funny (taste the sarcasm). The little boy made a funny, how cute. You are NOT a professional urinater. You urinating does not live up to a code of ethics, does not require SPECIALIZED training (its natural for the msot part), and does NOT require substantial study (It requires none). You do not serve society when you piss good sir.

Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix

I went through a series of intense training courses and specialized study, I had to even learn to operate devices used specifically in my profession.
The simple argument to those facts are obvious: They are false. Be real man.

Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix

So what?

Who is going to pay me money just because I can aim at a 13" round basin while doing something that comes naturally?
Professionals don't do it for the money. Give up the pissing routine. And why did you measure your toilet *******?

Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix

You are forgetting MATING, (that is what you are practicing while playing around as a Don) is a natural process.

Learning how to express this naturall process in a socially acceptable, or socially desired way is NOT becoming a professional.
Mating is a natural process you say, I agree with you. But that doesn't exclude it from being a profession.

What the ****? Since when is a Don Juan socially acceptable. And by the way I KNOW that doesnt make you a professional, but it doesnt exclude it.

Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix

Professionals learn things which DONT come naturally. Not everyone has an intelligence for applying the laws of physics, no one is born with the biological knowledge that doctors LEARN in order to operate on their patients.
EXACTLY! I agree with you. Mating may come naturally but don Juaning does not. It's nice that you tried to outwit me though.

Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix

Mating is an instinctual process, not something you have to consciously learn to do.
It all boils down to that statement. There are 2 possiblities:

1) (which i agree with) Mating is part of Don Juaning, mating is instinctual, DJing is not.


2) Mating and Don Juaning are natural. If it's "not something you have to consciously learn to do", well than......Why the hell are you at this site?


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
I agree with raptured phoenix.

Jane Goodall realized that chimpanzees had a hierarchal social structure. The chimps on top reproduce more than the apes at the bottom. This does not mean that the apes on top are professionals, and the chimps on bottom are non-professionals.

Genetically speaking we are driven by 96% of the same genes that drive these chimps.
Naturally we act like chimps. Naturally we throw temper-tantrums, naturally we form hierarchies.

The major difference between humans and apes is that we use our consciousness to STOP these natural behaviors.

Its not necesarrily 'we' that use our consciousness, but religions and other supporters of civilization that believe natural man is a savage beast or uncivilized. These institutions claim that natural instincts are SINS and UNCIVILIZED.

Becoming a Don Juan is simply doing what is natural. Don Juans reject social conditioning that tells us to behave in unnatural ways. They just be themselves
This social conditioning against the 'uncivilized' only arose around 10,000 years ago.
Before then for the rest of human evolution i presume humans were mostly "just being themselves". If this is incorrect, then go back far enough and you'll see these chimps at least are just being themselves.

So, double diamonds unless you claim that these apes or evolutionary early humans were professionals then claiming don juans are professional is incosistent.

This is to say you do not need specialized knowledge to be a don juan you just need to be yourself.

In the end learning a bunch of specialized knowledge just to be yourself seems too ironical to be correct to me.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Instead of rambling more, I pulled up some of my favorite quotes from this website.

"We are all bound in some way, shape or form to our society. In this society... we are left with two choices: To become a product of this society... or to make society our product. Only few choose the latter."

"Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has."

I think these convey the idea that society is don juan's #1 enemy, not a lack of specialized knowledge.
If society has taught us anything its how to be a professional in NOT being don juans.

But I do think that your program is good because it will help AFC's wake-up and realize that stifling their natural instincts is stifling themselves.
Furthermore to show that I support that your idea can be useful i'll join your program. I can't figure out which link it is in crazykid's signature. is it the othersosuave on his website?


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lord_Pancake
But I do think that your program is good because it will help AFC's wake-up and realize that stifling their natural instincts is stifling themselves.
Furthermore to show that I support that your idea can be useful i'll join your program. I can't figure out which link it is in crazykid's signature. is it the othersosuave on his website?
Yeah, it's the link that says "Options blah blah blah" one. Should be the first link in my signature.

On a slightly related note, I noticed Backbreakers post that I linked to has been bumped up and gotten some new activity. If you haven't read it yet, check out "My favorite post."

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Re: Re: professionals aren't born...

Originally posted by Double_Diamonds
Professional urinater? Very funny (taste the sarcasm). The little boy made a funny, how cute. You are NOT a professional urinater. You urinating does not live up to a code of ethics, does not require SPECIALIZED training (its natural for the msot part), and does NOT require substantial study (It requires none). You do not serve society when you piss good sir.
Hehehe! I love it when someone doesn't realize what you are saying, and then rambles on about it...they only make themselves look childish.

Obviously you lack enough intellect to think about what I said with urinating, so let me explain it in words even a 14yr old 'pro-DJ' can understand ;)

You see my friend, Urinating DOES in fact live up to a code of ethics. No? You don't think so? Try urinating in a mailbox, or whip it out in the middle of the street and just let the good times flow (maybe I shouldn't use metaphorical writing cause you might not get it again, I am talking about pissing in the street.)

There are very HIGH ethical codes for urinating, but obviously you didn't stop to think about the health dangers(as well as awful smell) of urinating wherever your highness desires.

The natural thing to do would be to piss whenever you felt like it, like a baby before they went through....oh look, we've arived at our next topic...POTTY TRAINING.

You see, I work in retail, and the store I work in sells all kinds of baby products. Pampers, baby wipes, and yes, TRAINING PANTS.

I guess you were never potty trained in the first place...which would explain your complete lack of understand for my post.

But I surely do hope you can NOW understand all the 'specialized' training every child goes through while transitioning from the stage of pissing in your pants, to the stage of....USING SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT!

Now what kind of equipment would this be? Say, I'm not a hobo, because if I were, I wouldn't need any special equipment, but since I live in a house, I am equiped with this handy little device called a TOILET.

It has the cutest little shiney lever that you'd ever seen, and everytime I use this piece of delicate equipment I have to make sure to jiggle the handle just right, otherwise it breaks! Then the whole house floods! Yuck.

But it's a good thing I AM a 'professional' urinater, because if I was just a regular urinater and I pissed in a public place, but forgot to place the toilet seat back down...OH BOY will society get pissed off.

Even worse if I forgot to RAISE the seat and pissed all over it...oh my god...the entire female gender would skin me alive.

Maybe YOU don't serve society when you piss, but I sure do. Without my professional skills at expeling, and safely removing, the urine from social places, who knows what kinds of diseases would be infestering my society.

The simple argument to those facts are obvious: They are false. Be real man.

Professionals don't do it for the money. Give up the pissing routine. And why did you measure your toilet *******?'re right...I don't piss for the money. But don't let that statement stem from the fact that no one would pay me to piss.

Mating is a natural process you say, I agree with you. But that doesn't exclude it from being a profession.

And by the way I KNOW that doesnt make you a professional, but it doesnt exclude it.
There are lots of people who mate as an occupation, they are called prostitutes.

And what it boils down to buddy is whether a DJ is some 'role' you play in society (as a doctor, lawyer, etc. would) or if being a DJ is something that is integrated into your very existance.

A true DJ isn't just a DJ around females or people or males or whomever. A DJ is a DJ.

A teacher isn't a teacher 24/7. A doctor isnt a doctor 24/7. A Lawyer isn't a lawyer 24/7.

A DJ is a DJ 24/7.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by LikRetsam
Sorry to burst your bubble but no matter how hard you try, you can not speed up this process of learning. It is solely dependant on the individual.

You can convince them to work harder towards their goals, but you can't do anything else.
I agree whole heartedly with you here, but that doesn't mean you don't try. You show people the door, and whether or not they go through it is there own damn choice, nothing else nothing more.

I will talk to my friends about what i know about woman, and if they chose to believe me, good for them. but if they don't, meh no skin off my teeth.

No one is born a Don Juan, no one suddenly pops out and has the uncanny knowledge of how to get any woman he wants. This is why picking up people has NOTHING to do with instincts. If you look at the animals, its always the strongest, biggest, etc animals that are on top of the food chain.

The good thing about our society is that we base who we are on personality not necesarily on stength. And this personality we learn, we develop and most important we can change.

Some people have the luck to be raised in a situation where they develop natural don juan characteristics due to things such as natural physical attraction from the opposite sex, encouraging confidence. And things such as parents, family, etc who raise the kid with the proper mindset, not the bullcrap media teaches us.

The rest of us must either go through life confused about woman. Or a select few find a light ( and gain the knowledge of what to do with the help of those who left a path before us. I learned who to be from such masters as pook, lorenzo, WUWD. Whether or not you chose to listen is again, your choice.

Many people feel that it is stupid to learn how to be a man from an article, but its not merely an article about a topic, its one man's success story to another, remember that.

Thus if we can create a "Class" of how to teach Afc's than more power to us, and more to them. Thats pretty much what i wanted to say.

A true DJ isn't just a DJ around females or people or males or whomever. A DJ is a DJ.

A teacher isn't a teacher 24/7. A doctor isnt a doctor 24/7. A Lawyer isn't a lawyer 24/7.

A DJ is a DJ 24/7.
Even though you make some bad and useless points, i must say that is one of the smartest things i've heard anyone say in quite a while. congrats :D


Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Originally posted by Vincent
I learned who to be from such masters as pook, lorenzo, WUWD.
Hilarious, I learned how to be myself :eek:

If I was Pook, I would be offended at being clumped together with WUWD and Lorenzo. Hell pook and Lorenzo disagreed over a LOT of topics. Well, at least Lorenzo disagreed with Pook.

Yes, Pook is a master. Lorenzo...No. WUWD?! AHAHAHA hell no!

The problem with you HS DJ junkies is that you have little to none first hand experience with anything. You just regurtitate what you read and gain nothing but "forum wisdom." You don't become a DJ by sitting on your ass at the computer, who wants to take a swing at how you DO become one?

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Originally posted by Vincent
No one is born a Don Juan, no one suddenly pops out and has the uncanny knowledge of how to get any woman he wants. This is why picking up people has NOTHING to do with instincts. If you look at the animals, its always the strongest, biggest, etc animals that are on top of the food chain.
This is a topic for a whole new thread...but...

First of all, If I remember correctly from biology...and yes, it has been a while...there is something called "selective mating"(but i dont remember the correct term.)

I know an example however, there are certain animals that mate based on things which serve for NO survival purpose.

A prime example is a peacock. The feathers are a tool used in courting to seduce a succesful mate. The feathers serve no use to the survivol of the peacock. In fact, they hinder his chances of making it. They are big, bright, and make it much harder to escape predators.

And yet...he still has them. And for some reason...the female finds this attractive.

Stronger biggest animals always on top? I don't think so.

There is another example I remember (hell I should have payed better attention in class!) This one is about a leemur type of creature.

They choose their mates based on the size of their nose! The male can be a whimp, small, and 'unfit' but if they have a large nose, they will succesfully aqcuire succesfull mates!

I won't try to get into the minds of animals and try to figure out WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY BE ATTRACTED BY AN ASS FULL OF FEATHERS!?

I only know a few things about the human animals, and I know to what we as humans are attracted to.

You probably think your newly learned 'secret' techniques are something special, and every other guy who doesnt hold this esoteric knowledge will always fail with women.

But let me ask you did mankind mate before there were computers?

How did homo erectus bang his hot caveman wife? Oh my god...if there was no what on earth would make guys succesful with women!?

You would be surprised to realize what kind of knowledge you "pop out" with.

Since you seem to go along with the whole "survival of the fittest" routine for animals...think about all the knowledge that millions of years of evolution can produce for you.

You aren't born blank my friend.

On a side note...If its obvious to all of you how retarded my "professional urinator" arguement sounds...why isnt it obvious how retarded the "professional DJ" arguement sounds?


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix
Hilarious, I learned how to be myself :eek:

If I was Pook, I would be offended at being clumped together with WUWD and Lorenzo. Hell pook and Lorenzo disagreed over a LOT of topics. Well, at least Lorenzo disagreed with Pook.

Yes, Pook is a master. Lorenzo...No. WUWD?! AHAHAHA hell no!

The problem with you HS DJ junkies is that you have little to none first hand experience with anything. You just regurtitate what you read and gain nothing but "forum wisdom." You don't become a DJ by sitting on your ass at the computer, who wants to take a swing at how you DO become one?
maybe i phrased that wrong, but i'm refering to how to be a don juan.

Pook is a master, and i've learned a lot from anthony and sebastian on a more personal level. They've taught me a lot, more than anyone else, that is why i consider them a master. I'm fully aware that pook and lorenzo disagreed, but being a don juan is a contantly learning experience.

I don't get what your getting to by saying people on this forum have no "first hand experience". I hardly regurgitate anything, i didn't sit here for 2 years regurgitating information. If i did i'd have a lot more posts that 500, i went out there and learned on my own.

If you want to hear my story of how i became a don juan, just PM i'll be glad to tell you. ;)



Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix
You probably think your newly learned 'secret' techniques are something special, and every other guy who doesnt hold this esoteric knowledge will always fail with women.
Newly learned? I'm sorry but i hardly consider learning something over 2 years ago, newly learned.

In my experiences i've witnessed AFC crash and burn with woman, along with my so called "Pimp" friends, because they don't understand woman, they can't read them, and they end up screwing up as a result.

Over the years i've developed a somewhat uncanny knowledge of woman (i'm sure you'll find something smartass to say about this, but hear me out). I can pretty much tell what they're thinking, i know all the signs of attraction, can tell by inflections in their voices, body language, etc. I think theres an article about all this, but i haven't read it in like 2 years, i've learned everything i know through experience.
Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix
Since you seem to go along with the whole "survival of the fittest" routine for animals...think about all the knowledge that millions of years of evolution can produce for you.
Humans are animals.

Face it, its true. But like every animal, we're all different. Some animals are carnivors, herbavors, omnivors. We share a lot of out genes from monkeys, along with our manorisms (why we find it intimidating to look someone in the eye). These things are all instinctive.

But i feel regarding out personality and attractiveness that it is nurture(sp?) over nature. The way we are raised will affect it more than any instinctive trait we are born with. I don't really care how another animal mates. Some animals the woman impress the men, etc etc. Frankly i don't care, humans inteligence can change almost all instinctive traits.
Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix
On a side note...If its obvious to all of you how retarded my "professional urinator" arguement sounds...why isnt it obvious how retarded the "professional DJ" arguement sounds?
perhaps the wording is wrong "Professional DJ" makes sense to me, but i'm not overanalyzing it like you are.

He's refering to living your life as a don juan, not saying your one and not living it.

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Originally posted by Vincent
I don't get what your getting to by saying people on this forum have no "first hand experience". I hardly regurgitate anything, i didn't sit here for 2 years regurgitating information. If i did i'd have a lot more posts that 500, i went out there and learned on my own.
Actually I was talkin about WUWD.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Raptured Phoenix
Actually I was talkin about WUWD.
Hmm dun know about that. Whatever you want to believe about him works. Maybe do a search for things he's written cause i know they're there, but with 2300 posts it might take a while to find them. I think he wrote one or two things on AC/DC.

But i learned more through aim. He always had good advice when i was working my way up


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD

Just bumping this up for the program that will start up in September 4th (tentative date)


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2004
Reaction score
u.s. of a.
This smells like a little bit of brilliance. I'm definitly in. Just let me know.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
final bump

We need more people for the program. C'mon guys sign on up.:)
Last edited:


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2002
Reaction score
This program will be starting when enough members show that they are active, there is no way of knowing whos there if you don't post. So show up there fellows:

We have a lot of people (like crazykid and the matrix) supporting this program. Don't be ashamed to join just because raptured phoenix is trying to ruin this program.

I'm sick of debating with raptured phoenix, it's destroying the chances of Don Juans to take in MY view point. As such I will be continuing the debate with raptured phoenix in the Anything Else forum. This post is off limits for his personal attacks. I will not tolerate the degredation of future don juans, and all highschoolers in general.

With this being said, I'm looking forward to our mutual learning in this new program. I'm also hoping to become a moderator here at sosuave and I hope we can than become more involved here. Thank you.