Does a Woman Know


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Re: if you don't mind

Originally posted by Miss
moody, bloated, pimply, lazy, craving and gulping down sweets.
ummm....are you really a woman?

guys, i find out i am on my period when i use the bathroom, wipe, and see red. i have no fvcking clue when it is coming.

also, alot of women do not have regular periods for a variety of reasons. i don't know anyone who is completely "regular" and "scheduled" with it.

i don't know what happened with the other post, but most chics would be pretty embarrassed to say the least, at that happening. she probaly should've freshened up, but you know what they say about the heat of the moment....:eek:


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Re: if you don't mind

Originally posted by Miss
I'd like to pose a girl's point of view considering the speculation.

A woman knows when her period is coming about a week before. If she is on, she DEFINATELY knows. If you are near a woman on her period - you will even know: moody, bloated, pimply, lazy, craving and gulping down sweets.

If she doesn't know - she's a 'tard. Seriously.

Secondly, there's no way I'd let a guy eat me while I'm on. I wouldn't blow him with blood dripping down the so why the hel....... And I'm sorry to be gross but I feel strongly about it.

Lastly, I want to get this out. My best friend is a young cardiologist. We once discussed this w/ my ex-husb. before. A woman's womb (where the period is coming from) is THE cleanest blood found in the human body. It is where YOU originated and made so the environment must be clean for such a fragile and intricate life form to flourish. However, who-the-f wants blood in their mouth except Dracula.

K, I've said enough. sorry. Carry on...
Wow, that was a good point, thanks for posting that!

But, what made me really believe she "knew" was her reaction.

I would think that somebody who just found out that they were on their period while getting 'ate out would have been more surprized and would have apoligized. Her reaction was too restrained given those circumstances. ;)
