Reputation is an interesting topic. For men it is advantageous to be seen as a player or playboy or manwh0re etc. That's a man who loves women and as I noted it has a certain appeal and women love being that woman who captures the player...
For women reputation is different. It is not advantageous (in my view) to be seen as a wh0re, although I do know some women who are, unapologetically, and they have slept with who knows how many men and they simply don't care what anybody thinks. They never lack for male attention and they make the manwh0res look like amateurs. That's because it's EASY as a woman to get sex. The two women I'm thinking of are both cool from a personality perspective and very attractive. But that's not how I roll at all.
My ex BF (an enormous player) would call me a prude at times because I would NOT act like a wh0re, . I'm not, but I do exercise restraint and I do not sleep around. My entire social circle (which is large) knows this. It's interesting. Men want to take me out and get to know me...knowing that my ex was a big player, and knowing that he was INTO me, which means there must be something about me that made it worth LTRing me rather than tossing me. See the difference? My value went up in my social circles because of my restraint and because it is well known that I do NOT sleep around.
I am a player myself in the sense that I know how to play the game as well as anyone, but for a woman, sex isn't necessary. Why? Sex is easy for an attractive woman to get. Relationships are a bigger trophy for a woman. I'm the girl a playboy will actually date, LTR or marry. I still have the ring that my exBF gave me (yes he gave me a ring and used to show it off to other women) and many of my exes from years past would jump at the opportunity to have me back again...several have told me so.
The main thing is to be unapologetic for the way you choose to exist in the world. A number of women, when I first started dating my recent ex, warned me, told me "He's a player, he'll play you, etc. etc." I simply smiled at them and said, "Yes I know. I am WELL aware of what I'm dealing with..." and we certainly had our issues along the way, but the issues were less about him being a playboy and more about much deeper issues that were unique to him, and became the reason I walked away. Even now, 2 months into solid NC I see his family members and close friends creeping my social media (he is totally blocked and pulled down his social media accounts) and I know he is reeling because he did not think I would walk away...even though I told him I was capable of leaving him.
Other men are curious as to why I was compelling enough for that guy to have a relationship with. So I've had more dates and offers to get together etc. than I can shake a stick at.
And yes I do like nightlife and getting out and being social...and I prefer men who are urbane and like the same sort of thing. You have to put yourself in an environment where you meet people who enjoy what you enjoy. I golf, dance tango/Latin/swing, and like expensive restaurants and high end clubs. I also enjoy live music and sports. Guess what? I meet men in all these places and they already enjoy something I enjoy.
Reputation, as my wise granny used to say, is more important than everything except your health. Guard it and be sure it precedes you.