Of all the "feminists" I've ever met, every single one of them has been in favor of DNA testing of children.
Here's an article from "Clarissa's Blog"
Paternity and a Weird Understanding of Feminism
The kind of absolutely insane ideas that people often attribute to feminists is mind-boggling. Melanie McDonagh of UK's Times Online is surprised that "feminists didn’t make more of a fuss" about DNA testing for paternity.
In her artcile "Paternity Tests Rob Women of Their Hold over Men", McDonagh suggests that "the ability to pass a child off on a man was a potent female weapon." For McDonagh, this was an undeniably good thing that was destroyed by mean, bad scientists and not protested enough by stupid feminists who failed to see how this scientific invention would end up by robbing women of their power: "The woman’s prerogative of knowing who is a child’s father was, when you think about it, the trump card of the sex. . . And then, all of a sudden, in our lifetimes all that changed. With the advent of DNA testing, that trump card became null and void. Men can require objective proof of a child’s paternity before they part with a penny for its upkeep. . . All of a sudden the balance of power between the sexes has shifted."
Of course, this whining about how much "power" (for what? manipulation? lying? milking men for money? What a weird understanding of women's power) women have lost with the advent of DNA testing tells us more about the journalist's own self-hating vision of women than about anything else. You need to have a pretty low opinion of yourself as a woman in order to bemoan the disappearance of a possibility to cheat both men and children out of the truth about paternity.
McDonagh seems to believe in all honesty that the truth about paternity makes everyone miserable: "You have to ask: is the man any happier for knowing that his children aren’t his? Are his children any happier now that their genetic father is proven to be someone other than their familiar father? DNA testing is the devil’s tool. It has certainly made this family more miserable." It doesn't occur to her that children might actually have a need to know who their real father is. It doesn't occur to her that men are people too and, as such, should have the right to know who their children are. She doesn't care that many women have been able to prove their children's paternity in court, which gave them access to child support. All McDonagh worries about is that you can't pass off your child on a millionaire or a Hollywood actor in order to get a lot of money for yourself (which is, of course, a problem confronted by every woman on a daily basis).
The most upsetting thing about this unenlightened and chauvinistic rant, though, is the picture it paints of feminists. The very fact of being surprised that feminists haven't protested the DNA testing presents us as science-hating money-hungry individuals who want to wrest the power to cheat and to lie from men at all costs. I wonder why McDonagh couldn't have written her piece without mentioning feminists at all. I guess the reason for that is her fear to recognize that her insane ideas are not supported by any reasonable person and are definitely not supported by the feminist movement.
Posted by Clarissa at 11:28 AM
Labels: feminism, paternity
It's clear to me that men who rant on the internet about "feminism" have no idea what they're talking about. Every thing that comes from their keyboards is a straw-man argument: they portray feminism as saying something it doesn't say AT ALL, and then proceed to tear it down.
The only reason I can diagnose is because these men just hate women, pure and simple (and probably themselves as well). And then they wonder why they can't get laid.