Does NOT knowing about Twilight put you at a disadvantage with girls?

Dec 7, 2009
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Serious inquiry; over the past year ever since the whole Twilight craze took off, I've had a few interactions with girls go awkwardly because I don't know a thing about Twilight. I thought this thing was only popular with teen and "tween" girls, but apparently, a lot of girls into their 20s are into it.

For example, my ex from 1 year ago used to get extremely defensive when I made fun of her Twilight obsession.

A couple of months later, a girl was talking about how she thinks Robert Pattinson, one of the Twilight actors, is "so hot." I had no idea who Robert Pattinson was. Infact, I thought she had meant Pat Robertson, the televangelist on the 700 Club, and I started making fun of her for having a thing for wrinkly old dudes.

And just a couple of days ago, a girl asked me if I was "team Jacob" or "team Edward." I was like "excuse me?" and she repeated and I was like "Umm... I don't know what you're getting at." I didn't learn what she meant until I got home and googled it.

Anyone else got any Twilight mishaps with the ladies?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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No no no. Sharing stories about how cool Twilight is like buying a ticket to the Friend Zone.

These girls at my agency office were asking me about Twilight, and I said, "No, never saw it, but I'm appearing in a movie called 'Barlights'. It's basically Twilight for Men."

Girls: "Really? What's it about?"

Me: "It's a brilliant adaptation where I sit at a bar and a bunch of chicks fight over me."

Also, I have made fun of Twilight with hilarious consequences. Girls say things like "You don't know what it's really about", etc. To that I have said, "It's a girl standing around while a bunch of guys fight over her saying, 'No, don't fight over me'. Did I leave anything out?"

Their laughter was priceless.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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I think its a pretty good thing when you know nothing about it. I would have busted that chick open (C=F, of course) for asking me that. "Why the fvck would I know that? Do I look like a faggy little vampire wannabe to you, honey? I wouldnt go see that movie if you were giving me head the whole time."

Then you C+F the girl about being a necro-pedophile. One of the few things I know about Twilight is the main character is not only dead, but perpetually 17 years old. My sister(who is 33) wrote on her facebook one day how she was in love in Edward Cullen. I didnt know who he was at the time, so I refrained for letting her have it.

She will be WAY more attracted to you for playfully arguing with her about it, than if (gasp) you actually WERE up on your twilight. Actually the latter might be a ticket to the friendzone.

I think you missed an opportunity.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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Don'tWannabeAWannabe said:
Serious inquiry; over the past year ever since the whole Twilight craze took off, I've had a few interactions with girls go awkwardly because I don't know a thing about Twilight. I thought this thing was only popular with teen and "tween" girls, but apparently, a lot of girls into their 20s are into it.

For example, my ex from 1 year ago used to get extremely defensive when I made fun of her.

A couple of months later, a girl was talking about how she thinks Robert Pattinson, one of the Twilight actors, is "so hot." I had no idea who Robert Pattinson was. Infact, I thought she had meant Pat Robertson, the televangelist on the 700 Club, and I started making fun of her for having a thing for wrinkly old dudes.

And just a couple of days ago, a girl asked me if I was "team Jacob" or "team Edward." I was like "excuse me?" and she repeated and I was like "Umm... I don't know what you're getting at." I didn't learn what she meant until I got home and googled it.

Anyone else got any Twilight mishaps with the ladies?
Stay out of anything that is girlworld stuff. If you get involved even by teasing her about it you're in serious danger of starting to be seen as a girlfriend.

That's stuff that girls talk about to each other.

When a woman does that with me the first few times I'll just get a little smile and say "I'm not your girlfriend". After 3 or 4 times of that I'll just start doing a yawn or drop my head and close my eyes. Or, I'll mix it up by just looking at her with a "are you tarded" type look (think Clint Eastwood when he's amused by a woman's antics). They'll stop because you're not interested yet you're not being irritated, you're just doing what guys are SUPPOSED to do, be extremely bored with that type of talk.

Same response to "there was a guy at work all the girls think is cute"
Same response to "my friend is such a loser, she's screwing around on her guy"
Same response to "sorry i was late but i ran into some friends and one kept showing her boobs to the guys we were with"
^----- that last one is a big test, same response "I'm not your girlfriend"---------^
Dec 7, 2009
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horaholic said:
I think its a pretty good thing when you know nothing about it. I would have busted that chick open (C=F, of course) for asking me that. "Why the fvck would I know that? Do I look like a faggy little vampire wannabe to you, honey? I wouldnt go see that movie if you were giving me head the whole time."

... ... ...

I think you missed an opportunity.
When that girl asked me if I was "team Jacob or team Edward," I had no idea what she was talking about. I didn't even know it was anything Twilight related. I didn't learn about what that mean it was until I got home and googled it.

It was as if she had come up to me and said, "Hey, copper or nickel?" or "Orange or green?" It was really bizarre.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Don'tWannabeAWannabe said:
For example, my ex from 1 year ago used to get extremely defensive when I made fun of her Twilight obsession.

A couple of months later, a girl was talking about how she thinks Robert Pattinson, one of the Twilight actors, is "so hot." I had no idea who Robert Pattinson was. Infact, I thought she had meant Pat Robertson, the televangelist on the 700 Club, and I started making fun of her for having a thing for wrinkly old dudes.
Maybe mocking shouldn't be your go-to if it's not getting good results.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Not knowing anythign about Twilight DOES NOT put you at a disadvantage with women (same for harry potter, friends, degrassi, etc...).

I agree with most of the responses above, make light fun of it and just show her you're bored, and that s the end of the story with a casual fb or plate.

That being said, in a serious relationship I wouldn't go as far as TheMysteriousGuy is advocating. W/er you care about it or not, you still need to know SOMETHING about a non-ridiculous subject that your woman is really interested in. NO, Twilight would not pass the "non-ridiculous" test in my book, so that's out. But your girlfriend is also your friend, so why would you brush off a serious convo topic (in her mind) when you wouldn't do that to a friend? I've started to realize more and more that a lot of the shyt my friends talk to me about, I dont really care. But I still listen and try to help them out because that s what friends do, right?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
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And there you are ladies and gentlemen... guys talking about twilight.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Making fun of XXXX and making fun of her are two different things, BTW.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2009
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A world in which having watched or not Twilight is a decisive factor as far as relationships are concerned, would be a sad sad world...

You get respect by acting like yourself. If you like to do something do it. If you don't, just don't do it. It's that simple.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
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Sofia, Bulgaria
Why not just watch the movie? Act instead of hesitating. You've obviously already lost more than 1.5 hour thinking about it. Even if you get sick of it during the first half hour like me, you can always talk about this.

Being up to date with popular culture is a good thing. Not vital, but good.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
Just watched it from the place I stopped, the topic made me curious.
It seems that "team Jacob" or "team Edward" refers to whether you think a girl is better off with a vampire or a werewolf for a boyfriend. Serious and important dilemma in the chick world it seems...

I'll remember this next time I get a "this is too weird to work" moment while considering new seduction approaches. :)