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Don Juan Code of Conduct


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Jeez louise...

Treat women with the respect that they deserve - do not approach or handle an unworthy wh@re like a virtuous woman and by the same token don't approach a virgin or a virtuous woman as if she is the equivalent of a wh@re - if you do you will completely fail. Try to play with a lioness as if she is a house cat and see what the result will be - you will be smitten and deservedly so!

If this is a code, then you need to define what a Wh@re is.

By all means have a dignified demeanor - comport yourself with honor and a code of ethics and differentiate yourself from the rest of men by having higher standards regarding the women you choose to woo. This reflects on your character - birds of the same feather flock together as they say.
You need to define this code of ethics.

Do not let your ego get to the point where you are blinded to certain truths because you don't like its' outcome, impact, and the effect it will have on you or your situation - you then become blinded to reality. Pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall! Arrogant people miss the little things and certain signs telling them of their fall - pride and false love tends to blind people to the realities surrounding them. For example, men are shocked to find out that their girl cheated on them a year ago because they were not looking at her core values and her low moral character that inevitably will bring about such an act to fruition - they are thinking falsely that "she is just this way with me".
In all of these codes that you wrote - it screems to me the same thing that your posts say.

That is:

Only virgin women are worthy.

And I will not comment on the last code that you printed.

So what is the problem?

You seem to think that everyone should think like you. Not all people here have your high morals - so by having such a moralistic code your trying to convert us to your way of thinking.

If this is something you wish to follow - more power to you - but realise it's not for everyone.

A true DJ is an enlightened DJ - there is no place for ignorance.
Ideas like this I can agree with 100% - why? because it doesn't try and tell me how I should live - and by what morals.

Use rational thinking before you post, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm starting to think you are a woman hiding behind a masculine
Hmmm - I thought you wrote these rules - so why are you not following them?

Personbal attacks? whose the one firing the personal attacks?

Don't right a code of coduct that you don't follow yourself.

I know you are purposely sabotaging my sincere efforts here and it is because of your envy that the attention is not placed on you -you are making yourself look weak in front of fellow DJ's!
This si a joke right? envy your attention? give me a break. If I was doing that, I post 3 times one after each other on the same thread - just like you. And also makes all my posts 500 words or more.

Why didn't you refute my logic on the "knock it off" thread" -- I'll tell you why ----- because you don't have the mental abilities to do such or I'm sure you would have done so, based on your rabid effeminate and irrational thinking and conduct displated here.
Perhaps because I have a life outside this board.

Sorry to break your bubble, I don't spend hours a day reading this site. I wouldn't even have read and replied tot his had you not invited me to do so.

Quit getting so emotional and being so proud it is going to lead to your downfall!! Read the standards - the code of conduct that I posted - your making every one of them valid.!
Lead to my downfall? What do I care?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Here comes the judge , jury and executioner DJ's



Curt in Session....--

Judge - Jury - Executioner

Fellow DJ's

Defendant: Newman

Prosecutor PRL....


My fellow DJ's I lay the evidence before the court.

Please analyze Newman's following post / statement!


Ahh, since PRL sent me a personal message regarding this code of conduct post, I figured I'd set apart some time to reply.

I feel undoubtedly, there is zero call for a "DJ code of conduct" - why? well firstly, because the term DJ means different things to different people - your trying to quantify what a DJ means. In reality people have found this site for many different reasons - and they are here for different things. This site isn't to tell people how to be - or what to be. It's a forum. A place to come for advice - for tips and even techniques. It's not a place that defines what/who we are supposed to be, but it's a place where one can find - for themselves - what the DJ in them is all about. We should promote - and in fact encourage - a wide variety of views - the wider the better. A forum where viewpoints can be discussed and advice handed out. Advice is cheap - and everyone has an opinion. The beauty of this site is, that you can glean information from various people - take what you like - experiement, improve - and give a little back to those that have helped you.

I accept that PRL has a widely different viewpoint on women - and I respect his viewpoint, and realize that he's free to express this as we all are.

Take what you like from this post - if anything. It's not for me.

DJ on.


I asked him specifically if he would agee with the standards / principles that I listed.

Do you see any comments from hin regarding any of the principles I suggested? If yes, raise toyr hands?

I don't see any one's hand up - so I'll take that as unanimous decision!

Now another question for the impartial jurors.

In my thread, Did I list any principles that say, "If you are sexing a girl and she isn't your wife, then she is hoing"

Raise your hands if you see it under this thread under principle / standards - code of conduct - DJ's should consuder.

I see No hands raised - wait I see a all-seeing dissenter - yes, one (can you guess who?). Yes, it is Newman the man who see all lies but no truth.

The majority win again!

Your games is one of fools who I know so well - you qre trying to fool others and bring them along through an emotionial appeal to get them to go gainst me en masse (I explained this in lerngth in the "Kmock it OFF!!!!!!!!!!" Thread.

By bringing up a post from another thread you wanted others to judge me soley on that sentence and associate that statement and their disaproval of it and confuse it with the issue at hand. You want them to do exactly what you are doing--- "well prl you made comments before about fags and wh@res and I didn't agree with your language that you use to describe such people - you should not be judging (who am I judging -give me a name!) use more proper names like Gay and Senoita - this is false misleading logic that you use (if it coud be caled that) so newman and the masses that go along with his misleading emotional appeal say, "so since I don't agree with your stance on another point then all your points are invalid, heretofore".

Your emotions , ego, and false pride are blinding you to reason coherently! and thus blinding you to truth!

Do I sound like a chump to you?

I call a thing by what that thing is - why would I call a dog a cat?
I call them a different name if they are within that speies to differentiate them as such...there goes a poodle, brittany spaniel, labrador, and the biggest wh@re of them all "the PIT BULL"
If you want to call a low parttner girl - not really a ho - but the one that slleeps with 6 guys - "kinda of a ho", snd the ones that do "this and that" a 'real mega-ho' and the one that does unspeakable thiings a 'slutty giga-go'

I dont have to put the theories of relativism to every situation - do I have to?

Oh yeah, because Newman told me to. HHUUHH? Are you insane at the root?

Damn near everybody on this board use the word 'wh@re' - what is your reason to defend it so strongly? Is it personal to your situation? Then why not attack everybody who uses it ?
I tell yuo why - because you have nothing of theirs that is worth destroying - but now I gave you a reason to attack me personally because you want to pit people againse me on my suggestions. If you are going to do that then attack me on solid grounds and use your reasoning abilities, if you have any.

You truly have ae ego and it is leading you to a path of ruin - after I get through disecting your weak statements and ulterior motives, you are going to have to change your name out of embarassment - oh yeah , that's right, you have no sheme!
Well why would someone listen to an individual like you that is making invalid and misleading statements - just to have it your way? You re losing your credibility. Does your DJ stand for 'Disc Jockey'

Newman, your reaction to my thread made the bedt case why we need to implement such a 'code of conduct' in our lives as DJ's - so we can uphold a level of civility amongst each other or else we ourselves will destroy sosuave.com.

Your homor I'll accept whatever judgement the jury puts on the defandant and whatever sentence they deem worthy.for each standard that was violated.

Would a member of the jury - please read the verdict on each count.

(A need a fellow DJ to volunteer their services to carry-out the respective ccounts....


Is theer a lesson to be learned from this? Yep - I see one - I sure wasn't writing this long brief (no pun intenfed) for nothing!

A DJ lessoed learned here is that without some sort of defined standards or princiiples to go by then what is the measurement for who is out of line or who is out of character? Or how can we ever improve ourselves if we don't have anything to measure are actions by?

I knew I personally invited Newman to this thread for a reason - thanks Newman you helped more to prove my case than I ever would have expected - albeit, in a strange unorthodoxed manner!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
excuse all the mispellings in the previous "JUdge - Jury" post = Iiam tired. will correct at a later time / day.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
shoulId I just call you a liar at this ooint?

You keep saying I am Imposing my morals on others - give me their names and I will apologiize. No one even knows my morals on this board - how could they? Morals are actions not just words - well to the hypocrite they are just words. If I am chasing a girl and she is not my wife then why would I be chasing her for - to rob her purse? Of course not - my reasons are the same as other DJ's and it isnt to finger her either - I stop doing that a long tome ago - when I was 38 - I've grown up since then! :) - - the universal principles and standards apply to all all all all all all equally - If I am a wh@remonger then it doesn't matter what I or you say - bacause it isn't going to change the outcome nor my reality of who I am - my actions actions actions actions dictate my station in life!

You label me as "GOD" because I define and lay down the criteria to judge mine and someone elsess actions - will you let a thief care for your house - how would you define such? Just because he stole condoms from a store - does that make him a criminal - the law thinks so - damn law enforscement judging people for such petty thief and actually definig teling us whats wrong or right!! I m being sarcastic of course.

Would you let an accused but unconvicted paedophile babysit fotr your children ? Just cause he raped one kid doesn't make hin bad or paedophile ? HUH?? --- that stetement equals "Just cause she is having sex with one guy doesn'y make her a wh@re - you see if there are no absolutes in certain categories (not everything , of course) then we can never judge anything. Would that make sense?

Tell me - what is your definition of a wh@re - such a woman does exist right? "I dont judge", you say oooohh so you will let the paedophile babysit for your children??????? Chaos and confusion and no parameters on anything -- give me a break -- have conviction - you are like the lion in the 'wizard of oz' - lion without courage looks just as siily as a man without courage - see the parallels?'

Are you refering to my 'definitions" that are rooted in logic that you keep caling l 'morals" to deceive other DJ's - What is wrong with conviction - it shows courage.

if you don't agree with them then so what - iyour feelings or stance on the issue has absolutely no bearing on what a thing is.
so why keep using your very weak statements.

LOL just cause you quote something then it validates your point - Huh?? You have to go deeper in depth than that -- you don't fool me newman and not many others by having no position at all

You have time to point out insignificant , meaningless points why not focus your energy on the issue at hand?

I mockingly refer to you being effiminate as a slight/joke because I I am trying to prove my point about your emotions getting the worst of you and this is leading to irrational thinking'

Why do you keep infering shiyt that is misleading - give me the statement where I said tr he DJ's have to have this standard?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
newman newman newman newman newman newman newmannewman newman newman newman newman ne

keep posting newman, you are proving that all the 'code of conduct' standards that I listed are starting to have some legitimacy, relevancy and validity (and any other word that ends with 'a 'y' that may apply (damn another word ending with a 'y'- can I close this parenthesis without ending it in a 'y' -- damn I'm about to cry - shyt anothe y- I'm getting delirious - there I did it! ) of why a 'code of conduct' will actually strengthen the DJ mindest!

You probably lost the point because of the long parenthesis' - just read it skipping the part that is in the parethesis! - that's it , I am delirious - I'm not even drinking but I feel drunk - that is what I got for trying to enlightened the enlightened! (Newman)

Imagine that I am saying Newman's name with the same inflection and tone and anst that "Jerry Seinfeld" uses when he is greeting "newman"

Goodbye "NEWMAN!" - kind of an odd name when you say it 10 tines in a row - but what name wouldnt be I guess if you say it enough repetitively to yourself.

Refer to subjject heading above and try it for yourself!

Mam - I feel like I'm back in college doing an all-niter trying to finish up my final exam paper on the freaking last day!!!! Where is the no-doze pills?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I think I just got 'carpel tunnel' in one day!!!!!


You know i'm shyting with you, right, NEWMAN!!!

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score

You just inspired 2 new codes of conduct with your crazy responses.

1. Reciprocate communication accordingly

This means that if you dont get a response from someone, you shouldnt repeatedly try to goad them on into responding to you. This applies to other members of this forum and especially to the women in your life as you can come across as an obsessed stalker if you dont abide by this principle. This means dont write 10 500-word posts in response to a 50 word post and dont call a girl 3 tims in a row when she has only contacted you once. Balance is key!

2. Be humble enough to admit your mistakes

This applies to the code of apology, but expands on it in the sense that you should be able to admit to YOURSELF that you are wrong and examine the source of this behavior in order to improve and overcome any dysfunctional patterns you may have.

So just admit you were wrong to goad Newman like this and move on!

Also I would like to point out that there are more examples of your code in action on this thread than you give credit for.

I actually saw an APOLOGY here! :eek:


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
By bringing up a post from another thread you wanted others to judge me soley on that sentence and associate that statement and their disaproval of it and confuse it with the issue at hand. You want them to do exactly what you are doing--- "well prl you made comments before about fags and wh@res and I didn't agree with your language that you use to describe such people - you should not be judging (who am I judging -give me a name!) use more proper names like Gay and Senoita - this is false misleading logic that you use (if it coud be caled that) so newman and the masses that go along with his misleading emotional appeal say, "so since I don't agree with your stance on another point then all your points are invalid, heretofore"
PRL - if you are going to right a code of conduct - one that you expect DJ's to follow (and the thought is just ridiculous, since this forum isn't religious, governmental - or associated with any other such agency - it's ment to be a place where people come to discuss and give tips on women and life - Don't YOU GET IT PRL?) then your meaning behind the words you use - like Wh@re - need to be defined.

How can you expect people to agree to something that you have yet to define?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
why a code?

I can understand a code of conduct "in the forum", I mean, this place just becomes inneficient if most of the threads conisist of questions like "should I approah?" and three pages of answers like "GO READ THE BIBLE, YOU ARE AN AFC, DOWN AND GIVE ME TWENTY".

But a code for real life? What's the point? Us being here to learn the Machiavellian tricks, the things that should make girls like us more and/or give us the insight to walk away at the right time before we invest too much of ourselves... do we really need morals to do that? THe principles we discuss here are somewhere in the realm of manipulation, lets face it, and hell we should be proud of it. I'm not talking about the "be the best you can be", but things like "back off to get her IL higher". What if a guy treats all women the same or is passionate about things in real life? As long as he behaves like a cool cat, for all women know he's the one they gotta have. And if he posts advice that makes sense, so be it. We are amoral in the realm of getting girls, gentlemen, accept it. Spending hours trying to write the Definitive Post On The Essence of DJ/AFC won't help anyone. People have done it before, we can read em in the bible, and if people don't get it from that they probably need to be reborn or something.

Where was I going with this rant...? I forgot. I guess many times I sense that guys here forget that this site is a tool to get women, and treat is as an escape from their already boring lives, and post as they feel that by posting more they somehow acquire this ultra cool persona. Many have said it in this thread, and it's never too much saying it again: experience; when this site doesn't point you in that direction, it becomes a game, like the girls that post here for entertainment purposes only. Good luck. G


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
damn this thread is out of control.

just read PRL's original post and take from it what you wish. most of it is pretty solid, and general enough, despite his views on other things.

only on a few of his "Codes" is there a specific reference to the wh@re issue.

look, if Pook posted it, alot of you would treat it as gospel and there would be a standing ovation.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
look, if Pook posted it, alot of you would treat it as gospel and there would be a standing ovation.
Not true.

But just to let you know - if Saddam Hussien posted a code of conduct - what would you think? It's an exageration I know - but think about it.

You are right though - the post is out of control.... half of this is not neccessary.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
TooCold...and others

you know that my last code I listed... "thou shal not commit adultery and fornication" was a joke, right?

I just listed it to it show the standards and principles I listed were not to be taken as moral laws - your morals are your own to decide and for none of us to judge to eternal damnation
Last edited:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
newman - your logic is sioooooo faulty - it is mind blowiing--- read my posts for understanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn;t matter who says or writes what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if the devil herself listed principles above they still will be good on their own merit - think my man, think!!!!

There you go bringing shyt up just to create emotions amongst other DJ's so there judment could be distorted!! Why bring up saddam hussein name up when there literally thousands of leaders in America - Brttian - Australia - Germany Spain ---- who have comitted geonicidal acts not just in their own country but around the globe --- so saddam is a poor example to make your point with...

You are again trying to deceive others by taking an individual who is currently unpopular and saying, if "insert name here" would say this would you agree with him?" It has nothing to do with "insert name here" and that person has no impact on what makes good , good - they are "universal" principles and not "your" principles or mine or saddam --- you are going from a fool to a conniving idiot --- and yes, i am judging you by your words to call you a conniving idiot because you purposely reject that which is good .

And you want others to take your position??? HUH??
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Gonzalo - thanks for your honest feedback -- just to correct you though, as I have stated before, this has nothing to do with morals - read my suggestions -- keep your dignity - aplogize if you are in the wrong -use rational logical thinking - don't let your ego get the best of you where it blinds you to reality - be a enlightned DJ - treat women with the respect "they" deserve accordingly - keep your poise - treat prople with respect - have conviction in what you do and believe.

Would the points stated above help you improve your Don Juan staus -- I think so. If someome doesn't think so - please tell me how this would injure you DJ status - or how they just don't apply in your don juan lifestyle?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Treat women accordingly, with the respect that they deserve.

Newman -just take out my virgin vs wh@re example and there is no flaw with the statement - I put it there to illustrat my point.

This statement is universal and applies to all -- not just wh@res - but you are a deceiver who likes to mislead and say shyt that has nothing to do the topic.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
keep your dignity - aplogize if you are in the wrong -use rational logical thinking - don't let your ego get the best of you where it blinds you to reality - be a enlightned DJ - treat women with the respect "they" deserve accordingly - keep your poise - treat prople with respect - have conviction in what you do and believe.
Wow you can do it - you can string a post together without the word Ho, Wh@re etc....

What I want to know is how do you expect all DJ's to agree to a code of conduct that goes against the reason for them being on this site.

After all, Meeting woman - and banging them - getting what some guys are after - is really to some extent an art of manipulation. Your manipulating the woman. The use of Kino, Neg hits, SS, Patterning - all these things are ment to seduce the woman - to use arts against them.

Yet, doesn't that go against the "treat everyone with respect".?

And "Treat women with respect"?

I'm not trying to be anything but realistic. Some people are here to get laid - and thats it. To use whatever tactics they can to get the poon.

So a code of conduct - a code of life, doesn't really work for EVEYONE. Me included. Now I've given my 0.2 cents and opinion.

PRL - just please, stick to your "Code", practice what your preaching - stop attacking my opinion - stop name calling (e.g. Idiot) - this does not fall within your code.

Just go about your post, preach to the choir - and let me go about my business here.

Over and out.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I saiid to treat women with the respect that they deserve --- that is why I stated that example. Don't not handle an object worth $500,000 as the same you would an $2 object.

This is good advice and you call it "preaching" - you are a misleading fool!!!!!!!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Quote by newman from the "Inexperience" thread.

"For the first time - and perhaps only time - I will agree with PueroRicanL last post (but not his first)."

I submit this evidence to the court - this statement by the defendant shows "intent" and "prejudicial" thinking before he knows my position on a subject matter.