Crew Party + Idea Venting
Sup everyone. I consider this post to be one of major analysis on my part. All of my other posts have been just to inform you of my progress but this is one in which i'd like some feedback.
So, let me begin.
MISTAKE i made:
Smoked weed before the party.
- Ever since i stopped smoking on a regular basis, the one time in a blue moon that i do it, my mind can't seem to handle the high like it used to. My brain will go into hyper analysis mode and i start using sooo much energy just
thinking that i rarely have enough left to talk.
It sucks.
I get to the venue pretty early, me and my crew set up everything. You should have seen the refrigerator, there wasn't one square inch of the thing that didn't have alchohol in it. Before we leave, we smoke out of a vaporizer (i couldn't turn down the opportunity). And keep in mind that at this point, i've been social and completely comfortable with myself. After a few hits, i begin to get
really talkative and opinionated, but after a few minutes something changes, my brain goes into hyper analysis mode and i just stop talking completely, i feel uncomfortable, etc. We then leave to go get a dance session in for a few hours and then we come back, and the party begins. People start showing up, music gets turned on and it's pretty hype.
I play a game called groucho ball and i get
RAPED. One of my crew members that's playing is trying to get me wasted and i'm drinking to the point where i'm about to regurgitate while drinking. There is 2 seconds maximum where i don't have a cup in my hand. After a few games i'm feeling less concerned of other's opinions, and i'm getting more talkative. But there's still that feeling of anxiety in the back of my mind.
One of my friends, we call him Quasi, shows up and is live as hell. He starts talking to me about approaching a girl, i give him a bit of advice and tell him to go for it. He tries and fails. He points out a girl for me to talk to and i immediately get up and go over to her. Now let me tell you guys this, i usually freestyle when i cold approach, but that hasn't been working too well for me lately, so i decided to come with her with an opening that i learned from the "
Flawless Natural" installment.
Me: Hey there, i'm sad.
Hb8: Okay...
Me: I need a kiss
Hb8: Sorry, i can't do that
Me: ...but i'm sad
she tries to dodge me then i step in front of her
Me: You're just going to let me sit here in woe?
Hb: I guess
Then she leaves
failed pretty hard, last time i use other people's material.
10 jello shots and 2 drinking games later, i'm on another level. I'm pretty much just acting on impulses, i dip into my mind every now and then to pull out a view pieces of advice for the situations that i'm in, but that's about it. The girl i talked to earlier is sitting with her friends and one of my crew mates is sitting there as well, so i sit down with them. My friend has been laying down on some game on her friend for a good 30-40 minutes now, and he hasn't been getting anywhere. I probably shouldn't have intervened but there weren't many available girls at the party and my drunken urges were telling me, "
Something on my head feels really strange. I feel up there and i have an
enormous sombrero on my head! I have no ****ing idea how it got on there but i think it's amazing lol. The girl that my friend is gaming up looks at me and comments on my sombrero
HB8: "Hey, i love your sombrero"
Me: "Drunken response" (can't remember for shyt)
She then leans over my friend and starts talking to me, i can tell she's interested.
After we've been flirting for a while my friend puts his hands out and says, "I'm stopping this."
At first i'm surprised, i had completely forgotten that he was there! lol
It was probably a **** move what i did, but i was just doing as i pleased. I got up and left for a while and went on some vaguely remembered adventures.
After some time i come back and he
STILL hasn't sealed the deal. So he leaves, and i sit down next to her.
Hb8: Can i touch your afro
Me: Hell no, you have to be special for that
Hb: oh... okay then
I then scoot in close to her
Me: I have a question for you
she comes closer
HB8: What?
Me: You have to be completely serious alright? no lying.
Hb8: Okay i won't
Me: Are you ticklish?
Hb8: Yeah i am
Me: Where at?
Hb8: I'm can't tell you
Me: Well then i'm going to find out
I then start feeling around on her until i find it, and then she starts laughing
I then put my arm around her, and i use the same line i used on the other girl earlier, the whole, "I'm sad i need a kiss" thing.
I don't remember for the life of me what she said in response to this. But i know it was a bull**** answer.
It's at this point that she started playing hard to get, and tantalizing me.
She put her arm around me and started sliding her hand up and down on my chest down to my abs and said, "Oh i can't kiss you because blah blah blah"
I didn't hear a word she said, i just heard her kino
Then i moved my hand to her thigh and started sliding my hand up, but she stopped me and took my hand off.
Then she put her arm around my neck and touched my afro
Hb8: Hehehe! i did it! I touched your fro
Idk why but for some reason i felt played at this point, almost like she was doing all that just so she could touch it. And this bytch had her hands all over me but wasn't letting me touch her the same way.
I just said **** it and left.
I came back later and she was doing the same ****. She was pretty much the only girl that night that i could have hooked up with, but she wasn't being receptive anymore, so i nexted the ***** and hung out with others.
That's pretty much all you guys need to know that happened that night.
Now, here comes the part inspired by my THC induced thoughts during the experience, let's call this the technical side of socializing.
During the peaks of my high, i wanted to do things, but i just couldn't do them, it was like some all powerful force in my mind was saying, "Yeah, you want to do those things... but this might happen if you do. That will be awkward. Don't do that."
It was really pissing me off that i was listening to these thoughts because that seems so AFC, and i
knew better than to listen. But it was just so hard to disobey. Seriously, before i drank, saying a
single word was like lifting a fckin Mac Truck with my left arm. I was in observation mode.
The conversation in my head pretty much went like this over and over and over for anything i wanted to do. It was the most AFC paradoxical loop EVER!
- Do what you want man. Don't worry about other's opinions of you
- Okay... well i want to be quiet and watch everyone, that's pretty enjoyable
- Dude wtf?! You're supposed to be socializing! How are you going to become the outgoing, entertaining, smooth talker you want to be by obvserving everyone?! you already know enough, now act!
- But in order to be a man i have to act on my intentions right?
- Yes
- Okay well i don't want to talk, that's my intention.
- You'll never improve that way
- Okay... fck man. Fine
Then i would say something, become social for a bit but it felt like i was Forcing it, it was NOT cool.
There was one point when i was high as hell but i was talking to one of my intellectual friends. Talking then was about as easy as Zeus lifting a feather. There was no pressure or weight and i didn't have to force it, because it was an interesting topic, and he could keep up with me and my theories and not just say... uh, yeah man that's cool.
Anyways... the simple solution to this is to NOT SMOKE. Which is what i plan on doing, but i'd like to hear your input on this type of situation. If any of you have ever been through this, how did you get through this or make yourself become motivated to speak? Because there are some moments when i'm sober (while rare) that i feel this way.
Also, this is completely unrelated to that night but i have a question. Ever since i learned this DJ ****, i think i've changed a bit too much. In the past, i could get girls, i just couldn't keep them. Now i get girls less, but it's easier to keep the ones that i do.
Now, do you think that this is because i'm weeding out all of the girls that just want an orbiter for a man, or because i'm nexting bytches too fast.
An example would be the girl from the party, i'm sure that if i had been more persistent, i could have at least made out with her, but i nexted her really quickly.
Also with girls that i meet, if they aren't exactly how i want them to be, i next them. I feel like this is being too picky and i'd have much more success if i gave girls more of a chance, but after i get to a certain point of me putting effort into getting a girl i think, "Bro, you're pursuing her too hard right now, you're being a chode, an AFC for god's sake!"
Then i back off and expect her to chase after me, this works
sometimes and sometimes means like 1/10 times.
Would you suggest putting in a lot more effort, or what? I just need some opinions.