Does she want to get fudged ? ( Part 2 )


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
Hello brothers ,

For some background info, I refer you to this thread :

Long story short : HB7 ( Julia ) showed interest, told my sister about it ( She's the sister of my sister's boyfriend ) , she has a "boyfriend", probably wants to get fuvcked by me.

We talked on MSN after, teased her a little, light convo, told her I had plans to go swimming Sunday, and told her she could accompany me if she wanted. She agreed, I get her number too.
( I must've been doing pretty good untill then, for when I told her I g2g , she was like "Noooo whyyy ??" ).

Sunday arrives. I call her on my way to the beach asking her what she's doing, and that I'm going right now. Julia tells me she's feeling sick, but I can come over to her house for a bit. Fuvck it, why not ?

I arrive at her house, her whole family is sitting outside. I get out of the car, introduce myself, then her brother shows up. I greet him, we go inside, he tells me Julia is getting ready. We chill in his room, listen to music.

Julia is ready to go now. I can indeed hear her voice is somewhat nasal, like a mild flu. She doesn't want to go swimming perse, but offers to drive around and go chill somewhere. Ok let's go I say.

I am not the greatest conversationalist, but I try. This girl likes to talk, so there weren't awkward silences in the car. Bob Marley tunes playing in the background.

I decide to go to the beach and chill for a bit there. We sit down, and talk. I felt like I wasn't aggressive enough, we didn't kiss or anything like that. ( Didn't feel the vibe was just right yet for a Kiss. )
But I did some Kino, and for example complimented her smell and asked what perfume she was wearing. So there was some flirting. But no real escalation.

I had some sh!t to do after, so we go get a drink and I drive her back home. She tells me she had fun, and to let her know when I arrive home well.

I went to do my business and later that night texted her : Just got home. I had an interesting day with you today Julia. Hope you feel better soon sexy, talk later.

Haven't called or contacted her since. I feel as if I already fuvcked it up, and I don't know how to proceed.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
Wait a few days, take her out again, escalate properly this time, then enjoy.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Shouldnt have givin that last text my opinion, I never text girls after a night with them. You really gained nothing from sending that text imo )

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry bro. u blew ur chance with the last text. better next her and do the next one fvkin properly. that means read up on theory, mystery method stages, time warping techniques, so you wont be clueless. THis kind of all in approach your style is unproductive