Do you think the rise of the "Friend Zone" has caused the dearth in the fertility rate?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Mar 6, 2017
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Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Well do you believe fvck buddies relationship would allow men to avoid getting married to have sex? for sure yet.

I dont see how women getting commitment and favours from men without giving them sex is any different...wheter we like it or not most relationships were basically trades.


That is a major can of worms. The feminine imperative. Period.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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The feminism indoctrination, a lack of fathers in homes, hypergamy on steroids, full blown run away theory, and no pushback.

Society cheers women off the cliff. Crater SMV, trash fertility, be a *** dumpster and cucks will reign in as fallback. Meanwhile,

More men are waking up but most are asleep at the wheel. If more men avoided SMV craters and single mom's, the market would recover. Beta thirst clings to train wrecks and *****s like Kim k are married. It's disgusting but, this is where masculinity is at. Cleaning up the trash in society.

As more women ride the carousel, play gender politics, and feminism jargon, student debts for women's studies and or basket weaving during her best years. It lowers fertility. It lowers amount of fertility time to have kids. If she is married on top form SMV early twenties, she can have lots of kids. If she rides the carousel, it lowers kids and even risks their health due to female narcississm.

Women buy the lie they can have it all. Regardless, they are unhappy.


The feminism indoctrination

More men are waking up but most are asleep at the wheel. If more men avoided SMV craters and single mom's, the market would recover. Beta thirst clings to train wrecks and *****s like Kim k are married. It's disgusting but, this is where masculinity is at. Cleaning up the trash in society.
I concur. This is the reason. Once these women divorce with kids...they’re done. They need to grow old with dogs and cats. Or just stay on the carousel until no one wants them.


Calling BS on this.

If a guy wastes years in the friend zone to the exclusion of other romantic relationships and opportunities to marry and have kids, that’s on him 100%.

If some guy can get regular awesome sex from a girl and not have to invest emotionally, financially, commit to exclusivity etc etc he’s going to ride that as long as he can understandably. Same thing with girls who have guys they purposely keep in the friend zone.

People do what you let them do. Don’t want to be in the friend zone? Then don’t be in the friend zone it’s really that simple. Move on.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I don't disagree with whats been posted so don't take this the wrong way.

But don't you think the most feminine acting women tend to marry early and have babies? So after they wind up divorced, in their 30's, and are back on the market they are now seen as somewhat what inferior because of the baggage they have accumulated(kids, exhusband).

The alternative is a woman who may or may not have ever been married, has no kids, and is more career oriented, and has most likely been thru a many miles of cahk in search of Mr. Perfect with no clue what he even is.

This is the two major groups I see. Which type of woman is the better choice? I often think about this.

Definitely a lot of clueless dudes driving up the cost of pu$$y by thinking the friend zone route will pay them dividends. And lots of girls stringing them along. Both parties are guilty.


The stupid Facebook and other social media definitely drives up the way overinflated value of women. Lol
It’s rather ridiculous. All in the hopes of getting noticed the guys like her photos. It’s rather pathetic. A heifer walking around like she’s a queen or something. Or an average girl thinking she’s the new cover model for Maxim. LMAO


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Once a guy realizes that he is in the friendzone with a girl, he should move on asap and not waste any more time with her. No question about that.

But, to be fair, there are some guys where getting friend-zoned is an ongoing problem. They keep getting friend-zoned by multiple girls.
Walking away is only management of this chronic condition; it's not a cure.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Once a guy realizes that he is in the friendzone with a girl, he should move on asap and not waste any more time with her. No question about that.

But, to be fair, there are some guys where getting friend-zoned is an ongoing problem. They keep getting friend-zoned by multiple girls.
Walking away is only management of this chronic condition; it's not a cure.
Agree on your point which shows that such condition its not a one time mistake but more of a ciclical state of things for certain gus, those guys clearly need to work on their look and status cause they clearly cant turn girls on.

After all the friendzone happens when a girl likes a guy personality but doesnt find him attractive, the opposite of the fvck buddy zone where a guy find a girl attractive enough for sex but not worth as a person.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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Agree on your point which shows that such condition its not a one time mistake but more of a ciclical state of things for certain gus, those guys clearly need to work on their look and status cause they clearly cant turn girls on.

After all the friendzone happens when a girl likes a guy personality but doesnt find him attractive, the opposite of the fvck buddy zone where a guy find a girl attractive enough for sex but not worth as a person.
true we know all that, but remember how things go, the dude have to win her over, woman don't care about looks or money or status only how you are, that is everything most moms and media will toss on guys, and since most are damn clueless (and remember we was cluesless too), they don't know better

also if that was a trent and not some random article writed by a gay guy or something, breaking down friendzone would per see have to check what did cause this and then attack that, but in the end is the same thing as always, that only become a problem, because people are seeing it will cause they goverment to ruin with lack of paytaxer to suck they life out of then


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
I don't disagree with whats been posted so don't take this the wrong way.

But don't you think the most feminine acting women tend to marry early and have babies? So after they wind up divorced, in their 30's, and are back on the market they are now seen as somewhat what inferior because of the baggage they have accumulated(kids, exhusband).

The alternative is a woman who may or may not have ever been married, has no kids, and is more career oriented, and has most likely been thru a many miles of cahk in search of Mr. Perfect with no clue what he even is.

This is the two major groups I see. Which type of woman is the better choice? I often think about this.

Definitely a lot of clueless dudes driving up the cost of pu$$y by thinking the friend zone route will pay them dividends. And lots of girls stringing them along. Both parties are guilty.
I would always go for the one without kids.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
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The friend zone only exists if you let it exist. Almost everyone will tell you on this site that the women who say LJBF usually don't care about you.

And even if she says she likes you, if she's not doing her part in what needs to happen for the two of you to be together, then chances are it's going nowhere. This is why you find several women to talk to instead of putting all your stock on one woman you just met. When you take this approach instead, what can't fester any longer? The 'friend zone!'


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Denver, Co
Calling BS on this.

If a guy wastes years in the friend zone to the exclusion of other romantic relationships and opportunities to marry and have kids, that’s on him 100%.

If some guy can get regular awesome sex from a girl and not have to invest emotionally, financially, commit to exclusivity etc etc he’s going to ride that as long as he can understandably. Same thing with girls who have guys they purposely keep in the friend zone.

People do what you let them do. Don’t want to be in the friend zone? Then don’t be in the friend zone it’s really that simple. Move on.

This right here!!! People do what YOU allow them to do.