You make it sound like all skilled workers can get in. It's just not that simple.
Our country is long, overdue, for immigration reform. Not only are our policies too generous, many people in our country are undocumented. That's not OK. So not only do we need to reform our laws, we need to enforce them and have a secure Southern border.
An individual who's not a naturalized US citizen or legal permanent resident should not be eligible for welfare. Period.
Not for free college, grants, scholarships, a driver's license or ID, food stamps - if it's government-subsidized, they shouldn't have it. It's not a difficult concept to understand, really. All these people outraged at ICE, outraged at deportations, don't understand that when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Enter the US illegally, and you shouldn't be surprised when you're snatched up and extradited.
ICE is doing their job. They exist to keep our country secure.
Polarizing things and making them about male vs female, doesn't help anything. You're unnecessarily making immigration, an issue already turned through the lens of liberalism into a race issue when it isn't one, into a sex/gender one. If someone has good skills and can contribute to American society in some way, what's in their pants is of little import.