Originally posted by tactic
1.won't give you a good life
2.won't last forever
3.will influence you to bad things
4.gives you quantity rather than quality
1. right, in my old school i became popular after a week of school, although i had just moved to that city and i knew nobody... luckily, some senior approached me and we became friends, then it became easier and easier to get to know new people. anyway, even though it was cool that everybody knew who i was, i was known to be a clown (it's the only way you can become popular as a freshman... if u r funny and make the older people laugh with your jokes and your sarcasm) and nobody took me seriously and many people made fun of me.
2. exactly, now i moved to another high school in the same city, and although some people know my name (they got friends in my old school who talked to them about me), i'm not popular at all
3. right, since you want to do what other popular guys do (that is usually drinkin

4. i don't agree with this. i've joined my new school 4 months ago and i've already been approached by like 10 girls, that is more than i was approached in 4 months in my old school... i think popularity doesn't matter with chicks' quality, since the ones that approach you are usually the 5-6... either if you are popular or unknown, don't expect a 8 to approach you (well, it appears rarely in my experience, not more than 5 times in my whole high school career)
anyway, popularity is reeeeeeally good when it comes to friends, since lots of guys want to get to know you, in order to check out why you are so well-known... and you get lots of friends to hang out with...
the conclusion? don't strive to be popular, but if it happens, well, enjoy it and approach some 9s...