Don Juan Boot Camp Week #1


New Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Wow, I never knew saying hi to 50 people could be so hard. Its been like 5 days since i've started saying hi to 50 people(I only say hi to decent looking girls only) and I never knew it could be so hard. Everytime a decent looking girl walked by I wanted to say hi to her, but then I thought about what other people around me would think and I decided not to say hi. This happened a couple of times. I guess I shouldn't care what these other people think and I should just go with the flow.


New Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Anyways the chicks I said hi to were for the most part pretty surprised somebody said hi to them in my opinion. I guess the reason was I said hi to them while they were about to pass me by and they probably got surprised by me. Ohh well its only 8 chicks I've said hi to and they probably didn';t think anything of it.

Anyways I always try to make eye contact with these chicks and several times I've been sucessfull in closing eye contact with these chicks for atleast 5 seconds. This actually happened twice not several times. But that the main improvement I've made was in making eye contact and holding eye contact with these chicks.
Usually everytime a girl makes eye contact with me I chicken out and look away immediately.

On one occasion when I actually said hi to one of these chicks the girl seemed kinda embarrassed and I felt like she tried to avoid me the next time she saw me. (Comeone girls I ain't that ugly!)

Its really hard getting the balls to say hi to these chicks especially if they are hot. But I guess practice makes perfect. I really hate making up excuses while Im staring at the chick to not say hi to her. I really hate that. I don't care the next 42 chicks I see I am definitely going to say hi to them and look them straight in the eye and smirk like an idiot to them and say hi to them. Even if they laugh at me and make fun of me. I don't care. I really don't Im going to be sucessful in this. Definitely!!!


New Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Well Anyways, today I got 10 hi's!!! Basically while I was at school I said hi to a couple of girls and to a couple of guys.

I got to hand it to you guys about saying hi to guys as well to girls. At first I really thought it was totally absurb saying hi to a guy, who wants to say hi to a guy? But after saying hi to a couple of guys, it made me much more comftorable saying hi to the girls. Actually just saying hi to people in general makes me much more comftorable saying hi to hot girls when they walk by. So you guys were right!

Anyways the first couple of hi's I said to the ladies was saying hi just as they were walking by me. Which made them turn their heads around to me, and say hi back to me. Before the lady said hi to me her head was down and she wan't even looking at me even though I was giving her eye contact. But she seemed happy to say hi to me.

Anyways today I also said hi to a couple more girls walking by as I was at the gym. Some of them greeted me kindly others of them said hi to me in a soft voice and didn't seem to want to talk to me. Guess they don't like guys with a 9 inch ****.

But saying hi to these broads gave me so much confidence that I went up to a girl that works at a gas station, said hi to her as I walked in the store, bought something, struck up a conversation and told her how pretty I think she is. And I asked for her number. She said she had a boyfriend, but she told me that I made her month by saying how beautiful she was.

Anyways I got 32 more hi's to say before I move on to week two. Hopefully I'll get them!