So the pillow girl is quite different when not drinking. Tonight she didn't drink and while we were picking out a scary movie she got pissed off about some crack I made about not wanting to spend the night, and then she was like 'you're not getting any.' I laughed it off, but she did follow through. We made out a lot, but she did say no. She was so wet that it's hard to feel like it's that much of rejection, and I even told her that. But now that I know that she has rape fantasies, it is hard to take her seriously when she says 'no.' I keep wondering, "Am I am supposed to rape her now?" Obviously, I didn't, but I did half-jokingly grap her wrists and pin her down as we were making out - which made her moan and groan, and then show me the bruises that I left on her from a few days ago. She said it was a lot worse but had gotten better. So much for not leaving marks.
This not staying the night after fvcking was a problem when I was 19, and now it is when I am 31, and that is annoying. I don't like sleeping in other people's beds, but girls seem to hate that.
Pillow girl telling me 'no' over sex is fvcking annoying. My other ex I met from school used to hold out sex like like that like it was some gift, when she obviously liked it just as much as me. Women are fvcking annoying most of the time.