Lol. No... I am not struggling with sexual sin at all. If I were a christian I would struggle because I would have to ask myself some tricky questions like
-if GOD made me why did he choose to make me with lustful thoughts for women and a penis and then choose to punish me for them.
-why did I have erections against my will and nocturnal emmissions.
-if GOD made woman for man why is it wrong for me to be attracted to women. He even designed her that we can only reproduce by fornication.
-in very early societies there was sex but no marriage. Surely if that hadn't happened we wouldn't be here today to worship GOD. Doesn't that mean that our society and faith could only exist because of SIN.
-If GOD is a compassionate god why does he care why would he punish someone for masturbating, thinking about women that HE made for men to find attractive.
-why did GOD encourage Lot's daughters to get him drunk and have sex with him.
-why is polygamy promoted in the bible (handmaid's tale).
Going over the second question, I can say the nocturnal emissions stuff or night stuff is involuntary and can't be a sin.
I don't think God had anything to do with Lot's daughters getting him drunk and encouraging incest. That is a historical account based on very desperate circumstances. They did that so they could propagate seed and he did this unwittingly.
Polygamy was allowed in the OT (Old Testament), but no so in the NT (New Testament). Allot of issues that were in the OT (i.e. divorce for any reason, polygamy, people such as Sampson or Judah paying for sex) simply become sins in the NT (i.e. divorce and remarriage is adultery, lusting after a woman in your mind is now a sin unto itself where you could go to hell on it, etc...) so I can't really understand why it may seem the NT is more suffocating when it comes to issues like that while the OT sounds more permissive, but yet the OT is much more restrictive in other areas (i.e. ceremonial laws, dietary laws, the Sabbath, feast days, etc....). Most of your questions are based on the NT not the OT.
The issue with the NT is two schools of thought. The first idea is that Jesus expounded on the existing OT law and tried to point out people's self-righteousness is far below the righteousness required by the law. Moses gave an incomplete revelation of the holiness of God as he "watered down" the law to permit divorces, polygamy, etc.... because He lowered his standard to accommodate people's hearts at this time. Jesus explained the original intention of the law since He created humanity, the world, and the laws that is holding everything together.
In this sense, Jesus explained that marriage was intended to be for life until death of one of the partners and it is not God's original intent that divorces would be allowed. If someone divorced and remarried, for any reason then that would be adultery. Jesus explained that the fulfillment of the ten commandments is not simply by external actions, but by thoughts of your heart, In a sense everyone would have fault in them in one way or another and would be guilty before a holy God. This lays the groundwork as to why a Savior would be needed, someone to substitute for sinful man who has no sin Himself so that sins can be borne on Him while the sinful person is justified before God and born-again inside.
While all of this may make sense from here, where it tapers off into two directions is this. Some teachers will say that if you are "saved" or changed in the inside, that even if you sin, God is no longer imputing sin on you and you are still righteous before God. This means even if you lust after a woman or masturbate, God will still see you as righteous as Jesus is because all He sees is your changed born-again spirit, which is distinct from your body and soul. You can not see your spirit. The body is your physical body, the soul is your mind, emotions and willpower. Therefore you could theoretically sin in your soul and body by lusting after a woman and masturbating, and yet remain 100% holy inside your spirit which is distinct from these two (other components being the body and soul). Only the spirit is born-again when someone comes to faith in Jesus. If the body was also saved then there would be a group of people who would be immortal and never die. The body is not saved in this experience. Since you are saved you may not have the desire to sin, at least as much, or a diminishing desire over time as you are purified over time rather than having the same desire to sin, with the same extent and intensity prior to salvation. Other teachers will say that God's high standards still apply and anything you did prior to getting saved which would be a sin, would also be a sin after you are saved and you would be liable to losing your salvation and going to hell. This second school of thought is where you'll see a bunch of youtube videos warning about Christians who believed they were saved, end up in hell because of various issues anyway, despite their former profession of faith or conversion experience, for things that, yes, include lusting after a woman or masturbating.
This may not answer the question you are seeking because it's hard to understand how God sees things. What may be perfectly normal and natural to us is what the Bible calls "the flesh", or "the carnal mind". Almost everything we filter in, and say this sounds reasonable, this feels good, I'm not hurting anyone else, what's wrong with a bit of fun, is a flesh/carnal rationalization. If you are looking at things through the flesh, then it is quite obvious that allot of things will not make sense since God is a totally different being to us and how He sees things is different than how we see things. When you are born-again then there is the "Spirit" which is a different nature inside you which is at odds with the flesh. So now with God dwelling inside your body-temple, looking at a woman with lust could make your temple "filthy" and God doesn't want "filthy vessels" in heaven. The fact that I would see things in terms that, God made women, therefore there is nothing wrong with lusting after them, would be "filth" to God. Again, that ties into the second school of thought about salvation.
The Bible talks about Christians carrying their cross and those who are Christ's have also crucified the flesh along with its desires and lusts. This would point some doubt on feeling too comfortable sinning after you are saved if you are really saved.
daddymonsterpoodle said:
And for those christians going on about the "evidence" of the bible, the khoran has witnesses, examples of miracles performed by Moses and others yet contradicts the bible in many ways, as do the
texts of buddhism, shintoism, confucianism, the book of mormon, voodoo (less texts but lots of witnesses including photographic evidence of supernatural events), and even Roman and Greek mythology.
Why (using your criteria) is your text true and these other texts untrue.
Why do you still believe the old testament is true but not as true as the new tesyament, seems like cherry picking to me or do you plan to start following the book of leviticus and stoning adulterers and burning furniture that a menstruating woman has sat on? If you aren't then that seems hypocritical.
That is a very involving discussion. The khoran has contradictions inside it and "allah" is really a moon god devised by a pedophilic prophet. Again, I don't have the time to go into that right now. The book of Mormon is not really a holy text like the Bible, any more then me writing a book and calling it "the book of Corrector" and adding it to the Bible cannon and saying its above that. Anybody can do that.
This is where guru1000 makes sense. The khoran is written by one person and may reference some OT books in the Bible under their own lens. The Bible has 44 authors over a span of time. As far as the other texts, these are philosophies or other religions. I don't see the relevance of the discussion here with these books if the discussion is on proving God's existence rather than going over details over other religious texts which would prove that other people have versions of god or a higher power and doesn't really prove or disprove if God exists.
If anything we can say because of these other religious texts, that many people around the world believe some higher power than themselves exist, whom we would refer to as God. Atheism or Agnosticism is relative small in comparison to the other religions that are out there that assume a God of some form exists and are responding to that or trying to reach that God in some way. Unfortunately, I see no testimonies on youtube about God being real or personal in these other religion, yet you'll see a tonne of testimonies about the Christian God and Jesus being real and personal to people on youtube.
The Old Testament is over when Jesus shed His blood, and presented Himself before God the Father as the High Priest. Testaments start with a blood sacrifice and death of the testate. The OT was confirmed the sprinkling of blood on the Jews on Exodus 24:8 who were delivered from Egypt. Animal blood can only cover sins temporarily and pointed to Jesus being the ultimate Lamb of God sacrifice, whose blood would permanently and effectively REMOVE sin rather than just cover them. Old Testament saints never made it to heaven without Jesus' sacrifice and were held at a place in hell called "Abraham's Bosom", which was a protected place inside of hell where the OT saints waited until Jesus freed them to go to heaven.
I've taken the time to explain some of these concepts to you since I can tell you are sincere and have a heart of a seeker and have raised some valid questions and hope these answers are helpful in your journey to truth.