I guess it depends on the targets...
a lot of girls are afraid of what alcohol consumption can do to a guy. I used to not drink at all, and only in the last year or two (I'm 25) have I started having a beer now and then to try to help me gain weight. After reading a book about alcohol addictions the girl I'm seeing actually confronted me about even my incredibly minimal drinking with questions like "but why risk it?". (we're talking maybe one or two beers a week average. I've only been "intoxicated" twice in my life, and even that wasn't too heavy)
This girl isn't religious either. She usually "goes out" at least once a week. She just has seen what alcohol can do, so it scares her. I totally respect that. I'd much rather be too careful on one side than the other. Few things are less attractive to me than intoxicated females, especially if it's a regular thing. So the fact that she doesn't drink is a bonus to me.
Plus I'm a cheapskate