squirrels said:
Rollo talks about how Mystery frequently goes insane trying to deal with long-term relationships. I think the REASON why he goes insane is because most men simply CANNOT HANDLE the idea that their long-term relationship is THAT vulnerable. Someone like Mystery knows...he can't un-know because it's part of him...that if he can win over a woman, then someone can win that woman over away from him. There's no such thing as a TRUE LTR.
I half agree with this, but for a different reasoning. Mystery has options, he knows he has options and he excercizes these options oftent enough to realize his value as a commodity in
this respect. Hell, the guy makes a living from exercizing his options. But as I've stated many times before, committment cancels options, and without these options the PUA loses value because he doesn't know how to operate in any other fashion than that of a PUA. Committment kills the PUA - what's left then? A return to what he's known before, an AFC mindset. If he is insecure about another guy (most likely a PUA as he used to be before committment) snatching his LTR/ONEitis girl away it's because he was unprepared to transition into an LTR as a DJ and lacks the mental attitude necessary to firmly establish him as commodity inside the LTR. Of course he's worried about his LTR girl getting pulled away; he's sacrificed his options to be with her and he knows what worked to get her.
People love to tell you how you have to change the inside first, and in a way this is true. You have to kill the inner AFC before you can responsibly use PUA skills. Fake it 'till you make has merit, and can solve a lot of problems, but an AFC needs to change his mind about himself to make a real personal change. I get a lot of criticism for my "theories", or my nuts & bolts breakdowns of the social and psychological mechanics, but I concentrate on this because it's what I feel is really lacking in the community.
People are lazy. Particularly guys, who are driven by their natural impulses, but chronically meet with disappointment with women. We'd all love to have that magic cure for our biggest failing. Dieters want a pill to make them skinny, bodybuilders want that shortcut to instant muscle mass, we'd all like a fool-proof, get rich quick book that makes us an overnight success, but the truth of the matter is that for a great many things in this life, dedication, perseverance and hard work are necessary elements for that success. In fact the process of developing oneself IS the requirement, but hand out the diploma and all the entitlements that come along with it before you ever go to school and you're completely unprepared for what's thrown at you in the real world. PUA skills should be learned with the purpose of killing that inner AFC.
potato said:
I’m not at all convinced that PUA techniques work on all women. That PUA is not a sure fire thing is evident in that the biggest complaint of PUAs is the lack of quality women and flakes. Neither of these would occur if all women succumbed to the trickery of a PUA.
You're right they don't. There will ALWAYS be a certain amount of adjustment needed for specific environments. You're simply not going to sarge a Goth chick at a some industrial rave the same way you would the slightly naughty "good girl" at Bible study. Additionally, there are just some PUA tools some guys cannot pull off successfully for whatever reason, so there's a need for playing to ones strengths and dropping things that don't work as well.
That said, I think it's a mistake to think of PUA tools as "trickery." This is an interesting dynamic really, and it comes back to feminine social conventions being the defining order; why are PUA skills "trickery" and push up bras, hair dye, breast implants, make up, high heels, etc. just women being women?
And really what are PUA techniques? They are mimicked, learned behaviors that have been modeled by men who
naturally perform them and verifiably recieve women's sexual attentions. The only trickery that results is from a guy's capacity to display these behaviors and how well this agrees with his self-image.
squirrels said:
Ducaro said something about the impermanence of all things. It's kind of like that. It's like accepting the fact that even YOU will not be around forever, and that anything you accomplish in this life will eventually be covered over by dust. Same concept...any woman you seduce will eventually forget you.
I once had my mother ask me, "why do you work out so much? you know you might get hit by a bus tomorrow or die from cancer in a year." I said, "yeah? but I'll be the best looking guy in the mortuary for that week." I was joking, but I'm more interested in the quality of my own life I'm living, and building muscle and enjoying the rewards of this adds to this quality. Everything is temporal, get used to it. Anything you think will endure indeffinitely only illustrates our desires for immortality. I think a real key to happiness in this life is accepting temporalness. Once you do, I think you'll find that you enjoy things more in the moment they happen.
reset said:
Have any of the guys here ever had a successful LTR?
This thread is unbelievably depressing.
Why is it depressing? I've been happily (successfully?) married for 11.5 years now. I know AZANON is too. I think you find it depressing because it seems hopeless or nihilistic in the terms that you've been conditioned to think would make for a "successful" LTR, and then getting to that stage. "Success" isn't a term that should be applied to LTRs/Marriages - it makes them finite. LTRs and marriages are an ongoing process. Some are horrible, misery prone relationships. Some are filled with challenge and progress. Some are stagnant, banal and boring. But all have their highs and lows - figuratively, even in the worst of relationships there would have to be something perceived as good about it in order to sustain it.