Originally posted by MisterAl
The System is gold when you use it properly. Francisco is right on. It's really for qualifying chicks and keeping the good ones and weeding out the bad ones fast. You still have to find the girls.
Whether dating or in an LTR, when I fuk up it's because I got lazy and deviated from Doc's advice. On the other hand, it's working perfectly when the crazies and b!tches disappear without making me wasting another dime or minute on them.
My guess is that you would consider The System a complete waste of your money. It's not a pick-up guide or for getting quick snatch.
That was very well put. The System isn't a pick up guide, it's just a book of insights into how women behave and how to equalize the playing field while saving you a lot of heartache.
Just like you said MisterAl, my last LTR went south because I deviated from what was in the guide. I kick myself because he even says that The System isn't something that you only do once, it's a lifestyle that you need to keep active.
My biggest mistake was that even though my ex had many of the things that I was looking for in a qualified woman, a couple of key traits were not there. So I wasn't surprised when we broke up, I actually saw it coming. But all in all I have saved a ton of time and money by qualifying women by the methods taught in The System.
Alright, that's the end of my Infomercial....