I'm not against cuddling after sex. In fact, this is particularly useful as a reinforcer for a chick to continue having sex with you. But the cuddle b!tch is a different situation. This is a woman using an AFC to give her security with no expectation of reciprocating anything sexual, but the guy still clings to the hope that something might happen.
Personally I went this route in my misguided AFC youth and I can speak from experience that the hottest sex I've ever had involved no pre-cuddling when I finally stopped trying to be the big teddy bear. In fact, in every instance where sex might have resulted from an hour of cuddling the sex was mediocre at best. Trust me, if you have to plead your case for sex by cuddling or the girl is the "cuddle type" you're better off looking for women who're unquestionably ready to go.