Does She Like Me?


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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Guys I'm confused about whether my friend likes me or not. She always finds time to talk to me at work. She cares about what I think about her. She laughs at my jokes even when they're not funny. She is always teasing me and calling me "mean" and an "*******" when I burst out on her. She sometimes hits me on my shoulder or my arm (in a playful way). However, she rarely texts me unless I text her first. Then again she doesn't answer anyone when they text her. She has NOT told me explicitly that she likes me even though she knows I like her. She is sometimes dismissive when I try to talk about "me liking her." Yesterday I asked her to go on a ROADTRIP with me. She stated following, "I don't know what I feel. You know I'm in a serious relationship but I just dunno anymore. I'm really confused and I really want to go with you. So yes I'll go! Just let me find a good excuse. I haven't done this since I was 19!" She is now 30.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
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Ever try ask her that question? or even be a man and kiss her?

The Greek

Don Juan
Feb 27, 2010
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Yo, you have to stop telling her you like her without any reciprocity. She SOUNDS intrigued but you may be killing her interest by being too available. Find the right time when you two are alone, escalate (there's better advice than what I can give you on that on this forum), and see how she responds. Actions, not words etc/

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
"Does she like me" is a weak question.

The only way to find out is to get her to do things that prove it. Otherwise you're just sitting around like a moron looking for signs of interest.

Lord Sidious

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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She has that behaviour with you at work because she´s in her "safety environment", because when you´re alone with her she doesn´t do that, right? I´ve been there also, bro. It´s usual.

I ask this: - if she has a serious relationship, why did you ask her to go with you on a roadtrip? I don´t know, but seems that a roadtrip can be long, so, do you feel confortable with that? I mean, if you intend to get involved with her (bang her, because I don´t believe she offers you more than that as long as she has bf), isn´t it better to settle something more simple and of shorter duration?

And stop telling you like her. The more you act as you´re the prize, the better.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
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Northern Cali
JD83 said:
She is sometimes dismissive when I try to talk about "me liking her."
Sounds like you're expressing your interest in a very AFC way. How do you expect her to react?


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the good feedback. I choose the roadtrip because we are going to go to a sporting event. We were initially going to go to a sporting event where we live but she is afraid that someone she knows might spot her and tell her bf. That is why we decided to travel to the sporting event about three hours from where we live. We both love action and sports and is a way for me to get her to relax and chill without formalities and all that.

I'm not into the AFC lexicon but I'll admit that I do act a little different with her. Its hard not to because we work together and. If I stop, she will know that I'm acting different. I don't want to act as if I dont like her. I try to balance this by showing her that I do have other options. In fact she knows of some girls that I have been involved with. I know that part of the reason she began feeling attraction for me is because I have been honest from the git-go. Its hard to balance honesty vs. setting oneself as the prize. Great ideas though!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Cali
JD83 said:
Its hard to balance honesty vs. setting oneself as the prize. Great ideas though!
Yes, but this is the crux of what it takes to land a girl 99% of the time. You need to express your interest in a confident, masculine way, not in a way that makes her shrink from you every time you talk about "me liking her". She's going to want to feel confidently led in this interaction, and she's definitely not going to want feelings vomited on her. Does that make sense? The poster Igetit! is really good at explaining good ways of projecting your interest without coming off as weak or needy. Search for some of his posts if you're interested.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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Yes I understand. So do you then agree that she at least has some interest?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
JD83 said:
Yes I understand. So do you then agree that she at least has some interest?
Many posters here can tell you many things. There will be many scenarios, some good, some bad.

But in the end, the only person who can tell us whether she is interested... is YOU.

If she comes on this road trip, you BETTER make a move.
The fact that she even accepted to come means that there is SOME kind of interest...

Now whether it's sexual interest or not, I can't tell. For all we know, she could just go because it's a road trip.

And please, do me a favor... if she goes, don't fvck this up by talking about your feelings or telling her that you like her... SHOW her by manning up and making a move. I suggest you try to get some reading done before you go on that road trip too... DJ Bible specifically. I'm worried about a guy who constantly TELLS a woman with a boyfriend about how he FEELS about her.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Cali
I would agree with that assessment, but a woman's interest is tenuous. In other words, don't screw it up! :p


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Good stuff man. Just be sure of yourself and realize that considering she's in a relationship, the guilt trip could hit her and she might back out at the last second. Don't underestimate a woman's guilt. I think you should've communicated your interest sooner honestly. BUT, you still have a chance.

Kailex is pretty spot on. The fact she's even willing to go on a road trip with you, ALONE....says alot! She's most likely down to ****. And the fact she's using an excuse, EVEN more of a sign. A rule of thumb, make sure that you'd take responsibility for this happen if the guilt is hitting her. That way, she can be relaxed. You have to be a man and make a move on her. If she turns her head at first, DONT GIVE UP! Its a little resistence, rinse and repeat :)

TheCurtainFalls is right too. She wants you to be into her in a self assured, dominant, masculine manner. Be the man she's lusting over. She probably is bored or sick of her boyfriend :).

Lastly as the others said, no need to keep telling her you like her. Tell her your into her in a non-platonic manner, and that you can be discreet about all this flat out once and thats it. Then act accordingly mate. Touch her, talk to her and look at her as if she's already with you ;)


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks. I will stop telling her that I like her. One of the things I like most about her is that we can talk about anything. I know many guys believe that the guy should not talk that much because the girl will get bored. However, most of our conversation is not about me liking her or love. In fact, its actually about what our careers, jobs, hobbies, and lots of silly arguments. What I have noticed though is that when I talk about serious things (like my love for my family, my career goals) she turns her body towards me and gives me this long, sexy stare. Then she smiles and just looks at me. She literally stops what she is doing (remember: we work together) and listens attentively. I don't know why but she does and its sexy!


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
UPDATE- Slept with girl. do I tell her?

I had sex with another girl last night. I know that when I get back to work on Monday she is going to ask me what I did this weekend. Do I tell her the truth or not? I always tell her when I sleep with someone but now that we are getting close I'm not so sure. I don't want to **** it up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
JD83 said:
I had sex with another girl last night. I know that when I get back to work on Monday she is going to ask me what I did this weekend. Do I tell her the truth or not? I always tell her when I sleep with someone but now that we are getting close I'm not so sure. I don't want to **** it up.
Yeah. You should tell her. Because that's a totally smart and logical thing to do.



Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Mantis Toboggan said:
"Does she like me" is a weak question.

The only way to find out is to get her to do things that prove it. Otherwise you're just sitting around like a moron looking for signs of interest.
OP, listen to Mr. Mantis! Pay attention to this!

Understand that you just need to make a damn move instead of waiting around for her to come to you. Are you a man? Can't you see that the iron is hot? Strike it! Just do it like Nike! It's super effective!

Stop worrying about whether or not she likes you! Assume she does and you'll know for sure.

Judge Nismo-4 has found you guilty of worrying. This crime comes with a fine of lower attraction. But you can be alleviated from this fine. How? Read my sig. Apply it. Stop worrying. Remember that you will not be fit for every woman in the world and vice versa.

Mantis T, get equipped with +1 rep!

Case closed. Post your results.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
JD83 said:
I had sex with another girl last night. I know that when I get back to work on Monday she is going to ask me what I did this weekend. Do I tell her the truth or not? I always tell her when I sleep with someone but now that we are getting close I'm not so sure. I don't want to **** it up.
Dude, it's really not this girl's business. Just tell her *insert fun activity/ hobby here* and keep her interested. Tread lightly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
you dont tell chicks you slept with someone else lol
I gotta disagree here. If all else, she'll prolly have even more incentive to go to the road trip with you if you tell her in a nonchalant, no big deal way. You could always say i met up with someone and not tread the issue. Too many guys on here are afraid of losing a particular girl...becuz they hold too much importance. Hell, it might bring the jealous girl in her to where she'll want you for herself ;)