Does She Like Me?


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
I agree with DonJose. I have already told her in a nonchalant way that I have a thick **** and that I have had sex with several girls. She even knows some of them. I don't want her to think I'm immature for continuing to have sex without been in a serious relationship though. She believes that one should have emotional connections before having sex. She thinks that is more important than looks, etc. That is why I don't know whether to tell her cuz I sure as hell didn't have an emotional relationship with the other girl.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
JD83 said:
I agree with DonJose. I have already told her in a nonchalant way that I have a thick **** and that I have had sex with several girls. She even knows some of them. I don't want her to think I'm immature for continuing to have sex without been in a serious relationship though. She believes that one should have emotional connections before having sex. She thinks that is more important than looks, etc. That is why I don't know whether to tell her cuz I sure as hell didn't have an emotional relationship with the other girl.

Sounds like the reason your confused as to whether she's likes you or not, is because YOUR CONFUSING her with your words and actions.

What is this girl your best friend? You don't TELL girls anything. You SHOW them why your the best choice from the field. If you have banged a bunch of girls she knows this actually can work AGAINST you; because she doesn't just want to be another girl on your list.

Listen to this next part because this is what will help you the most

The best way to intrigue a girl with your words is to LEAVE HER WONDERING what exactly went down instead of telling her all the details. Think of it as a form of anticipation, which builds attraction.

If this chick asks you what you did this weekend; give her the general story with out the dirt. This is KEY to getting her more interested in you.

Lastly you mentioned that she knows a lot of the women that you've fuvked; well why's that? Is it because you told her about it? Well if so your only shooting yourself in the foot and making things harder on yourself.

Let me give you another example.

Ever notice how women never DO what they actually say they will?

Well if a girl asks a guy if he's a player, he should never ADMIT it. Instead he should reply in a manner that builds intrigue and attraction. Instead of every saying "yes I'm a player" or "no of course I'm not." Its best to dodge the question, you could do this by smiling and saying something like "wouldn't you like to know!" Or act like you didn't hear her and change the subject. The point is this builds attraction if the girl has interest in you.

You on the other hand are giving away all your aces for FREE!

Hopefully that helps you answer your question and makes you realize that you need to start letting your actions do the talking.

Last thing: If your ever confused by a girl's actions or words you only have yourself to blame. Whether she has a boyfriend or not is irrelevant; when you do your job right, the girl will make it VERY EASY to get what you want from her.

From now on, no more kiss and tell bro; that only makes you look:

a) insecure
b) like you need to brag
c) more times than not will not get the girl more interested in you

If you would have been doing this from the start; you would have at least made out with her by now, which would make the "road trip" a "fuvk trip." Now you run the risk of making a move on this trip and possibly getting rejected; which will make EVERYTHING from that point on awkward because you didn't set this up right.



Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the detailed answer. I do want to make sure I clear a misconception. I have been a wussy with girls before--doing everything they tell me to. That is not the case with this girl. I don't call or text her. If she gives me her opinion on something and I disagree, I don't do it. She doesnt like one of my other "girl friends" and I talk to my friend anyway. I even ****ed her. I know that my #1 thing I got going is the confidence and independence I display to her.

I do all the ****y/funny things with her. She laughs at every joke I say. She makes eye contact with me. She finds excuses to touch me somehow. More than all else she always finds time to talk to me. She asks thousands of questions about my early life, my family, my interests, etc. And of course she has now agreed to lie to her bf and go on a long road trip alone with me.

The thing that confuses me the most is that she doesn't tell me whether she likes me nor not. I'm not good at reading between the lines. I know she likes me a lot. A LOT. But I don't know whether its sexual or not. Why did she agree to go on road trip? She certainly has a lot of things on her life. She has chosen to take time off her life to chill with me. That has to count for something


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
JD83 said:
I don't want her to think I'm immature for continuing to have sex without been in a serious relationship though.
Fvck what she thinks.
You're a DJ, you don't give a crap what her thoughts are about your sex life. If you want to have sex, you most definitely have a penis to stick in some hole. That's not her business as to whether you have sex in or out of a relationship. If she don't like it... TOUGH.

She believes that one should have emotional connections before having sex.

The only connection she cares about is the connection between a penis and a vagine. Don't LISTEN to what she SAYS, interpret how she ACTS.

She thinks that is more important than looks, etc. That is why I don't know whether to tell her cuz I sure as hell didn't have an emotional relationship with the other girl.
Tell her what? You don't need to explain yourself to anyone.
And anytime a girl says that they need to feel something for someone in order to have sex, all you should be hearing is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Take her out on that road trip and MAKE A MOVE. Then you'll find out if she's backing all that BS she keeps talking.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
Sounds like the reason your confused as to whether she's likes you or not, is because YOUR CONFUSING her with your words and actions.

What is this girl your best friend? You don't TELL girls anything. You SHOW them why your the best choice from the field. If you have banged a bunch of girls she knows this actually can work AGAINST you; because she doesn't just want to be another girl on your list.
I gotta disagree. That's what women TRY to make it seem like. If this was the case, she'd be completely turned off. But no, she's still down to doing the road trip with him. It possibly can work against him but apparently it hasn't. Hell, it would give her more incentive to be that SPECIAL girl on that list.

Listen to this next part because this is what will help you the most

The best way to intrigue a girl with your words is to LEAVE HER WONDERING what exactly went down instead of telling her all the details. Think of it as a form of anticipation, which builds attraction.
I wouldn't be focused so much on this. It can help but sometimes there's no need.

If this chick asks you what you did this weekend; give her the general story with out the dirt. This is KEY to getting her more interested in you.
She already is, all he's gotta be worried about at this point is to do something outrageously stupid to mess it up.

Lastly you mentioned that she knows a lot of the women that you've fuvked; well why's that? Is it because you told her about it? Well if so your only shooting yourself in the foot and making things harder on yourself.
So what if she does? If all else fails, he's got new women in the future to fvck. She's just one woman.

Let me give you another example.

Ever notice how women never DO what they actually say they will?

Well if a girl asks a guy if he's a player, he should never ADMIT it. Instead he should reply in a manner that builds intrigue and attraction. Instead of every saying "yes I'm a player" or "no of course I'm not." Its best to dodge the question, you could do this by smiling and saying something like "wouldn't you like to know!" Or act like you didn't hear her and change the subject. The point is this builds attraction if the girl has interest in you.
Why care so much to be truthful afew times? If she's into you, it aint going to matter so much. She can be just as intrigued with dodging the question AS if you told her the truth.

You on the other hand are giving away all your aces for FREE!
In this situation, I see no problem with it. He's apparently comfortable telling her this, why shouldn't he tell her? "Oh BECAUSE I'll lose her!" Considering that she's still for the trip even after he told her, says alot. As i'm seeing, too many guys are so concerned with losing that one girl...rather than realizing women can't change their mind at any second. Why stress over it?

Hopefully that helps you answer your question and makes you realize that you need to start letting your actions do the talking.

Last thing: If your ever confused by a girl's actions or words you only have yourself to blame. Whether she has a boyfriend or not is irrelevant; when you do your job right, the girl will make it VERY EASY to get what you want from her.
We aren't super experts. Women are so unpredictable that some act so weird that we can't figure them out, even with lots of field knowledge on our side. It aint always the guys' fault for not knowing, women are to blame for even acting that way in the first place.

From now on, no more kiss and tell bro; that only makes you look:

a) insecure
b) like you need to brag
c) more times than not will not get the girl more interested in you
He didn't Brag, he said it nonchalantly. She asked and he told. He's not telling everything of her daily life. They're co-workers, she only asked a question and he answered. I think your exaggerating this. If he was trying to brag, I can see it...but he wasn't bragging or putting that out there every minute.

If you would have been doing this from the start; you would have at least made out with her by now, which would make the "road trip" a "fuvk trip." Now you run the risk of making a move on this trip and possibly getting rejected; which will make EVERYTHING from that point on awkward because you didn't set this up right.
There was no guarantee either...even if he did that, eventho that probably would've made more sense but its too late for that now. lol.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Kailex, def spot on. I gotta reply to your post as well:

Fvck what she thinks.
You're a DJ, you don't give a crap what her thoughts are about your sex life. If you want to have sex, you most definitely have a penis to stick in some hole. That's not her business as to whether you have sex in or out of a relationship. If she don't like it... TOUGH.
EXACTLY! She could complain all she wants, thats not your concern. Be proud you don't give a sh1t about a serious relationship. If she finds that immature, who cares? Remember....ABUNDANCE!


The only connection she cares about is the connection between a penis and a vagine. Don't LISTEN to what she SAYS, interpret how she ACTS.
I wouldn't rule that out Kailex ;) I think the emotional connection she's referring to is how they can relate to the GOOD EMOTIONS of sex ;)

Tell her what? You don't need to explain yourself to anyone.
And anytime a girl says that they need to feel something for someone in order to have sex, all you should be hearing is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
I can translate this :)

BLAH BLAH BLAH = I want you to fvck me like a slut but I don't want people to judge me for wanting to get fvcked like one.

Take her out on that road trip and MAKE A MOVE. Then you'll find out if she's backing all that BS she keeps talking.
Agreed! all of us have been telling you, MAKE THE MOVE!


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the tips. I hope I don't come off as someone with no life other than this chick. I do enjoy lots of other things and talk to other girls. I love sports, traveling, and my job actually. And NOO its not just because she works there lol.

The great majority of our time together we make fun of each other. I call her all kinds of names. I make fun of her hair, her shoes [they are cheap], and pretty much anything. She is big on saving so anything that makes her seem cheap I will call her out on. She does the same for me. Its all playful though. A few months back I didn't talk to her for 3 days. I wanted to see her reaction. On the third day she came to my office and asked me what was wrong. She was scared that maybe she had said something. At its basic level it let me know that she cares deeply about me (albeit at least as a friend).

I know that I have to make the move to really see where we at, but what do you guys make of her asking me so many personal questions. She asks about what I enjoyed doing as a kid, what I did in college, and what my family is like. She also shares info about her family [things that you would not tell just anyone and I won't mention here.] After sharing with her that I was really worried about my mom a few weeks back when she got sick, she playfully stated "Ahh you are a Momma's boy." I was freaking confused since I'm extremely independent and have lived far from my parents since graduating college. Then she gave me this serious sexy look and said, "I think that is sexy. If a guy takes good care of his mom, that is a sign of how he will treat his girl."


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
JD83 said:
I know that I have to make the move to really see where we at, but what do you guys make of her asking me so many personal questions. She asks about what I enjoyed doing as a kid, what I did in college, and what my family is like. She also shares info about her family [things that you would not tell just anyone and I won't mention here.] Lastly in a nonchalant way she basically told me that I would make a great relationship partner since she sees how I talk about my parents. "If a guy takes good care of his mom, that is a sign of how he will treat his girl," she stated.
Those questions mean nothing. You're not in elementary school anymore, man. The only way to get answers to whether or not she likes you is to make a move. It's stupid to sit around looking for signs. Asking questions about your family and how you grew up means nothing. It doesn't make a girl wet to know that you enjoyed playing banjo as a child, or that your mom is a nice person.

And I understand that you're new here, but honestly...there's no weaker approach to getting girls you like than sitting around wondering "Does she like me?" The bigger question is, do you like her enough to make a move. "Does (x person) like me?" is a question reserved for high school girls.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
This girl isn't interested in you.

From everything I've seen,this just seems to be another classic case of being in the friendzone.

Look at this...

JD83 said:
The great majority of our time together we make fun of each other. I call her all kinds of names. I make fun of her hair, her shoes [they are cheap], and pretty much anything. She is big on saving so anything that makes her seem cheap I will call her out on. She does the same for me. Its all playful though.

You say...

"The great majority of our time together"
"I call her names/make fun of her hair"
"She does the same for me"

This is all just a bunch of joking and playing around,MINUS any sexual attraction. It's almost like a brother and sister teasing each other.

JD83 said:
A few months back I didn't talk to her for 3 days. I wanted to see her reaction. On the third day she came to my office and asked me what was wrong. She was scared that maybe she had said something.
This is called AFFECTION.

She has an affection for you,NOT attraction.

You two have been around each other for a long period of time,and she's grown accustom to being in your presence.

So when you pulled back for 3 days,she missed you. She MISSED you,that's all. there was nothing sexual on her part.

You said,"A few months back...".

Months? You mean you've known this girl for several months,and still don't know if she likes you or not?

That's a clue right there as to where you stand with her.

JD83 said:
I know that I have to make the move to really see where we at, but what do you guys make of her asking me so many personal questions.
She just wants to know more about you,that's all.

You've been around each other for months,so it's only natural that she'd want to learn more about you.

JD83 said:
She asks about what I enjoyed doing as a kid, what I did in college, and what my family is like. She also shares info about her family [things that you would not tell just anyone and I won't mention here.]
Dude,she's treating you like one of her girlfriends.

Sharing secrets about her family? You're in the friendzone.

JD83 said:
Lastly in a nonchalant way she basically told me that I would make a great relationship partner since she sees how I talk about my parents. "If a guy takes good care of his mom, that is a sign of how he will treat his girl," she stated.
She meant that you'd make a great relationship partner.....for SOMEONE ELSE.

I look at ALL THE CONVERSATION you provided between you and her,and not one time did I see you say anything romantic or sexual to her.

You overdosed on comfort with this girl.

You two talk about anything and everything OTHER THAN the two of you seeing each other.

It shouldn't take months and months to learn if a girl likes you or not.

Pimp-sicle was right. If you don't know where you stand with her,it's because YOU WEREN'T CLEAR when you showed your interest.

So if you don't know where things are with her,then YOU SCREWED UP.

It's simple:a girl will respond one of only three ways to a guy showing sexual interest in her.....

1)She'll recipricate/she'll show sexual interest back.

2)She'll reject you


3)The friendzone,(which is just another form of rejection).

If you've been around this girl for several months now and none of these three have taken place,then YOU'VE screwed up,and not only that,but you've most likely been friendzoned by DEFAULT.

You don't understand. If you're around a girl for a long period of time,some type of relationship WILL form...AUTOMATICALLY.

You don't have a choice in the matter. If you're repeatedly in a girl's presence,HER EMOTIONS will AUTOMATICALLY place you in some type of role,whether you like it or not,whether you're aware of it or not.

That's why it's important for you to INTENTIONALLY present yourself to a girl as a romantic interest when you first meet her.

That way,YOU present YOURSELF to her in the role YOU WANT to have in her life instead of sitting back and letting her emotions do it.

It's really simple:If you do not present yourself as a sexual interest,then HER EMOTIONS WILL JUDGE YOU AND CONSIDER YOU as non-sexual.

She'll laugh,she'll play,she'll tease,she'll talk with you and have "deep" conversations,she may even have fun with you,but when it comes time for anything sexual,she'll "feel" that something is missing.

That's why you have girls saying thing like,"I don't know";"I'm not sure:;"I'm confused".

It's because they have all the ingredients to be comfortable with and have fun with you,but the thing for sexual attraction is missing.

If you don't believe me,then simply ask her out,and be 100% clear that it's a romantic/sexual date.

You'll get your answer as to whether she likes you or not.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
You're likely right. She probably does see me as 1 of her girlfriends (or homeboy) and not in a sexual way.

However to suggest that I should have acted in a sexual way from the beginning assumes I wanted to have a romantic relationship from the beginning. I did not. When I first met her, I was new at work and to the city. She was NOT super fine that I was immediately attracted to her physically. I didn't know her and I was not interested in a romantic relationship with her. I quickly learned that she had a kid and a guy already. Time passed and I didn't see her as anything more than a cool friend who I could trust at work. This happened for a year or so. During this year, we learned lots of things about each other. We began developing an awesome friendship, sharing both good and bad moments. If I ****ed a girl or something, I would tell her. I will not be blamed for been friends with someone.

If having such friendship is now detrimental to her seeing me as more than her homeboy then I'm ok with that. I'm cool. I appreciate our friendship and I know that there are tons of *****es I can ****. That is not the problem. I don't think been a DJ is about trying to **** girls from the outset. I have met girls from previous jobs, ****ed them, and boom. What then? There is no longer a challenge. Sex becomes animalistic all the way. Hell that is easy.

Many of you think that friendships and romantic relationships are separate and exclusive categories. I disagree. I think that if a guy can have both, then the end result is more powerful than simply ****ing a girl and then leaving her. It may be harder to go from friend to lover than from lover to friend but I don't think its impossible.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
DonJoseCantosie said:
I gotta disagree. That's what women TRY to make it seem like. If this was the case, she'd be completely turned off. But no, she's still down to doing the road trip with him. It possibly can work against him but apparently it hasn't. Hell, it would give her more incentive to be that SPECIAL girl on that list.

Looks like you might have read me slightly wrong here. Being an in demand guy and having sexual experience DEFINITELY helps your game with new women your gaming, BUT the reason I replied to the OP in this manner is to make him realize that all these little bits of information shouldn't be "given away" in a sort of "see look what I did this weekend" manner. That's just the vibe I picked up from him since he had mentioned earlier that she knows a bunch of girls he has slept with already.

I'm assuming he has told her about these other girls since he just posted about wanting to know if he should tell his target about the chick he banged last weekend... I agree there is a big difference in how this information comes out; if she's asking, then its a clear sign of interest, if he's openly giving that info up without her asking, it makes him look like he's trying to prove his worth.

I wouldn't be focused so much on this. It can help but sometimes there's no need.

I'm trying to get this guy to develop good habits to improve his game overall; not just a band-aid fix for a certain situation.

She already is, all he's gotta be worried about at this point is to do something outrageously stupid to mess it up.

Mess what up?? LOL

And but letting a woman's imagination work FOR YOU is one of the greatest powers you can develop in your game. Girls develop opinions of guys pretty quickly; I still think there's no need for him to give away all the info without a little gaming. That's why I felt it came off as over-compensating/bragging.

So what if she does? If all else fails, he's got new women in the future to fvck. She's just one woman.

See above; why settle for one when you can have both? And its pretty clear that the OP has invested a lot of time into this one chick compared to these other broads he's banging like hot cakes.

Why care so much to be truthful a few times? If she's into you, it aint going to matter so much. She can be just as intrigued with dodging the question AS if you told her the truth.

Your advice above really depends on the guy. The flat truth can definitely work for guys that are congruent to that style/attitude. The OP has some work to do in tuning up his game to that level; in the mean time why wouldn't he use the tried and true methods to build attraction and intrigue? Make the girl wonder.... it'll only work to your benefit, I can't say that enough.

In this situation, I see no problem with it. He's apparently comfortable telling her this, why shouldn't he tell her? "Oh BECAUSE I'll lose her!" Considering that she's still for the trip even after he told her, says alot. As i'm seeing, too many guys are so concerned with losing that one girl...rather than realizing women can't change their mind at any second. Why stress over it?

You got me wrong here too bro. Its not so much because of the fear of losing her; no guy should ever worry about that. But lets be honest most guys don't have that attitude when the really like a girl, they chase and do things they normally wouldn't. Its more so to make her wonder as I mentioned before, to build anticipation, intrigue and make her mind work FOR you, rather than against you.

Unless this chick is just looking for a fuvk buddy; he's made his job A LOT harder by talking about his exploits in my opinion. Sure a little bit of info here and there to let her know you get down is fine. But its ALWAYS better to show her and let her mind help you too.

We aren't super experts. Women are so unpredictable that some act so weird that we can't figure them out, even with lots of field knowledge on our side. It aint always the guys' fault for not knowing, women are to blame for even acting that way in the first place.

Women are only unpredictable when YOU fuvk up IF they have interest in you. I see so many posts on here about how a guy is confused about a girl, has laid his game down right but is getting hot and cold signals leading to confusion. What he fails to realize is all the game in the world will not help you unless the girl's interest his high enough.

That's not to say women aren't retarded sometimes (LOL), because they are, but it all comes back to interest.

He didn't Brag, he said it nonchalantly. She asked and he told. He's not telling everything of her daily life. They're co-workers, she only asked a question and he answered. I think your exaggerating this. If he was trying to brag, I can see it...but he wasn't bragging or putting that out there every minute.

Yeah I might have to take this one back because I wasn't clear on whether she asked or if he volunteered this info....

There was no guarantee either...even if he did that, eventho that probably would've made more sense but its too late for that now. lol.

Now were starting to agree more! haha



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
JD83 said:
You're likely right. She probably does see me as 1 of her girlfriends (or homeboy) and not in a sexual way.

She's comfortable with you; I do see some signs of attraction from her, but not strong enough at this point to progress.

However to suggest that I should have acted in a sexual way from the beginning assumes I wanted to have a romantic relationship from the beginning. I did not.

This is where your wrong and you have lessons to be learned. When you meet a woman for the first time you don't know ANYTHING about her. All you know is you either like what you see or you don't like what you see. That's how were hard-wired to think.

This has NOTHING to do with relationships bro. You should ALWAYS act in a sexual manner when you meet a girl your attracted to regardless of future relationships for a number of reasons that I won't get into right now. But remember this while were on the subject of relationships; its ALWAYS sex first, relationship second in a situation where you, the man did his job right.

When I first met her, I was new at work and to the city. She was NOT super fine that I was immediately attracted to her physically. I didn't know her and I was not interested in a romantic relationship with her. I quickly learned that she had a kid and a guy already. Time passed and I didn't see her as anything more than a cool friend who I could trust at work. This happened for a year or so. During this year, we learned lots of things about each other. We began developing an awesome friendship, sharing both good and bad moments. If I ****ed a girl or something, I would tell her. I will not be blamed for been friends with someone.

As Igetit said too much comfort not enough attraction on your part. There are definitely girls who you don't have a strong sexual attraction to right off the bat, but then start to like as you get to know them. But a lot of guys tend to put this chicks on pedestals and then get confused, although with a bf and kid, that makes it more of a tricky situation. The mistake in my opinion is not showing enough sexuality and building on that comfort. That's where the confusion comes into play.

If having such friendship is now detrimental to her seeing me as more than her homeboy then I'm ok with that. I'm cool. I appreciate our friendship and I know that there are tons of *****es I can ****. That is not the problem. I don't think been a DJ is about trying to **** girls from the outset. I have met girls from previous jobs, ****ed them, and boom. What then? There is no longer a challenge. Sex becomes animalistic all the way. Hell that is easy.

I agree, being a DJ is more of a lifestyle, an overall change in attitude. Fuvkin' and chuckin' becomes very blahhhh after awhile, that's the life of a PUA, not a DJ.

Many of you think that friendships and romantic relationships are separate and exclusive categories. I disagree. I think that if a guy can have both, then the end result is more powerful than simply ****ing a girl and then leaving her. It may be harder to go from friend to lover than from lover to friend but I don't think its impossible.

Good point; but as I said above, why make things harder on yourself? Learn to develop that friendship, WHILE building that sexual chemistry and you have what you want. Most guys start to really like a girl and then place her in a different category and treat her like she's a queen and then are shocked when this sweet, good girl ends up rejecting that guy.

Keep us posted on the road trip, because anything can happen and sometimes a change of scenery can make a big difference.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Josetown a.k.a Chocolate City Area
Pimp-Sicle....I totally understand now! With this, I completely agree with everything you've said :)



Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
She's comfortable with you; I do see some signs of attraction from her, but not strong enough at this point to progress.

According to you, what are the sign of attractions that you see?

I'll see her tomorrow and act like I always do. If she asks about my weekend, I will know what to say. I got a nice new phone this weekend so I'll just make fun of her 10 dollar phone that she got lol. Not to brag, just to tease. That is how we do! :kick:


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
JD83 said:
She's comfortable with you; I do see some signs of attraction from her, but not strong enough at this point to progress.

According to you, what are the sign of attractions that you see?

I'll see her tomorrow and act like I always do. If she asks about my weekend, I will know what to say. I got a nice new phone this weekend so I'll just make fun of her 10 dollar phone that she got lol. Not to brag, just to tease. That is how we do! :kick:


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
lol my question stands
pimp and/or donjosecantoise: which signs of attraction do you see? Its always good to hear another guy's perspective.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
JD83 said:
lol my question stands
pimp and/or donjosecantoise: which signs of attraction do you see? Its always good to hear another guy's perspective.
Signs of attraction I see. I'd say the fact she's still hasn't canceled on the trip or still seems down for it is a good sign. If she was a timewaster girl, i'd think she dismiss the idea of it or just play the fool about it. But since she acknowledged that she doesn't know what to think of her relationship, thats a clear sign that she may want to get away from it and your that guy she wants to get away from it with. After letting her know you've had sex and dated girls already and she not seemingly repelled by it, i think thats another sign of the attraction.

I think at this point, do what ur doing and make sure she's still down for the meet up :)


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
JD83 said:
I'll see her tomorrow and act like I always do. If she asks about my weekend, I will know what to say. I got a nice new phone this weekend so I'll just make fun of her 10 dollar phone that she got lol. Not to brag, just to tease. That is how we do! :kick:
You're going to make fun of her phone.

Yeah,I'm sure that'll get her all hot and horny over you. :rolleyes:

So basically,when you see her again,your plan is to continue doing what you've been doing....for the past year.

I agree with what you said about how being a "DJ" is more than just trying to sleep with some girl from the getgo,although I don't remember where I said to do that in my previous reply.

You still don't understand. A girl's emotions AREN'T SUBJECT to reason.

You said that when you first met her,you weren't interested in her sexually,and that was the REASON you didn't show interest in her.

That doesn't matter. It's a legit REASON for not approaching a girl,but her EMOTIONS don't care about that.

You could have a thousand truely legitimate,honest REASONS,such as...

"I wasn't interested in her at the time"
"She already had a boyfriend"
"I was already dating someone at the time"

These are all good reasons for not going after some chick,but as far as her feelings are concerned,THEY DON'T MATTER.

All her EMOTIONS know is that here's this guy who's constantly around me who I feel NOTHING for.

JD83 said:
lol my question stands
pimp and/or donjosecantoise: which of attraction signs of attraction do you see?
What difference does it make?

Let's say someone does point out these signs to you.

Ok,then what? What happens then?

What are you going to do? Continue talking about her shoes?

Personally,there's only ONE IOI I care about. And that's when I ask a girl out and she says yes.

Other than that,I could care less.

You're too stuck on comfort. You say that in the beginning,you weren't interested in her. Ok,what about now,RIGHT NOW,in the present?

Are you SEXUALLY interested in her now? Because if so,then the same things you should have done A YEAR AGO had you been interested,are the same things you need to do NOW.

The difference is that now,a year later,you have this "friendship relationship" to overcome,which IMO,can't be done.

Until you show a DIRECT INTEREST to her,you'll continue to wonder "does she like me?".


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
She probably does, or she probably already put you in the friendzone.

here is how you continue:


Make your next move.

EDIT: re-read original post. didn't click that you said she was your friend. disregard my post.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
I've decided to post this as an example of what NOT to do with a girl you really like. You all know the posts that I have placed on here regarding my planned trip with one of my coworkers. She has not cancelled. She still wants to go. However, I now know that she simply doesn't have attraction for me.

I ****ed up because I opened my mouth too much. By telling her everything about me (basically) I took away the attraction factor. I not only told her about the times I ****ed other girls but also about what I like/dislike etc. Today we were talking and she reiterated that she knows that the only reason I like her is because she is got a guy and I see that as a challenge. She quoted me as saying "I would never want a serious relationship with a committed girl." Indeed, I had said this in the past. That is what happens when you talk to a girl 2 hours a day every ****en day. Rather than go home after work, I spent time talking to her. I will admit that I have lost.

I keep opening my mouth every ****en ten seconds about how I like her and today it became apparent that she was a little annoyed. I like her as a friend and don't want to **** that up as well. I have decided to simply continue ****ing *****es as before and give up on her. I just don't know how to do it in a way that is not weird or awkward. How do I go from talking to her every single day for extended periods of time to nothing? I dont want to come off as faking it. I genuinely want to just be friends. If I go in tomorrow and I stop talking to her, she will know something is up. I really don't know what to do.

If you are reading this dont do any of the things that I did. Many other guys post this here and we dont listen. Talking to girls too much is not a good idea. Well if you have ideas as to how I can continue been friends with her now please let me know. I also need a way to cancel the trip now.

I will continue to post here. I'm simply dissapointed that I have lost a chance with something good!