"Doesn't do the dating thing"


New Member
Sep 10, 2005
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Hey DJs, long time lurker, first time poster.
Anyways I had a most puzzling experience last night. I'm at this party (I'm in college) and I'm talking to a couple of chicks, I'm not trying to work anything at this point tho, but then one of them introduces me to her other friend. She is gorgeous. Now not the type of hot that I would generally find out of my league, she had a different vibe goin on but she was definately hot. So I'm talkin to her, got my arms around her, she goes to a different college in the area, she love classic rock, she broke up with her boyfriend a while ago, and is a major stoner. PERFECT. So I think i'm putting on a good impression, she's smiling, yada yada. Her and her friends say they have to go, I pull out my phone and ask for her number. "I don't do the dating, phone number thing..." This boggled my mind. I asked her how then does she meet up with anyone, she says it depends on fate. I saw her cell in her pocket and told her to take my number just in case fate didn;t work but she insisted that she didn't do "the dating thing". Anyone ever experienced anything like that? I mean of course she could be lying, but anyone have any ideas?


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Atreides05
Hey DJs, long time lurker, first time poster.
Anyways I had a most puzzling experience last night. I'm at this party (I'm in college) and I'm talking to a couple of chicks, I'm not trying to work anything at this point tho, but then one of them introduces me to her other friend. She is gorgeous. Now not the type of hot that I would generally find out of my league, she had a different vibe goin on but she was definately hot. So I'm talkin to her, got my arms around her, she goes to a different college in the area, she love classic rock, she broke up with her boyfriend a while ago, and is a major stoner. PERFECT. So I think i'm putting on a good impression, she's smiling, yada yada. Her and her friends say they have to go, I pull out my phone and ask for her number. "I don't do the dating, phone number thing..." This boggled my mind. I asked her how then does she meet up with anyone, she says it depends on fate. I saw her cell in her pocket and told her to take my number just in case fate didn;t work but she insisted that she didn't do "the dating thing". Anyone ever experienced anything like that? I mean of course she could be lying, but anyone have any ideas?
i would have taken it as she just wanted to **** no strings attached but there ya go


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio
if she would have said that she doesn't do the dating thing AND gave you the phone number I would take that as a greenlight.

But with her refusing to give you the number, she is either rejecting you, or seeing if you are willing to chase her. Just ask yourself..is chasing her worth it? Then you will know what you should do.


New Member
Sep 10, 2005
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the problem is she goes to a different school, so I might never see her again.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
No number, no interest (in "MOST" cases).

Perhaps you could have said as a last resort "I didn't ask you for a date, I asked you for your number" with a sly smile (ie, as to not sound like a little bytch), and seen what happened.
