Same here.
Above average/pretty good looks like an 8, intelligent, witty, and good body.
I hear many whipspers of girls thinking Im hot or cute or whatever, but Im not good at picking up signals, so Im oblivious.
Have no game really, confidence fluctuates. Some days Im the man, other days I feel like a loser.
I can now talk to strangers ok. Not scared like I was before, but this doesnt usually lead anywhere. I cant attract girls. I have a boring personality I guess, but thats only to people I just met.
After a couple of convos I open up and let the real me get out. And I think Im pretty interesting, I dunno.
So yeah, looks help, but they arent the only thing.
Guys and girls are wired differently mentally.
Where a guy is looking for the hottest broad to bang, since we have to spread out genes as much as possible, aka doing as many girls as possible, so hot girls helpout since they attract us on the spot.
The girls look for a good overall package to take care of her and her kids. So your great personality and security can make up for a little lack of looks.
Society may try to stop our animal instincts, but they are still alive and kicking.
Were still as animalistic as ever, it's just looked down upon by "society" so we have to supress our feelings.
Because honestly, if it was ok to bang every girl you saw, you would wouldnt you?
An anthropology professor told me that these marriage laws were made u like 1 man to 1 woman because the kings of the ancient civilizations had hundreds of women to bang.
They didnt want the rest of the guys to do them, so they made up laws to stop them, and after thousands of years it has become ingrained in society.