I think the people who will best weather this recession are those that live BELOW their means, and especially those who live WELL below their means. The people who could have their income cut in half and still maintain the same lifestyle. Seriously, I don't know how there can be so many people that live from paycheck to paycheck and still sleep at night and not have any buffer in case they lose their job or disaster strikes.
Have you ever heard of Parkinson's law? It basically says, "The demand upon a resource tends to expand to match the supply of the resource." In the real world, it may mean that if someone is making $50k a year and living paycheck to paycheck and you were to increase that person's salary to $75k a year, they will probably still end up living paycheck to paycheck because they will upgrade their lifestyle to whatever their new salary allows since we are programmed by mass media to be consumers and associate happiness and success with buying every more expensive items.
I made X amount before I quit my job a few years ago. I lived comfortably. I began freelancing. I make substantially less now but the freedom I have more than makes up for it. You know what? I live just as comfortably now as I did with a higher salary. I throw less money away on useless things like paying $20 covers to get in a club and pissing money away on $9 drinks. I'm not out shopping for new clothes every weekend like it's a hobby. I've learned to be happy with my 2001 vehicle instead of getting a brand new car.
Have you ever heard of Parkinson's law? It basically says, "The demand upon a resource tends to expand to match the supply of the resource." In the real world, it may mean that if someone is making $50k a year and living paycheck to paycheck and you were to increase that person's salary to $75k a year, they will probably still end up living paycheck to paycheck because they will upgrade their lifestyle to whatever their new salary allows since we are programmed by mass media to be consumers and associate happiness and success with buying every more expensive items.
I made X amount before I quit my job a few years ago. I lived comfortably. I began freelancing. I make substantially less now but the freedom I have more than makes up for it. You know what? I live just as comfortably now as I did with a higher salary. I throw less money away on useless things like paying $20 covers to get in a club and pissing money away on $9 drinks. I'm not out shopping for new clothes every weekend like it's a hobby. I've learned to be happy with my 2001 vehicle instead of getting a brand new car.