Don Juanette


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
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Intresting thought occured to me just now.

As all of us on this site would know, there is paperwork on how to seduce the opposite sex. Neil Strauss, David Deangelo, Mystry... the list likely goes on, but I know of no other PUAs. Obviously men see this as a science, and we practice trial and error, analysation etc. It is very methodical, and at a certian point most of us would agree that the game really is just that, a game in which we enjoy playign and can get better than the competition at.

We have websites on it,, etc. I am wondering if anyone here knows of any female websites for women, by women as to how to seduce men. I am simply curious on their theories and practices. And frankly, if knowlege is power, this could be very handy when applying it to my game.

Or does everyone agree that if a girl is attracted to a bloke, she is likely to act on instinct, naturally? She will act like an animal without knowlege on what she is doing?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
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Oh I see. Their information is all over the media already. Can't believe I missed that. Can't be assed to by heat magazine. :p I'll just work on it the old fashioned way.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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there were a few i remember this board having a war against the other when some of us went there and told them some of our stuff and they were all shocked and said, that something like that isnt true etc. blabla.
forgot the name.
but it wasnt really from women to women it was more like from women to men.
And what they told them was the EXACT opposite of what we are "educating" here. Of course everything they post was afc.

And i doubt that any goodlooking women really needs a guide. They are all naturals in their ways.
And notvery goodlooking women dont have very big chances with men simply because women look out for great personality and excitement while men look out for looks and stuff ( Yeah yeah many dont i know... strange that we dont see fat hideous chicks as underwear models xD )

Oh and dont try to find a website where women give men advices... simply because women dont know what women want at all. Just skim trough some threads here about ppl who asked girls on how to seduce girls
or do it yourself and ask one of your female friends. Some of it CAN be adviceful but the rest will be sheer crap.


Feb 10, 2005
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Porky04 said:
We have websites on it,, etc. I am wondering if anyone here knows of any female websites for women, by women as to how to seduce men. I am simply curious on their theories and practices. And frankly, if knowlege is power, this could be very handy when applying it to my game.

Or does everyone agree that if a girl is attracted to a bloke, she is likely to act on instinct, naturally? She will act like an animal without knowlege on what she is doing?
Well first off even the most shy, awkward girl will get approached at a bar more times than most PUA's will approach girls. Women get "free" experience. Second women's whole lifestyle is talking about men and relationships. We have FR's and LR's but women have a ton more collective gossip amongst each other and don't need a forum for it. Women to an extent are natural gamers.

As far as women thinking their way and consciously planning, I'd say no. Everything women do is mostly subjective and feelings with very little reasoning behind it. I can pretty much sum up women's tactics plan in a sentence: Play hard to get and with hold the pvssy for a while. It's easy for girls, they just basically sit there and say OK to the guy when they get the notion.

Black Minx

Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
Nice question.

While women do tend to be better at communication and reading body language that doesn't automatically mean its entirely "natural" for them either, although keto was on the money when he said most chicks simply learn from experience.

A popular one for women has been Paige Parker's "Dating Without Drama"

Written for women by a woman.

Interestingly enough she advocates a similar thing what you guys strive for here, just replacing femininity. She encourages women to become more confident, and have their own lives while still looking for dates.

Wouldnt almost all of us love having a chick around that doesnt throw ultimatams in your face and a bit less drama? *daydreams*