Don Juan Gold Tip Album


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Collection of Best Tips
I wanted to try this. I want every one of you to find a insipiring thread, quote, internet book, link, anything that related to being a Don Juan, self-improvement, meeting girls, having control, life. Try not to be the same as everyone and find a rarer post that you like. (oh! and no quoting yourself!)

I know there's a tip section for a reason. The purpose of this is to dig the gold out from under the masses of posts here, so use that search button, find a topic or two..or more, and post the link and a title with comments :)


I will now add a few posts that I've liked.
Becoming a True Don Juan - DJBedFord
Must Read - Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone - DJDamage
Must Read - Simple KINO for those who are afraid of touching - Jester
Tips from someone that left the board for a bit - comote
A thread of how to act, By a Girl (read the comments) - DonJuinita
Natural Flowing Conversation - Maurizo
No-Pressure Mindset - Pook Praise - the fool
Girls will NOT make your life better - Santos
Girls and Pressure - VIVAlasVEGASbaby
Improving and enjoying the Foundations of One-Self - jbbrain
How to "Close the Sale" 95% of the time and get that date! - Only the great Master of the Universe

Let's hear some other links to excellent unknown tips from deep within Sosuave and beyond!
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The Nice Guy is Gone

Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Just one so far, but I like it

Why You Should Not be Scared to Approach:

The first post in this thread, with a reply by equit, says so much. I hadn't read it before today, but I have already applied the principle to my life, and let me tell you, rejection is not all that bad. Get over that fear, and go for it. In other words, just do it.

Some things I've learned about myself: I need better transitions in conversations (big-time), but I can talk to anyone that I feel like. All in all, it takes practice. I've probably been rejected in the last couple of months than I have in my entire life, but that's because I've probably approached more women than I have in my entire life. With success comes failures, and the only way to learn is to have a couple of failures. Failures is actually a bad term, because you learn something from every approach that you do, about yourself, and about whomever it is that your eye is on. With all that being said, take a look at the topic above, and lose that fear man.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom

A good description of your typical nice guy/ hot girl interaction - you know, the one that ends in LJBF/leave me alone. A good read for newbies.

Time to coin a phrase I think. LMA - leave me alone (an agressive ljbf where she won't even speak to you again).


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Today's Link is a little different. It isn't a thread, but eather, a particular post of immense meaning. Rollo Tomassi deserves a great round of applause for this post.


Between knowing what needs to be done and actually doing it is a huge gulf - this is the Abyss - and this is what you have to cross. The Chinese have an old proverb that asks "when is the best time to plant a tree? 30 years ago. When is the next best time? Now."

If not now, then when? You've got a laundry list of problems to solve for yourself and in all honesty you know exactly how to solve them. The question isn't 'how', but 'when' will you do this. You've chosen now, so do it.

Your flaws are the result of years of apathy and habitual behavior. You don't need to analyze the source of these, you already know what they are. Don't go back to these sources, don't rewind the same song to hear it again. Remember this:

You will only get what you have gotten if you keep doing what you have done.