all snatch isn't good snatch. it's like chess. just because you see the queen out there sitting alone, doesn't mean that you should take her. move the pieces around until you get the big picture with is the check mate.
basically i would suggest be-friending the dog and finding another girl all together. girls have a code just like guys do. if the cutie knows that the dog likes you, then you're off limits. the only way you're gonna get cutie is if dog recommends it or says she's ok with it. by be-friending dog (and make sure it's clear that you guys are just friends) cutie will be in your presence more often. your job here is to be the charming stud that you are, without making any moves on cutie.
eventually after all the pieces are in the right places, cutie will either mention it to dog, or dog will recommend it. the up side to this is you get the check mate. the down side is that you will have to be patient and wait for the right opportunity to reveal itself. this is why you're gonna be spinning other plates while the stars align themselves and open up the heavens to you.