do you let girls know they disrespected you?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score

my girlfriend goes out to clubs and stuff with her chick friends sometimes. her friends are all single and pretty much sluts haha.

anyways, i trust my gf not to cheat (hook up) but she definitely still talks to other guys (to get free drinks, to be wingwoman, etc).

if she gives out her phone number should i (and would you) confront her about this?

would you bring it up and tell her its not cool to give out her number? but at the same time sometimes bringing these things up shows that a lack of esteem on my part too. would it be better just to leave it alone? basically.. what would you do?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
garruk said:

my girlfriend goes out to clubs and stuff with her chick friends sometimes. her friends are all single and pretty much sluts haha.

anyways, i trust my gf not to cheat (hook up) but she definitely still talks to other guys (to get free drinks, to be wingwoman, etc).

if she gives out her phone number should i (and would you) confront her about this?

would you bring it up and tell her its not cool to give out her number? but at the same time sometimes bringing these things up shows that a lack of esteem on my part too. would it be better just to leave it alone? basically.. what would you do?
Absolutely I would bring it up. NOT bringing it up is what shows a lack of esteem. Do you really think she's saying to herself "oh I love how manly my BF is. He lets me give my number out to other guys and he doesn't say a word when i do, oh How i love him".

Get real dude. By allowing her to do this you're pretty much GUARANTEED to lose respect in her eyes. Put your foot down and tell her that as long as she's with you she is not to give her number out to other guys. If she argues you on this stance than tell her to have a nice life and split


New Member
Aug 28, 2012
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How you tell her is a big thing too, don't act butt hurt about it. Just bring it up and let her know you don't care for it, that you feel it's disrespectful and unnecessary. If she argues and disagrees take further action while maintaining a care free attitude.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
if it bothers you, tell her. if it doesnt bother you, ignore. it better doesnt bother you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
If she gives out her number I would probably be done. Hell, if she's hitting them up for free drinks I would probably be done.

I don't need a woman who gives out her number or who plies guys for drinks in my life.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think you should ever complain about her behavior, but call her on the spot when it happens. It's like when you catch a cat pooping on the rug - put the fear of God in it, but if you find a poop 2 hours later, it's pretty useless to punish the cat. Instead, ignore bad behavior and reward good behavior (when the cat poops in the box, celebrate it in real time).

More importantly: you should have other women. Unless the woman is asking you for a commitment, you are free to sleep with other women and should. But don't tell her. Let her figure it out.

Best Case Scenario: You tell her there are no other women but she figures out there are.
Worst Case Scenario: You tell her there ARE other women but she figures out there are NOT.

So your default state is pursuing other hot women and she is pulling you in the other direction, but the current state is that she is pursuing other men and you are pulling her in your direction.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
garruk said:

my girlfriend goes out to clubs and stuff with her chick friends sometimes. her friends are all single and pretty much sluts haha.

anyways, i trust my gf not to cheat (hook up) but she definitely still talks to other guys (to get free drinks, to be wingwoman, etc).

if she gives out her phone number should i (and would you) confront her about this?

would you bring it up and tell her its not cool to give out her number? but at the same time sometimes bringing these things up shows that a lack of esteem on my part too. would it be better just to leave it alone? basically.. what would you do?
Just like this... you tell her to come sit down next to you and tell her in a calm voice "I like being with you but you like going out with your girlfriends all the time and talking to other guys doesnt sit good with me, so i dont want to control you or tell you what to do so i think you should go on and do your own thing that makes you feel happy" Boom! If she says "oh okay" then leaves with the "look" of her feeling sad... dont sweat it because she has probably flirted HEAVY with other guys at the bar and who knows what else. Im tellin you, you need to put a plug in this ticking time bomb or else shes going to walk all over you dude.

If she turns around like "Oh baby, no no... i wanna be with you!" you push harder and say "I wanna be with you too but... it doesnt look like your serious about us" She will go crazy.