There is this blogger in Ukraine, he is Russian and is well known in Russia and Ukraine and some other countries, he does blogs on engines, his channel is called theory of internal combustion engine, really good blogs. Now, there is this snake oil, suprotec, which supposedly revitalizes engine, improves compression, etc. Which is a total none sense. So this dude, who is everything white board with engines, he rebuilds them, started making commercials about suprotek, he got their sponsorship. Then basically, at some point he got a chick, and someone pointed out that is no chick it is a tranny with a penis. So this guy had videos online, hugging him and laying in the same bed, and lots of questions from his subscribers. Mainly, how to watch you now after you slept with tranny and did commercials about that sht suprotec.
Yea, this is the tranny:
Now, unfortunately that dude managed to remove all his videos and images from online, I still can't wrap my mind around how. But there is another video blogger which has it in his video, so I'll just copy and paste from it.
So kids, it's one thing if it's all private, and fine and dandy, but things can go south if you're doing online blogs, have a million plus subscribers, and are sleeping with a tranny.