look into this upper/lower body split
go to washed up meathead template
monday max effort upper body
Wednesday max effort lowerbody
friday max reppetition upperboday
saturday vanity work
add in some extra arm work on saturday
Tris build up the bulk of your arm so we'll start with them
pick one main pressing movement for tris, lets say close grip bench press off pins in a power rack/squat rack. bar should be 3-4 inches of chest. set up like this guy in the vid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhpzrRGgAyI Yet drop the pins on each side some, so you get a better range of motion, whatever feels more comfortable and has you really nailing the triceps hard.
You can also do these in the smith machine and they work great.
Ramp/warm up to 1-2 all out sets on these let's say 6-10 rep range
after these do one extension movement that doesn't irritate the elbows. floor tri extensions are great (bar going behind the head and resting momentarily on every rep), pjrs, power pressdowns, larry scott extensions...
ramp up to 1-2 working sets all out 12-15 reps.
now for the bis.
Pick 2 bicep exercises
preacher curls, ez bar drag curls or something you feel works best for you.
first exercise go light and hammer your biceps real good 10-15 rep range
Than the second exercise you choose go heavy say 6-8 rep range.
Now after those 2 bi movements
do forearm work.
pick one movement out of the following
pinwheel curls, hammer curls or reverse grip cable curls.
1-2 working sets 10-15 reps.
on most of these movements you can throw a rest pause in here or there. just after finishing a set to failure, rest for 10-12 secs and pick up that same weight and go for some more. Only do these on your last working set.
EDIT: hit post limit.......CaptainJ, I'm sure you wouldn't mind putting up a pic of those "huge biceps" people comment on

You seem to make them sound impressive by bodybuilding standards or something.....*waits patiently for either a picture or some excuse*
Yeah pullups chins up can hit arms good for some people and for some not so good, but you cannot refute those who do lots of isolation work + big compound movements that work for them. Are usually the biggest guys aesthetically. Dare to argue this. I have many pictures of natural bodybuilders who do the big 3 or variations + lots of isolation work and some not even doing all of the big 3 ! Who are big all over.