People, if it's your first time getting dirty with a girl, regardless of num. of dates, turn on the ****ing light and check that equiment out! If its bleeding, do something, don't make the god awful mistake of getting down there while she's on the rag! Your nose is a sensitive sense, so it will detect a bad smell, and blood tends to have a distint smell (especially when you a couple of millimetres from the source!) The vaginal area looks funny or smells funny 9/10 times when there is something wrong (STD).
Finally, piss is sterile so no dumbass comments on the vagina not been sterile or full of bacteria. The level of ammonia in that liquid is enough to put a horse down (ok, exaggeration). Alright it tastes bad, but unles its a viril infection statistically 7/10 girls roughly will be free. But then that doesn't include those on the rag.
Last piece of advice, you think the most precious organ God gave is your ****, but you do have a complicated device in your head called a brain so use. Common sense!