New Member
Maybe it's just me, but I absolutely despise hitting on chicks who go to my college - more specifically, the ones who are in my classes (as a commuter I generally don't spend much time socializing with those who aren't in my classes anyway.) Now I've been a practicing DJ for over 2.5 years, reading every article/tip/post/book you can imagine. Still working on my game, though it has improved drastically, the one experience I still loathe, and probably always will, is being rejected by girls from my classes - girls I will have to see, talk to, and possibly even work with for four or five months. As a Psych major, I've concluded that this is due to the "out of sight, out of mind" rationalization. For example, if I'm on vacation in a foreign country, at a club that I've never been to and will never visit again, and a girl whom I mack it to shoots me down, well, SO WHAT?!? There's not even a remote chance that I will ever, ever, see her again for as long as I live. A girl from class, however, is someone who I may very well sit next to and even be forced to socialize with in a class setting. Now I know many of you are going to jump at the opportunity to minimize this and claim that "rejection ain't that bad" and that I should just let it "roll off my back" like it's "no big deal," and to an extent, I certainly agree with this much. I mean, I'm not even trying to imply that rejection is the worst thing in the world, but you know what? It still sucks, and I would like to avoid it whenever possible, wouldn't you? Just imagine the kind of blow one's ego would suffer if he hit on two or three girls (throughout the semester) in the same class (all of whom happen to be friends, unbeknownst to him) - then we have a guy who's been rejected by several girls, friends no less, in the same class, all of whom would send out nasty vibes for the duration of the semester. A long shot hypothetical situation, I know, but still, it's possible. In any event, all I'm proposing is that if a woman is to turn me down, that's fine, but I'd prefer to never see her again at all if possible - especially if I were not as smooth as I could've been or if she was espcially b*tchy. I've had friendships ruined and school acquaintances destroyed because of this. So my question is as follows: is it safer to just refrain from picking up girls from your classes?