Does anyone have a sixpack?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
rollo aren't you like 6'1?

yes abs are made in kitchen.

everyone is basically right. you can't spot reduce. your body does lose it in the reverse order it is stored. the good thing about that is, by the time you get a 6 pack, you already ahve the square jaw goin for you, your dont' have a huge ass...

pepole get bent up over the 6 pack. the 6 pack is nothing more than a boiling point of what is a great body.

When is tarted losing weight, women started noticing at 180. By 170 I was getting double takesa nd by 165 I was the ****. and I didn't get a 6 pack until i was in my 150's. That was pre muscle. I got off the scale yesterday and I'm 178 and I've never been this BIG in my life. I dont' know my exact body fat, it's low, I'm a size 31 jeans and I have a 6 pack.

if you can stay disipline th e weight melts like butter. find healthy foods you like and rock on. I like honey bunches of oats. Love it actually. I love bananas, salami and baked chicken and strawberry banana smoothies. my diet revolves around that for the most part and has for 4 years now.

and the most underrated part of dieting is sleep. get 8 hours of good hard sleep a night and watch what happens, espicaly after a good day of eating right and working out.

I went to the gym Thursday night and i was waiting on my GF to get done (who works out everyday also) so I went to the scale to see what i was working with. 185 and a half pounds. i knew alot of it was water and you weight more as the day goes. I had eat right and did 2 hour sets of cardio (one in the morning, and one then), i slept for about 9 hours and i woke up, did my cardio, got back on the scale and i was 178.

alot of that was water weight, you lose the weight in your sleep. let your body work for you


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
backbreaker said:
pepole get bent up over the 6 pack. the 6 pack is nothing more than a boiling point of what is a great body.
Yeah I agree with you on this. People get so bent out of shape about the sixpack, but whats the point if you have skinny girl arms with minimal back/chest development.

Just curious, how tall are you dude?


Guys can get away with a little fat in the belly. Yeah, I'd like a six pack, but I'm not going to stop boozin' to get it...or stop eating Whataburger! Fvck a six pack; I'll go for the powerlifter look.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
snackwitch said:
Yeah I agree with you on this. People get so bent out of shape about the sixpack, but whats the point if you have skinny girl arms with minimal back/chest development.

Just curious, how tall are you dude?
5'8 and 3/4ths (damnit that 3/4ths counts)

Just got off the scale. 176. Visable six pack. Yes it's muscle. :)

TE that's the mistake people make. it's not so much WHAT you eat it's how much of it you eat.

I went to a sports bar last night and had pizza for crying out loud. but my GF and i shared a 10 inch which was about 3 slices each. if it wasn't a saturday i would have only had 1 slice.

YOu want taco bell? Damnit order 1 taco and call it a day.

Mc Donalds? Order a cheeseburger and small frie with water and not a supersize big mac with 2 apple pies.

I cheat quite regulary becuase, I am not a bodybuilder and damnit I do like food.

I would recommend the book the end of overeating to anyone.

people ahve this all or nothing approach when it comes to food. i'm either going to eat spinich and baked chicken or i'm going to go to taco bell and order 12 tacos a day and down it with ice cream and a 12 pack.

there is a very good middle ground

I don't drink so that's not a problem but if you are stick with vodka.

Nothing tastes as good as Thin feels


Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score

true that. Lol I been tryin preach that to my female friends for years. they all think it's about dieting and eating fruit and water all day and basically starving themselves

But I also tell them it's the quantity over quality. How much you need also comes into play

if your a sports player, then of course you'd need more food because you use a lot of energy. But if you don't exercise, all those lean cuisines will just go to waste.

I eat fast food on a regular basis (once a week or so), but everytime i go I get something small like a burger, a parfait (Mcdonald's is off the chain) and a cup for water (although a little pop wouldn't hurt, I feel like it's just empty calories)

I keep telling them, you can have a slice of apple pie, just don't eat the whole damn pan!


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Another thing, the best way to lose the fat is by doing cardio. I alternate between running, swimming and cycling.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
I do when I work out and cut out the junk (I like having a 90% veggie/fruit diet).

I would like to start working out again. Summers kill me for my workout schedule :cuss:

- comic_relief


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I cheat more than that to be honest. last week my GF brough home an In and Out burger and well... you just can't let that go to waste. And my kid is on an ice cream phase now and so I took him to basket robbins and I got myself a scoop of ice cream as well. then last night.

But look at what I ate. 1 burger. 1 scoop of ice cream. 3 slices of pizza.

if you eat right 80% of the time (honestly eat right) what you eat right the other 20% of the time doesn't matter.

that does not mean the other 20% you eat enough to make it 40% of your diet lol.

after that in and out burger I got on the bike for 25 miles anyway and I knew I was so it basically nulled itself out.

the best way IMHO to lose fat and keep muscle is HIIT exercise. hill sprints, etc.

I honestly think weight lifting is the best exercise to lose fat if done right. but i lift heavy and can't lift everyday. if I could I would hardly do cardio.

I swim alot too. I live a few blocks away from the beach so I go swimming at least 3 days a week.

basically it's all cals in and cals out. it's just that food that we like is v ery calorie dense. If you lift like i life you need X amount of nutriants, and there are more nutriants in a banana than a butterfinger.

Also kill anything green. 2 cans, CANS of green beans which will fill me up half a day damn near is just 120 calories.

it's really not that hard, it's just breaking old habits and starting new ones.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
let me add. I'm in a maintence phase. when I was losing weight, I wanted to lose weight so bad I didnt' cheat whatsoever.

If you push your ass for just 2 months you would be suprised at what the avg person can do.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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For me, you can see 4 of mine if I don't flex and you can see all 6 if I do flex.

My diet has been very very clean to the point that my parents get annoyed because of the things I won't eat and the mass quantities of the things I do eat. I always cook for myself at home since I will know exactly what is going into my food.

Swimming competitively for the past 5-6 years and running track has definitely helped though:rolleyes:

I never have juice/pop/candy/fast food.
It's just something that I eliminated from my diet. It was really hard giving up pop, and whenever one of my buddies gets a pop, I'll always have just one sip just to get that fizzy feeling in my mouth. It's hard, but you train your mind to get used to it after a while.

I'm 5'8" - 5'9"
and I weigh about 163 right now.
Back during the peak of swim season, when I was a buff motherfvcker, I weighed 176 and I had even less body fat than I do now.

But now here comes college. It's hard to find good stuff to eat since I can't cook for myself anymore.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I created this for a woman in AA who lives in a chem free building (no kitchen)

Breakfast : Cereal / Slim Fast Shake

Meal 2: Slim Fast Shake

Meal 3: Ham Sammich / Banana

Meal 4: Smoothie (home made, add proteien)

Meal 5: Precooked baked chicken (the little tyson foods bags for 3 dollars, actually damn good) and Green Beans (microwave them for 5 mintues, add pepper. good as on the stove)

Meal 6: popcorn

Adjust to what you need but that's my no kitchen cut diet.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
backbreaker said:
rollo aren't you like 6'1?

When is tarted losing weight, women started noticing at 180. By 170 I was getting double takesa nd by 165 I was the ****. and I didn't get a 6 pack until i was in my 150's. That was pre muscle. I got off the scale yesterday and I'm 175 and I've never been this BIG in my life. I dont' know my exact body fat, it's low, I'm a size 31 jeans and I have a 6 pack.

if you can stay disipline th e weight melts like butter. find healthy foods you like and rock on. I like honey bunches of oats. Love it actually. I love bananas, salami and baked chicken and strawberry banana smoothies. my diet revolves around that for the most part and has for 4 years now.

Hmm you got to the 150's before you started bulking? Fat loss has really slowed down for me, I am 170 right now, but it seems like lthese last few pounds are really stubborn. Actually I think I have been wavering around 170 for a couple months now (though my bodyfat % has gone done a little)

Problem for me with strength training is that I get a massive appetite and I tend to cheat a lot, especially with late night Jack in the Box or Taco Bell.

It's tough for me to discipline myself more than I am right now, and my food budget does now allow me to spend a lot of money on whole foods. I've heard of people doing diet notebooks, do you think making meal plans is better? For me, I want to make healthy eating part of my daily life but it seems like I need to consciously check myself when I feel like indulging in fatty empty calorie foods.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
I'm not sure if my genetics will allow me to have a six pack, but the upside to that is that my genetics allow me to pack on more muscle faster than the average guy.

Actually, I did have a six pack when I was 13, lol. Since them I have managed a "two pack". Hell, maybe I can get there if I hit it hard

I'm the kind of guy who doesn't respond well to cardio and calorie restriction, but as soon as I hit the weights and pack in the protein I shed bodyfat and start to pack on muscle.

I'm signing up at my old gym this week. Just ordered a rotisserie so I can grill up a ton of tasty protein. Got started a few months ago and got sidetracked. Looking forward to getting back into it. Need a few more vitamins but I have tubs of amino's ready to go in my shakes.

It's time baby!

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
I say forget a six pack because that just means your bodyfat is low. I aim for strong abdominals over anything. I remember when I first got into lifting weights and tried squat one day without a belt. I found out I was weaker without the belt holding everything in place. I got the point were I was squating 500 with the belt, but I always knew I would be weaker without it.

Fast forward years down the line after losing some of my strength and having to rebuild it while using better form since I didn't have a belt, I could squat the same amount without it. My stomach got stronger but I barely had much definition. It looks great, but I'd rather have the strength over the look.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
yea i have one but i do situps everyday
done it since year 7 i dunno got into a huge routine and then i stopped and i still have it


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
snackwitch said:
Hmm you got to the 150's before you started bulking? Fat loss has really slowed down for me, I am 170 right now, but it seems like lthese last few pounds are really stubborn. Actually I think I have been wavering around 170 for a couple months now (though my bodyfat % has gone done a little)

Problem for me with strength training is that I get a massive appetite and I tend to cheat a lot, especially with late night Jack in the Box or Taco Bell.

It's tough for me to discipline myself more than I am right now, and my food budget does now allow me to spend a lot of money on whole foods. I've heard of people doing diet notebooks, do you think making meal plans is better? For me, I want to make healthy eating part of my daily life but it seems like I need to consciously check myself when I feel like indulging in fatty empty calorie foods.


when I'm cutting I disregard the treadmill and exericse bike and just run wind sprints, usually 2 or even 3 times a day in sets of 15-20 mintues. fat doesn't have a chance in hell.


Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
backbreaker said:

when I'm cutting I disregard the treadmill and exericse bike and just run wind sprints, usually 2 or even 3 times a day in sets of 15-20 mintues. fat doesn't have a chance in hell.
how the hell do you have time for all that? lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
you make time for **** that is important to you.

I hit a point where the only thing I could see is a 6 pack. i woke up thinkng about a 6 pack and went to sleep thinking about a 6 pack.

that last 10 pound was hell. i was already in shape

I will say this... I would chose being 180ish and about 15% bodyfat but havin muscle to me than be 150lbs and have no muscles any day of the week.

the avg woman will take muscles over a 6 pack (if it's a skinny boy six pack) any dayof the week. Even when I was bulking got more IOI"s and woman messing with me than when I was 155.

A guy my hight and 185ish but a muscler 185 should not have a problem with women at all.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I think it might be half & half with women, in regard to whether they prefer having mass or being cut. Guys who look like olympic powerlifters will turn off a lot of girls, but then again, I am the skinny cut type, and might turn off just as many women due to that. I am guessing it is 50/50.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
I have a slightly visible six-pack. Don't get me wrong, I don't walk around with it, I have to flex. I'm 5'5 135-140lbs mostly muscle (always been that way).

Back when I lifted heavily I did. I got up to around 150-155 lbs and my senior year in hs had 6-7% body fat. My problem was I'm pale, not so much by choice I just really can't tan. So naturally, being pale I had to overcompensate on definition for it to be visible. It showed up just fine when I got a spray tan though.

Honestly don't miss it though. I find I look better now, my face got too sunken-in/skinny looking at the lower body fat