Does a man generally need to be darker-complected to be viewed as good-looking now?

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Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
everywomanshero said:
This sounds like more EITHER a troll post of some guy who wants validation for hsi excuses "I can't pick up women because X so why bother trying your suggestions".

Dude if you are convinced this is the case and you have a light complexion, go spray tan. This thread should be closed.
It's not abot trying or not trying, it's about recognising problems that are out of his hands which happen to be very serious problems. It's people like you who sweep things under the carpet that keeps people racially discriminating even in the 21st century. Don't try and brainwash people into thinking it's about game when it's mainly about race and class.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
LostAndConfused said:
It ALL depends on location people. MM is probably right, but for his UNI, and mr_elor is probably right too, but for *his* area. Even though you are both in England you are most def. in different places, and even if you were in a huge city like London there are still sub-areas where women's tastes are different.

In America people aren't that racially biased *in general*, I've talked to white chicks who have dated darker Italians, white guys, and black guys.

But the school I go to is in a rich area, and most white girls *just in this area* don't really date outside their race. Where I'm at right now, the only black guys who get white chicks are most likely going to go to the NFL. There aren't many girls from other races here so, we're pretty much screwed.

But its all about location brothers.
Of course, I just find in general ethnic minorities in England are in denial. They claim it's not a disadvantage yet they have few white friends and no white gf, whilst a 5' 7" average white guy has the fun. The other day I was speaking to an Iraqi guy and telling him how white people discriminate based on race and class at our uni and our uni is racially segregated. He kept sticking up for them saying it's not true and they equally value all. Yet he doesn't have a single white friend and he is a vrigin who has never kissed a girl. Why then defend?


Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
LostAndConfused said:
I have to agree with MM here....

....Social proof is almost everything these days.
Agreed, you can be tall, good looking, funny, charasmatic, built etc. but if it's all based on race and class then what are you going to do exactly? At my uni whites only deal with whites, chinese only deal with chinese, indians only with indians etc. Improve as much as you like but you aren't going to penetrate groups that are based on things like this.

If you infact look at sosuave, I will bet any money that there is a big % of ethnic minorities on sosuave. I'll also bet that a lot of them are ok or better than ok looking. It's also interesting how all the dating gurus and sosauve preachers are white guys, the ethnicity that has the least trouble with m-f dynamics. Notice how there are no indian/chinese gurus yet these are the ethnicities that seem to get the most problems with women. It's all one big conspiracy really. People love sweeping discrimination under the carpet. They then tell people to fix x, y and z whilst a white guy with the same problems gets women anyway. That's why nothing gets resolved on this site, because people seem to have everything in check yet keep posting the same threads.

"I'm good looking so why won't she go out with me?"
"I've hit the gym hard for 2 years why don't I get girls?"
"I was ****y and funny and dominant but she still flaked?"




Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Let the racist remarks fly...


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Your Arab friend probably is just a virgin because he's Muslim and they don't believe in horishness.

In America, I think black guys tend to do better with women because black culture teaches men to be alpha, whereas white culture is more infected with Romanticism. Of course, I don't really think the alpha, thuggish mindset is healthy in the long run, but if you go to a club, the black guys will usually have an advantage. I don't think it has much to do with looks, tho. Black people just know how to act around hors better than white people.

As I said, though, I don't think the thuggish jerk is much more likely to have a healthy marriage than the nerdy chump.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
mr_elor said:
Wow, MM is so far off the bat here. Whether you believe the following, I don't care, it doesn't change what I know and hold to be fact. But here it is:

As I mentioned I'm (half) asian, and now and then get mistaken for italian. Nearly all my friends are white (in fact my only proper asian mates are my wings, who are great guys). I have NEVER had an asian GF, they have always been white. I have been involved with various girls over the course of my life, I put the figure around the 10-15 mark (girlfriends, ONS etc); EVERY single one was white. I'm currently fvcking a girl (FB), guess what? She's white. One of my hosuemates loves chinese girls, he's white. He used to live with a white guy who had a black GF (LTR).

The trolls on here can get to fvck. The newer impressionable guys however are the ones who i wish to have the right mindset.

Listen to the above, run it through your mental filters, think about the DJ Bible and the words of the greatest posters. Check our post histories to get the gist of where we're from.

Look at the successful guys on here and what their views are.

Make up your own minds, but think carefully about who's advice you believe, it may shape everything you do from this point on...
Great post, take heed newer members. Don't listen to the trolls on this site, they are pointless.



Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
I mean England, as it's my home country, seems sooo different then the rest of Europe it's not even funnyy....For example, as I've seen with my own eyes, Blacks and Arabs seem to have huge advantage with extremely hot women in many places in Europe as I've seen in Italy, Ukraine, and even Russia...I guess it's part of the 'hip hop' revolution and it's effect on society and considering many of the players in this domain tend to be darker skinned that this certainly has had an effect on the more hotter and trendier girls' picks in choosing their boy toys..

But i still firmly believe that these things do not matter as I have a dark skinned lebanese friend that does very well with English women. However, i certainly believe it is his confidence and game that has attracted him women not his darker skin.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
mr_elor said:
As I mentioned I'm (half) asian, and now and then get mistaken for italian.
This sentence itself seems to say everything for me. You get mistaked for italian and in this culture that's seen as a good thing, you also never seem to state what your half asian part actually is, or indeed the other part ...

mr_elor said:
Nearly all my friends are white (in fact my only proper asian mates are my wings, who are great guys). I have NEVER had an asian GF, they have always been white. I have been involved with various girls over the course of my life, I put the figure around the 10-15 mark (girlfriends, ONS etc); EVERY single one was white. I'm currently fvcking a girl (FB), guess what? She's white. One of my hosuemates loves chinese girls, he's white. He used to live with a white guy who had a black GF (LTR).
So basically you're seen as white / un-asian enough to mix with white people and you also see yourself socially as white. You prefer white women too I bet. Your white friends had a chinese and black girl; that's easy fry for white guys, chinese and blacks see it as going up a social class. I've yet to see a group of asian guys go in a club and have success with women. You seem to get by through looking italian and having white friends.

mr_elor said:
The trolls on here can get to fvck. The newer impressionable guys however are the ones who i wish to have the right mindset.

Listen to the above, run it through your mental filters, think about the DJ Bible and the words of the greatest posters. Check our post histories to get the gist of where we're from.

Look at the successful guys on here and what their views are.
If all the gurus are white and all the great posters are white and there are lots of stats showing that race and class greatly affect dating prospects then WHY should someone think it's about game, looks, body etc?

mr_elor said:
Make up your own minds, but think carefully about who's advice you believe, it may shape everything you do from this point on...
Yours is conjecture, mine is statistics. I posted earlier about the surveys I did and the results and I explained your own situation in detail. You are saying asian guys have it no different but there are way more white male - asian female couples than the reverse. There are more single indian guys at my uni proportionally than white guys. So again, why am I wrong?

Infact, why don't you care to explain the stats? Do you know any indian or chinese guys who have an attractive gf? I don't.


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Arsenal101 said:
But i still firmly believe that these things do not matter as I have a dark skinned lebanese friend that does very well with English women. However, i certainly believe it is his confidence and game that has attracted him women not his darker skin.
That is the difference. Frankly, most male Brits fall lower on the charisma scale when compared to their foreign counterparts. When I lived there by best buds were Brits but the guys who I went out sarging with were mostly from Italy and Spain.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Mad Manic said:
Infact, why don't you care to explain the stats? Do you know any indian or chinese guys who have an attractive gf? I don't.

What the hell does that mean? Because you dont know of an 'exception to the rule' there arent any? You seem to have some pretty fvckin racist tendencies. If i had to guess i think that you dont really fancy them minority folk and their inane ways of existing...


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hey, that's a pretty good observation!! But i wouldn't say it's necessarily a lack of charisma but more along the lines that male Brits really, and I mean really value their egos. And when they do find a girl they like, they stick with the chick longer then do the foreign fellas. Because of this the foreigners get labeled players and all these other horrible labels by lady brits, but then you see them running off with them. *sigh*

Yea, and those Spanish, Italian, dark haired fellas are gaining popularity...they're defenitely bringing a certain flavor to the dating scene so it seems..Funny though, when i was in Italy and the Ukraine my buddies always insisted on sarging with the local players who were surprisingly from arab and turkish descent...seemed very popular with the beautiful local ladies :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
11 don't matter what they say. don't have to be any of those races. Ur good to go dude.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I been to a club quite a few times, in Worcester mostly. There was one club that sticks out in my mind, called Atrium. Me and my Colombian/American friend and Russian me walked in - only people who were obviously non-black lol, except some fat white chicks here and there. It was all dudes, black, and my friend made a joke that "you could just feel and smell the AIDS in the air inside that club" LOL. Most of those guys just stood there staring at the dance floor.

But many times i went to a nicer club, Rehab, very diverse, has all kinds of races of people, as well as more/better girls. Im Russian, and some girls feel me, some don't... when im "in the zone", or in that sexual state, I most likely do well, and many girls with get freaky wit me.

Now heres some trends i noticed that I can tell you about, regarding other guys:

-majority of guys in the club, regardless of race look somewhat awkward/uncomfortable. Even though they may have the right appearance (well-dressed, muscular, etc)... Stand around and do nothing.

-successful are some tall, skinny white guys, who seem to know the chicks already/have some social proof

-also some shorter guys who look more tan, perhaps puertorican, mediterranean, jewish, Brazillian, Indian watever. Not big dudes, and have this doochebaggy appearance with spikey hair, piercings, etc... kind of weird looking ones. They seem to do well.

-Guys who are more "Alpha looking", jacked, masculine etc. seem to NOT have as much success.

-muscles don't matter in the club, as long as your body doesnt carry 50+ lbs of xtra fat, you're fine.

-Black people mostly stand around hoping some girl approaches them, so not that good either.


-The best "club-goer" i know is my friend, who has basically no social proof (walk into the club UNKNOWN) cuz he works alot, keeps to himself, family, and a few close friends. So no one knows him in the club except of a few random Albanians that shake his hand lol, cuz they were scared of him in high school. Now, the guy is not educated, not well spoken nor really civilized. BUT he is 6'2'' 230 lbs, chubby but wears layers so he actually LOOKS kinda buff lol. Flawless, dominant relaxed body language, focused eyes, and after he comes in the club he just chills there drinkin his beer for 10-15 mins looking at the dance floor (tip that u can follow: he looks at the girls in order to get in the mood, the sexual state...whereas most guys look like they're about to be interrogated, he looks like a lion watching a field full of zebras. Again feels out the atmosphere, gets on that "state").
Then takes off his leather coat, and goes into action with a little smile, cuz otherwise he has a menacing presence. (hint: go happy into action). Looks for eye contact, certain look, body language (aka looks for signs of “choosing” from females, and only approaches those ones that he knows at least might be choosing). Don’t bother with 3 chicks dancing with eachother – its useless. So if he perceives that the female is choosing, he will do one of the following: a) initiate kino right away, grab her arm, waist, etc b) say something simple/funny to her with a smile c) do an ass to ass grid thing lol – kinda bumping your ass on the girls ass, and works surprisingly well for him and looks hilarious. Now, he often gets rejected (duhh EVERY1 does), but every time a chick rejects HIM, I can tell by her body language that she is very polite about it, as if to say “thanks so much but I can’t”, like ive almost never seen a girl brush him off like a chump – one time that happened he SNAPPED at the girl, almost about to hit her.
When she accepts to dance, it’s a remarkable sight lol, because he just oozes testosterone and sexuality, basically has his way with her on the dance floor. A LOT of touching, sensuality, right body language, and facial expressions – like something primal. Im saying this because ive seen it work, and ive learned from observing him, that my game improved as well, its all about that sexuality in the club. Like let it ALL OUT, and be extremely dominant when with the chick, like she is your personal sex toy. Last time a girl who had a BOYFRIEND, both the girl and her bf are like 6 years older than us… dropped to her knees and started to bite his dyck. Apparently he saw this infamous player of Worcester, call him Alex – and even alex’s jaw dropped at what he was seeing.

Wow, I did not mean to write all this, but ill probably paste this as a separate thread for clubbing tips.
Important take home message: in clubs, sexuality (gunwitch explains it well) is KEY. I know this from observing AND experiencing.
Disclaimers: 1) I’m giving my friends example on this website because HE never would – the dude ummmm how should I say it – does not know how to write. 2) Don’t dress like crap to the club!, because one time we went out he put on some plain, old, greenish-blue t-shirt. I’m like bro u look like ur in ur backyard, not a club… well he got rejected about 10 times in a row, and then made out with a fat chick who refused to give him head. LOL. **** happens, no one’s perfect


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
mr_elor said:
Wow, MM is so far off the bat here. Whether you believe the following, I don't care, it doesn't change what I know and hold to be fact. But here it is:

As I mentioned I'm (half) asian, and now and then get mistaken for italian. Nearly all my friends are white (in fact my only proper asian mates are my wings, who are great guys).
You're only backing up MM's point. Italians are white. And because of all your white friends you get that social proof that helps you with white women. Can you really even be seen as a minority? My call is no. Besides, asians have features that have, for millenia, dating back to the Classical age, been attractive (such as pale skin).

oakraiderz2 said:
Let the racist remarks fly...
It's not racist, it's honest. I thought MM was racist for a while but I realized that alot of the stuff he says is the brutal truth. Maybe you live in a non-racially biased place, but I sure as hell don't. Neither me nor my other black friends have ever dated a white girl, except for one. This racial stuff has been going on *documented* since the 1800's, and I'm pretty sure its been going on before that too. I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Arsenal101 said:
But i still firmly believe that these things do not matter as I have a dark skinned lebanese friend that does very well with English women. However, i certainly believe it is his confidence and game that has attracted him women not his darker skin.
Hes probably going for women that most other guys don't have the balls to approach.

Obsidian said:
In America, I think black guys tend to do better with women because black culture teaches men to be alpha, whereas white culture is more infected with Romanticism. Of course, I don't really think the alpha, thuggish mindset is healthy in the long run, but if you go to a club, the black guys will usually have an advantage. I don't think it has much to do with looks, tho. Black people just know how to act around hors better than white people.
This is true.

Chris30, who are most of our celebrities and models? White guys. Lets see, "Sexiest Man Alive" winners....George Clooney (white), Matthew McConahay (white), Brad Pitt (white). Denzel Washington is one small exception to a great amount of actors and models who, to the average girl, are portrayed as attractive and desirable for a mate. And whos probably going to win it next, whos the guy who all the girls are going crazy for now? Zac Effron. Another white guy.

krazyboy99 said:
This is a great point. Understand you really cant change who you are, but ALSO understand that some people were dealt worse cards than others.

Its REALLY easy to disagree with Mad Manic when you are white. Remember that. He observes a truth that gets ignored.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
Well, I been to a club quite a few times, in Worcester mostly. There was one club that sticks out in my mind, called Atrium. Me and my Colombian/American friend and Russian me walked in - only people who were obviously non-black lol, except some fat white chicks here and there. It was all dudes, black, and my friend made a joke that "you could just feel and smell the AIDS in the air inside that club" LOL.

FUK YOU!! someone should ban this troll


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Actually, I do take back the joke, because AIDS is not a laughing matter what so ever, especially in the black community. I do apologize, that's not right. In fact if you knew me im not racist at all but a couple of my friends are. Russians, Albanians - you expect eastern Europeans to be racist, its extremely common. But Afro and LC thanks for pointing this out guys


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hey LostandConfused...

You really do seem lost and confused!!!

The media in America may portray Whites as the good looking ones but blacks are seen as the sexually aggressive dominant ones while white men are being portrayed as amiable and kind hearted. Who's going to ge the chicks?!

Being black in America is an advantage if everything else is equal. Now this is the caveat. Because everything else is usually not equal. Mainly, income and education. But considering the average american is just that, average, then blacks will do very well amongst below average and average income families. As you progress further up the income and education chain, blacks will fare worst. But considering only 10 percent of Americans are above average and beyond, we can say blacks, who choose to be players, dominate hot white women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
so Arsenal, what's stopping YOU from "choosing to be a player" like the black players u mentioned? You do know that as a white man in America its easier to rise up in life/society than as a black man. For a black man it takes ALOT. Besides, get your facts straight... the fact is that if you look "too dark for comfort" i.e. obviously of non-slavic decent, then it will be very dangerous for you in Russian/Ukranian cities.
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