People are broken.
Society is broken. We have created a rift from ourselves, every day recognizing less and less that man in the mirror - each passing week more isolated and distant from each other thanks to superficial modes of communication, and an outright selfish outlook on life.
Back in the day we were connected to the land and each other, by necessity. You would grow your own food, maybe do some hunting with your crew and then tell stories around the fire. You looked everyone in your social circle in the eye and knew who they were. There was no battle of the sexes because each gender did what it was best at without worrying about terms like "equality" or "chauvinism".
Even after the industrial revolution we stuck together and relied very much on family/community. But gradually that all changed. We were handed everything instead of working for it, and as a result each generation has become progressively more spoiled and ungrateful to their parents/roots. That's the ironic thing about getting what you want all the time. No matter what you get you are never happy, and end up resenting the very people who give it to you. Compounding the situation you continue to demand more to fill the void within - that empty space created by the lack of character which comes from easy living, and placing a ridiculous amount of importance on stupid bullsh*t that doesn't matter.
Ultimately, we have been divided and conquered by our own desires. We like to blame "The Man", Illuminati, Rothschilds, Bush, Obama - but we did this to ourselves. Nobody put a gun to our head and told us to hole up in our houses watching endless hours of "programming". No one forced us to forget our roots and families. Nobody twisted our arms to buy tons of sh*t we don't need. And therein lies the crux of dysfunction:
A total failure to be accountable for what you do.
When you really look at it, the most f*cked up people out there walk around with the assumption that they are victims, never seeing how they victimize themselves and others. It's a complete disconnect from reality - these folks really believe the entire universe is out to get them (or owes them some cosmic favor) and they are some sort of messiah with a cross to bear. It's f*cking insane!
This is why, for me, the number one red flag of anyone I meet is the inability to admit wrong, say I'm sorry, or just be open to a different point of view that challenges the loop of circular thinking that most folks carry around in their heads. The biggest symptom of this is people who simply do not listen. Oh sure, they hear you out of social courtesy, but there is no dialogue. They are just waiting for you to finish talking so they can pick up right where they left off with their tired monologues. There is no thirst for something new, that child-like curiosity which once made their eyes shine with energy and charisma has long been dead and buried by habit, ritual and spiritual self-denial.
A functional person is one who completes their function on this world - which is
You can only do that by embracing change instead of fearing it. Such a person not only hears what you say, they use it to enrich their lives with perspective and will bounce insights right back at you. When all is said and done, you both walk away wiser for having known each other. That's how it's supposed to work. Not "what can you do for me?", but "what can WE do for US?"
Too many brothers get so caught up in the ego trip of being a "player" that they forget he needs a team. And that begins with a good screening process. Champions don't get to where they are without being fussy about who they roll with.
It's all about how you screen.
For me it's far too tedious to look for red flags. There is simply far too much wrong with people nowadays. It's easier to eliminate duds by what I call POSITIVE SCREENING. If a woman (or anyone for that matter) displays the following traits, she is qualified and granted access to the world I have created:
> Accountable
> Intelligent (that one right there eliminates more than half)
> Thoughtful (loves to make people happy)
> Respectful (but still irreverent, I hate when people try to be too proper)
> Confident (without needing to distract with cheap, revealing clothes)
> Generous (but never a doormat)
> Funny (or at least appreciates my f*cked up humor)
> Passionate (about something besides sex and celebrities)
I like to reward this type of behavior whenever possible. Does this mean I won't f*ck the sh*t out of a girl who fails the screening? HELL NAH! I will definitely hit it. The difference is, unlike most guys who will catch feelings for the tramp, I will use her - make her fall in love with me and then break her heart. It's the only way these little girls learn, by actually losing something they want. Logic never works.
I think if enough men take this approach, women will actually change. Right now there is no incentive because frankly, these b*tches are having their cake and eating it too. Men need to wake up from the poon-induced comas and start implementing some f*cking standards!
In other words If you really hate dysfunction in your life, STOP REWARDING IT! :cuss: